Review: Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D & Give Me Your Best Homemade Sandwich Victory

JFG Nation, let’s talk about sandwiches for a second. Sandwiches have been on my mind recently because near where I work, there are a TON of sandwich shops (typical city options) and my co-workers and I were trying to figure out where the best sandwiches were. I love sandwiches, and look at them as a way to fit as many ingredients into my mouth at the same time.

One of the best sandwiches in DC is at a place called Fast Gourmet: The Chivito. It’s a Uruguayan sandwich which has tenderloin steak, mozzarella, black forest ham, bacon, green olives, hard boiled eggs, escabeche, lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, soft roll. It’s one of those sandwiches that you eat, and then fall immediately asleep for four hours mid-day. And we all have sandwich shops around us that made incredible combos – I’m sure if I lobbed out there: “Tell me about your favorite sandwich place and your favorite sandwich AT that place,” I’d have responses a mile long.

For me, however, I enjoy MAKING sandwiches. I grew up looking at Blondie comics and the epic sandwiches Dagwood would make:

And whenever there is a good sandwich-making scene in a movie, I can’t help but drool. For example, Spanglish:

And, of course, the Grilled Cheese scene from Chef. If you haven’t seen that grilled cheese scene, you need to visit the link (I couldn’t embed it) and watch it – it’s stomach-growl-inducing.

The JFGal makes awesome grilled cheese, and I’m pretty good at the homemade turkey club sandwiches. If I have the time, I will execute a go-to combo – toasted pumpernickel rye bread, turkey, ham, salami, bacon, spinach, tomato, red onion, pickle, spicy mustard, chipotle mayo. I could eat that every single effing day. I’ve yet to graduate to sunny side up egg, but soon. Very soon.

So what about YOU, JFG Nation? When you are at home, and have all the ingredients you want, what is your GO-TO sandwich victory, sandwich orgasm, sandwich fist-pump that you construct? Are you amazing at chicken salad? Do you go 14-slices high on a BLT? Tell me in the comments below. I need something to make my stomach rumble.

Today’s junk food: Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D!!

Doritos Bacon Cheddar JACKED 3D

Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D

Oh, Doritos JACKED. I’ve had such a love/hate relationship with you. Sometimes you cut my mouth open, sometimes your flavors are awesome, sometimes they are horrible, or sometimes, as in the case of Jalapeno Pepper Jack JACKED 3Ds, I wondered what the point was.

And now we have Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D, first spotted in Canada, and now spotted by me at a 7-11 in two different bag sizes.  Given my past experience with JACKED products, I opted for the smaller bag.

Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D: The Money Shot

Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D: The Money Shot

Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D! A 3D video in every bite….WHATEVER THAT MEANS.



Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D contain bacon fat, which is a new trend I must applaud. Why did it take so long for companies to start adding actual fat to these chips they want to taste like meat? I dunno, but I love that they are doing it now.


I opened this bag of Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D and sniffed – cheesy aroma, and a bit of smoke. Honestly, I wonder if its even possible to screw up a flavor that is called Bacon Cheddar Ranch. Then again, I’ve seen basic flavors like Hot Wing screwed up, so why would I be surprised?


I popped a bunch of these Doritos Bacon Cheddar Ranch JACKED 3D into my mouth and crunched…and I have to admit, not bad! Not bad at all. Not GREAT, mind you, but not BAD.

The crunch was familiar from my past JACKED experiences – a big mouthful of corn chip, and because of this triangular shape, these were super crunchy. I didn’t hate that. The seasoning was…inconsistent. The initial flavor was HEAVY of the cheese and spices – and, to me, distinctly cheddar over any sort of nacho flavor. These had a sharp cheese flavor. The savory cheese flavor was, to be honest, a bit overwhelming. But, given the chip construction, I thought it matched up well. For anyone WANTING bold zesty cheese flavor, these had that.

The bacon flavor was there, but mainly in the form of smokiness. I got plenty of that as I chewed, so I guess my mind could imagine bacon flavor there too. You know what, I relent – yes, these tasted bacon-y. The cheddar bacon combo was there.

But ranch? non-existent. Sure, there were som zesty spices, but I wanted the ranch to really give an additional sour kick on the back end, and I didn’t get that. The chip WAS creamy, but that I attributed more to the cheese than anything else.

The combo? As I said, not bad – pretty strong in flavor as I’ve come to expect from the JACKED line, and I did like these way better than the Jalapeno Pepper Jack version. At least this flavor DID taste somewhat like the description. Yeah, I’d probably eat these again.

