No Review Today, But a Big Congratulations to the Junk Food Gal!

Junk Food Nation, no review yesterday or today, and for that I apologize.  I’ll be back Monday with a brand new review, I promise.

The reason, however, I am semi-M.I.A. is because I have been busy busy busy with commencement activities – that is, Junk Food Gal commencement activities. Today the Junk Food Gal takes her next step on the way to becoming a full-fledged lawyer as she graduates from law school.  (I warned her not to do it, but she never listens to me.  Boo.)

Three years ago, graduation day seemed so far away. Fast forward three years, and the Junk Food Gal (predictably) kicked plenty of ass in the classroom and the courtroom, and today she gets to add J.D. to her list of credentials.  Congrats, JFGal. I have no doubt in my mind that this is just the first in a long list of legal accomplishments and victories for you. (Meanwhile, two lawyers in one couple?? This is trouble.)

So yeah, I’m gonna be busy until Monday, hence today’s abbreviated post. If any of you want to throw in some congrats for her, do so in the comments below!  Personally I think she deserves a ton of credit for putting up with me and this blog and my constant sports watching while trying to study to become a lawyer:

“Honey, can you come hold this package of cookies so I can take some pictures?”


“So…is that a ‘no’?”

As an aside, I thought I’d crowdsource some info this weekend – look at the below picture.  The top package of cookies does not say new, while the one under it does.



Question: ARE the Chocolate Reese’s Chewy Chips Ahoy! new? They seem new to me, but honestly, now when I walk down grocery aisles, everything has started to become a blur. #JunkFoodProblems.  So I turn to YOU, Junk Food Nation – are the cookies pictured above new? Tell me in the comments below.  And see you Monday!

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 17 Comments

  1. Neil W. Tyra says:

    Congratulations to JFGal. By far the biggest accomplishment is putting up with three years of JFGuy. The JD was a piece of cake, or . I remember my graduation from CUA law school. It was pretty cool even for a jaded old fat white guy.

  2. Steve B. says:

    Congrats JFGal! Surviving law school without hating (a) the law, (b) yourself, or (c) the JFG is a big accomplishment.

    And, JFG, maybe the package says new because the cookie is dark instead of light?

  3. alek says:

    Congratulations to JFGal! Interesting couple there lawyers. It is going be exciting to going through different cases sharing opinions on the cases.

  4. Rob says:

    Yay! Congrats!

  5. Justin C says:

    Congrats! I’ve seen these chips ahoy around for at least a year, maybe longer. I don’t know how long the new label still applies, that’s more of a legal issue for you and the Junk Food Gal now.

  6. Marvo says:

    Congrats, Junk Food Gal!

    Also, remind Junk Food Guy that he should always ask me if something is new:

  7. Jess Watsky says:

    Whoo hoooooo, go JFGal! You’re amazing!

  8. Marc P says:

    Congrats JFoodGal! Graduating on my birthday. ANother person out there not surprisingly that is smarter than I 🙂
