Review: Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies & This Olympics = Evil Villain Movie Plot

Junk Food Nation, is it me, or is this Winter Olympics a complete disaster? I mean, we’ve all been watching news, reading Twitter feeds, and seeing posts shared on Facebook about how ridiculous the situation over there is – but doesn’t it sort of feel like an evil villain’s plot in a movie?

I mean, the list goes on and on and on regarding the crazy sh*t that is going down over there. Just google search any of these problems: toilets being assembled improperly. Showers that have exposed wires. Hotels that are not yet finished. Doorknobs coming off. No manhole covers on the street. Stary dogs everywhere.  The Russian government hire a company to kill all the stray dogs.  Construction workers sleeping in the unfinished hotel rooms that people are trying to check into. Yellow water. “Dangerous” water.  Russia blockading Chobani yogurt from reaching the US athletes.  And then Bob Costas waking up with pink eye last night???  I didn’t even BOTHER putting links to every single thing I listed, because if you put “Sochi problems” into Google, you get OVER 300 MILLION RESULTS.

Anyways, back to the original question: does it or does it NOT seem like a evil villain’s plot in a movie? Scene: shadowy figure with fingers pressed together. Voiceover: “We’ll invite all the countries here to compete in a sporting tournament…but when they arrive, we’ll house them in the worst conditions possible! Poison their water! Serve them inedible food! Stop them from getting the food their countries send to them! Prevent them from using the bathroom!  We’ll put holes everywhere for them to fall into!  Construct extremely dangerous courses for them to injure themselves on! AND WE’LL GET EVERYONE ELSE TO PAY FOR IT!”

Wait, I’ve seen this movie before:

Well…sort of.  Anyways, the Opening Ceremonies kicks off in just under ten hours….these next three weeks are gonna be INTERESTING.  I’m actually going to be at an event that will cause me to miss the first half of them, so if there’s anything interesting that happens, tweet me @Junkfoodguy and I’ll RT it out.  Happy weekend everyone!

Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies!

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies: The Money Shot

You love Milanos, I love Milanos, we all love Milanos.  I’ve reviewed plenty of Milanos here, and these Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies are another one to add to the pile.

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies: Zesty!

These Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies intrigued me because, well – I can’t really think of a time where I eat lemon plus chocolate.  I mean, can YOU think of anytime you eat lemon plus chocolate?

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies: YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED!

Sure maybe there have been times where there’s a lemon petit four that is covered in chocolate…or some random Russell Stover chocolate that has lemon creme inside.  But those are rare occasions.  Here?  Hmmm….

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies: 65 cal per cookie

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies: Semi Sweet Chocolate

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies contain semi sweet chocolate, which is good, I guess – since I’m already imagining what this tastes like, the thought of milk chocolate and lemon doesn’t bode well in my mind.

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies: Lemon-y!

When I opened up this package of Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies, ALL I COULD SMELL WAS LEMON – but in a good way!  It didn’t actually smell like citrus lemon.  Instead, the aroma I got was of that lemon jelly-like goo that you find inside lemon jelly doughnuts, or even better, those Hostess Fruit Pies with the neon yellow goo inside!  Starting to get excited…

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies: Layered

This is a closer look at these Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies.  Bite time!

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies

Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies: Cross section

WHOA. Look, we all love Milanos, but these Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Lemon Chocolate Milano Cookies are particularly good.  Even the Junk Food Gal, upon eating one, crooked her eyebrow and said, “Pepperidge Farm is onto something here.”

The Milano cookie taste like you know it to be, light and buttery and unglazed.  But as soon as you bite into it, you get that fresh lemon-y taste – the flavor reminds me more of that jelly-like goo you find in Fruit Pies or donuts than any natural zest or citrus…but I think that lemon jelly-like flavor fits the buttery cookie better.  In a lot of ways, it’s a flavor we all know – the pastry plus the lemon goo.  Yummy.

On top of that, as I chewed the lemon-butter cookie, the taste of the semi-sweet chocolate sneaks up underneath to perfectly complement the lemon taste.  Honestly – It was like the lemon-y tang and the slight bitterness of the chocolate were designed to hit the same tastebud region on my tongue such that the flavors transitioned back and forth without friction.  I would’ve thought the pairing would’ve been weird, but it WORKED.

A REALLY good addition to the Milano line; IMO I don’t know why this didn’t come sooner.

PURCHASED AT: Giant Food Grocery

COST: Regular Price, $3.69 – NO SALE.  BOO GIANT! BOOOOOO

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 13 Comments

  1. MP says:

    Pepperidge Farm remembers 😛 Lemon + chocolate sounds weird. The only chocolate + fruit combo I ever liked was with cherries.
    I don’t pay any attention to the Olympics (summer or winter) & I deleted NBC from my TV box. IOC just keeps looking for host cities to sucker & pour billions so they can have their little party. And why are professional athletes (like the NHL) allowed to participate in the Olympics? I thought it was for amateurs only? If the Olympics taught me anything: always try. Even for 2nd, 3rd or 4th place because the person who won the medal may have it stripped for a positive steroids test!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @MP: Whoa, how did you delete NBC from your box??? I agree that the IOC process seems BS – ripe for corruption. In terms of professional athletes, I’m not sure – you’re right, hockey was a mix of KHL and NHL and other professional athletes. I guess they figure since “professionals” in other countries run from ages 17-40, then might as well include the gamut?

    • MP says:

      @ JFG: Just on the channel list edit page. I watch way more on CBS & ABC and NBC is in between those so I thought I’d save some battery life 😛
      NHL may omit Olympic participation in the next CBA, but I doubt it.

  2. Amy says:

    As the orange Milano cookies are my favorite, I am excited about trying these now. Thanks for the review!

  3. eilonwy says:

    Lemon plus chocolate is divine. Some ice cream manufacturer used to sell lemon ice cream with chocolate chips in it, and this was my favorite flavor. I may need to track down these Milanos.

  4. mel22 says:

    These cookies are awesome. Lemon and chocolate is one of my all time food combos. The dryers orange chocolate ice cream is delicious too. Kinda reminds me of these cookies ????

  5. John says:

    These cookies are FUCKING amazing. I sent them a thank you note on their website.

  6. Jackie says:

    Are they coming back???