Still not a super fan, but if I had to rank these on a 10 scale, I’d give them a solid 6.5.

PURCHASED AT: 7-11, Frederick, MD

COST: $1.50

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 29 Comments

  1. Jessica says:

    Lol, I am the master of making do with what I have on hand. So I seldom make the same sandwich twice. Maybe my buffalo tuna salad? I hate mayo, so I use ranch and buffalo sauce in its place.

  2. Radium says:

    I kind of have a mental block against cold sandwiches made by other people. It just seems unsanitary.

    For myself, I like cashew butter and apricot preserves on Health Nut bread!

  3. marianne gasparas says:

    a tie…..grilled peanut butter and jelly, which I am about to make now. OR,,,,grilled cheese with summer tomato slices (or pico de gallo), shakes or oregano & garlic. Whatever breads are around.

  4. Marc P says:

    My go-to at home changes often.

    It almost always contains pastrami and cave aged goat cheese as of late and thrown quickly on the foreman to panini it up. Then dip it guac.

  5. Tenko says:

    I wanted to make a Reuben, but I didn’t have the dressing. So, I tried to make a substitute out of mayo, hot sauce, sriracha, onions, and chives. I loved how it turned out, so now, it’s one of my go to savory sandwiches.

  6. Matt says:

    Whenever I make pulled pork on the smoker I always make a ton and have leftovers so I will sometimes do pork mountain: bratwurst, pulled pork, bacon, grilled onion, bbq sauce on a pretzel roll

  7. M says:

    Seriously the best sandwiches ever. The combo, the SOB, the pastrami, all delicious. Next time you are in L.A. you have to go. Just a warning, the lines are HUGE but well worth the wait.

    I worked in D.C. briefly and it blew my mind how many freaking sandwich shops you guys have there. Literally every block there is one, very strange place.

  8. marianne says:

    Our favorite go- to grill meat is skirt steak and we do a large amount weekly. Then we make all kinds of things with it for the next 3 days. We make a great sandwich out of cold thin sliced steak, mayo with garlic and blue cheese chunks smashed in, dijon, pickled red onions (so easy and fast I make those weekly too) and baby spinach. Preferably on the square ciabatta rolls from The Fresh Market. I don’t ever get tired of that combo. And pickled red onion elevate a lot of things!

    Hello to the other “Marianne” poster! Very few of us with that spelling around.

  9. ruckus says:

    It’s summertime and for me nothing can compete with the garden grown tomato sandwich. White bread, mayo, sliced garden fresh tomato (still warm from the sun), salt, and pepper. I thank God for His gift to earth (tomatos) every time!

  10. MP says:

    Hmmm. Grilled cheese with bacon or some kind of warm sandwich with roast beef & jus to reheat & dunk it in. Some examples are the old Quizno’s Steakhouse Beef Dip, Arby’s French Dip, Portillo’s Italian Beef with sweet peppers or hot giardiniera with melted mozzarella or super sharp cheddar cheese. Oh and get this – a sandwich with 75% peanut butter / 25% super sharp cheddar cheese spread. I know it’s weird but it works – it’s like Handi-Snacks. Oh and I always love me a mock Filet-o-Fish.

  11. Elisa says:

    Beetle Bailey had a comic on this last Saturday:

  12. I love ranch snacks and am completely fed up with ‘ranch’ products coming out lately with ZERO ranch flavor. I’m not looking at you, Ranch Blasted Crust Totino Pizza Rolls, I’m hucking rocks at your windows.

    I don’t think this actually answers your query, but for most of elementary school when I made my own lunch I ate mayonnaise, American cheese, and ketchup sandwiches basically every day. Every. Day. I haven’t eaten such a sandwich for *mumbley mumble* years now, but I suspect in a pinch if I threw those ingredients together I’d be fine with it.

  13. Radium says:

    Something about it just really skeeves me out. All I can think is “Joe Blow’s DNA on rye.” I know people’s grody skin cells and germs get into hot food too, but it’s not the same.

    I love charcuterie and cheese plates, though!

  14. jes says:

    These chips sound interesting . The bacon fat probably gives a much more realistic flavour of bacon than the usual “articfical smoke flavour “. As for the sandwic, I enjoy beef tounge on toasted challah or brioche bread with Dijon mustard which is delicious 😀
