MICRO-REVIEW: Deep River Limited Edition Ninja Ginger Kettle Cooked Potato Chips

Today’s junk food: Deep River Limited Edition Ninja Ginger Kettle Cooked Potato Chips!!

Deep River Limited Edition Ninja Ginger Kettle Cooked Potato Chips: The Money Shot

Deep River Limited Edition Ninja Ginger Kettle Cooked Potato Chips: The Money Shot





My friend Steven got these Deep River Limited Edition Ninja Ginger Kettle Cooked Potato Chips for me, so I literally have no background as to where they were purchased or how much they cost. However, I (1) have had Deep River Snacks before and liked them, (2) was super intrigued by the Ninja Ginger flavor profile. Ninja Ginger? Like….Chuck Norris?

These chips had a great texture, due to the kettle cook. But the flavor was what really got me – they had a strong savory sweet ginger flavor! Much like the Lay’s Wasabi Ginger chips, these had a nice Asian-like flavor to them. In fact, because there was no soy, but there was a vinegar added to these, these reminded me a LOT of the taste of ginger and vinegar-y sushi rice. Uh…by the way, that’s a GOOD thing. I realize that my readers are probably like, “it tastes like sushi rice and ginger? WTF, JFG?” No, it does! And it’s REALLY good.

Add on top of that a slight spice and a slight kick of cilantro, and these chips were REALLY tasty – they had a nice umami flavor. If you are someone who enjoy Asian flavors on chips, these are right up your alley. I’m not sure if it’d describe them as having A KICK – the flavor is still pretty subtle – but for anyone NOT used to ginger flavor, I could see that. Yum yum.

PURCHASED AT: Some sandwich shop in DC

COST: uh…..$1.00?

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 2 Comments

  1. Lawrence says:

    Chips were bursting with flavor it eben makes your tounge a little tingly..These chips will go great on a cheeseburger

  2. Lawrence says:

    Chips were bursting with flavor it even makes your tounge a little tingly..These chips will go great on a cheeseburger
