Review: New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores & How Much Does Macklemore Cost? (+ Peanut Butter & Co. Bee’s Knees Contest Winner!)

Junk Food Nation, my friend Andrew recently posted a link to this list which described how much it would cost to book your favorite female or male artist or band for an event. The amounts are startling, but I guess if you’re willing to pay it, then why not?  Justin Timberlake is in the $1 million PLUS range (I’m pretty sure Jimmy Fallon gets him for free), and so is Taylor Swift (she’s a machine).

Other names DID surprise me though.  Dave Matthews band, $1 million PLUS?  They still exist?  Same goes for No Doubt – they’re still around? God I feel old….or maybe I DON’T feel old, because THOSE BANDS are old!

Plus, the fact that some names DIDN’T command more also surprised me.  John Legend, only $150K?  But…but…I think John Legend is LEGIT.  How the hell is HE lower than, say, Nickleback?  Are you kidding me?  Bruno Mars, $200K+?  That’s it?  He commands less money than NICKLEBACK?? REALLY??

Anyways, look at the list, and tell me your thoughts and comments below.

CONTEST WINNER TIME!  Let’s get right to the winner of two jars of Peanut Butter & Co. Bee’s Knees Peanut Butter!  You guys entered using Twitter…well, a LOT. RT-ed into the hundreds.  Awesome, awesome job, yo. Using the random number generator at, I assigned every entry a number, clicked the button, and found my winner:

*** @bobcatsteph3 ***

Congratulations, @bobcatsteph3!  E-mail your contact info to and Peanut Butter & Co. will mail you your prize as soon as they can! Enjoy!

Today’s junk food: New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores!

New Keebler Peanut Butter S'mores

New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores: The Money Shot

New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores were bought the same time as the normal S’mores I reviewed a couple days ago. My first thought when I saw these was: There’s no peanut butter in S’mores!  My second thought: why ISN’T there peanut butter in S’mores??? Because that sounds delicious.

New Keebler Peanut Butter S'mores

New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores: Where’s the beef?

Of course, the problem when you look at the image on this package of New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores: Where IS the marshmallow?  All I see is a beige-looking “peanut butter”-y substance.  Hmmm.  Don’t botch this, Keebler.

New Keebler Peanut Butter S'mores

New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores: 130 cal per cookie

New Keebler Peanut Butter S'mores

New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores: SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR!

New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores have sugar listed as the #1 ingredient. Yep that sounds about right.  Also, as many of you pointed out in my S’mores post, eating this entire package of EIGHT cookies nets you 1040 calories!!!!  1040 CALORIES!  Geebus.

New Keebler Peanut Butter S'mores

New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores: Eight squares

New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores looked just like its non-peanut butter variety – coated in chocolate, each of these cookies ran about 1.5 inches on each side, and .5 inches thick.  The package smelled IMMEDIATELY of a very familiar chocolate/peanut butter combo…. honestly, the aroma REALLY reminded me of Little Debbie Nutty Bars.  Ok, smelled good. But how was the taste?

New Keebler Peanut Butter S'mores

New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores: peanut butter?

These New Keebler Peanut Butter S’mores tasted good. Like, REALLY good.  Like the regular S’mores version, they were REALLY chocolaty, and had a nice crunch when it came to the graham-flavored wafers.  The thing I was most curious about, obviously, was the cream inside.  Would it taste like peanut butter, or would it taste like marshmallow?  Amazingly, when I chewed the whole thing together, it tasted like BOTH – I definitely got that sweet distinctly marshmallow flavor, as well as a nice peanut butter and chocolate flavor.

At first, I wasn’t sure where the peanut butter flavor was coming from – the inside cream, or was it mixed with the outside chocolate?  In other words, maybe the key flavors were coming from somewhere unexpected, like how the gingerbread flavor in Gingerbread Twix came from the caramel, not the cookie. With these cookies, I tried the chocolate by itself – I didn’t get a lot of peanut notes from it.  So the peanut-y flavor HAD to have come from the cream.

Tasting the “cream” by itself, the flavor was REALLY interesting – it reminded me of marzipan, or like these Mexican De La Rosa peanut candies I love.  REALLY flavorful, but also light and, indeed, confection-like.  Covered in chocolate, I could see how it could represent both marshmallow and peanut flavors.

All in all, REALLY good cookies. I liked them even better than the regular S’mores cookies.  Awesome product, Keebler.    Now let me go put on my fat pants.


COST: $3.00 on sale

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 16 Comments

  1. alek says:

    Why there is only 8 cookies in a pack? Seems a waste of packaging again! The other Keebler variety have cookies packed inside.

  2. steve says:

    Next time you make s’mores at home, use a Peanut Butter Cup instead of plain chocolate.

    Yeah. You’re welcome.

  3. jamie says:

    Yeah, 8 cookies? That *might* last me 2 days. And Steve’s absolutely right about the peanut butter cups. They’re awesome (with banana too, if that’s your thing).

  4. Marc P says:

    There has to stop being so many S’mores products because I have the draw to try each and every one. Call a doorknob S’mores, and I will give it a go.

    Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t the regular S’mores version of this you reviewed have PB in it and this one didn’t.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Marc P: heh heh, yeah the NON-PB version had peanut butter (second to last ingredient). This one does too – much higher on the list.

  5. steve says:

    @jamie I take a banana, leave the peel on, make a slit in it, fill it with chocolate chips and mini marshmallows and grill it. Maybe if you sprinkled it with crushed graham crackers that would give it the real s’mores effect, but they are pretty tasty without.

  6. Mike N. says:

    Hmmm, the FatGuyFoodBlog guys didn’t like these cookies! Now I don’t know who to trust! #FirstWorldProblems

  7. Bobcatsteph3 says:

    Yay! Can’t wait to get my peanut butter, I love PB & Co! Thanks!

    @Marc P, I’m a sucker for s’mores too. The S’mores cereal is my current favorite kind.

    I’m definitely intrigued by these, checked my local Walmart, not sure they’ve made it to Ohio yet, but surely they’ll be here soon.

  8. MountainCat says:

    Growing up in the SF Bay Area back in the ’60s, I was taught in scouts to make s’mores using peanut butter. You spread it on one cracker to hold the chocolate in place for final assembly. After scouts, I went years before hearing anything about s’mores again, and then was flabbergasted that no one else seemed to know that peanut butter went on s’mores. Now I wonder if it was a regional trick, or just a smart scout leader trying to reduce mess around the campfire.

    As for the Keebler version, I’m not even tempted. Just the thought of all the fat and sugar in one small cookie makes me nauseous!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @MountainCat – dude. this whole Peanut butter to hold Smores in place is blowing my mind. Need to try – maybe using some great Peanut Butter & Co. peanut butter!
