Become a Turkey Hill Fan-Bassador, Where Does the AFC Go From Here, Signing Day Names

Junk Food Nation, no review today, but I did want to mention a couple of sports nuggets and also mention an AWESOME contest that each and every one of you should enter (AND I KNOW YOU LOVE CONTESTS, people. Don’t pretend like you don’t.)

1. I know the NFL is done and in the rear view mirror, but I have been discussing with friends next year’s possibilities already. And the main question is: WHO will represent the AFC in the Super Bowl next year, if not the Broncos?  And it’s a legitimate question…think about who was in the postseason this year.  I certainly don’t think the Patriots are “on the rise.” KC and SD each have their flaws, and I don’t see any of those teams getting dramatically better.  Cincy is so talented…except at the QB slot.  And of the teams on the outside of the playoffs looking in, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, the Jets and Miami would have to have crazy things happen to make me think they were the BEST team in the AFC.

The only team I could see challenging Denver – INDY.  If Indy’s defense can take another step forward and if the Colts can somehow create a rushing attack (Trent Richardson, you bum), then maybe Indy can be a contender.  But honestly – the high octane defenses and variable offenses are in the NFC right now (Seattle, SF, Carolina). Andrew Luck – you have a big job ahead of you.

2. Yesterday was National Signing Day!  Which is, IMO, a ridiculous day – it’s the day when high school students declare which college they are going to play football for.  Which is cool, and I understand it’s a big day for these kids, but c’mon, the press coverage regarding this event is absurd. If I’m not going to watch the Pro Bowl, I’m certainly not gonna watch some kid on a high school stage put on a hat. Wake me when he gets drafted in the NFL – THEN I’ll be excited.

Still, National Signing Day DID have some highlights, and that’s the names of some of these kids!  Some highlights: Lion King and Ice Berghammer, for sure.  There’s even more names at the bottom of this link that are noteworthy.  Which reminds me of the greatest Key & Peele sketch of all time:

L’Carpetron Dookmarriot is my favorite.

3. AND FINALLY, the contest.  You guys know how much I love Turkey Hill. I review this company’s ice cream with good frequency, and have taken a tour of its factory.  Yummy yummy.

Well, Turkey Hill has a contest for YOU to become one of their brand reps!  That’s right, they are searching for the Top 20 Turkey Hill fans nationwide to become FAN-BASSADORS!


Fanbassadors IN THE HOUSE!

The details from their press release:

“Turkey Hill Fan-bassadors will be engaged to spread the word about Turkey Hill All Natural Ice Cream from March-August 2014. During the six-month period, Turkey Hill Dairy Fan-bassadors will be provided the tools to fulfill three, fun activities in their local communities:

  • Hold an ice cream social for friends, family and neighbors
  • Host an ice cream taste test to find the best All Natural flavor
  • Attend community events to offer giveaways to community members

Fan-bassadors will need to demonstrate how well they performed each activity through social media and personal interaction. Every two months, Turkey Hill will choose the top three Fan-bassadors who were most successful in completing each activity. The winning Fan-bassador will receive a $450 gift card; the second-place Fan-bassador will be given a $200 gift card; and the third-place Fan-bassador will be provided with a $100 gift card. At the end of the six-month period, Turkey Hill will choose the best Fan-bassador to win a $1,000 gift card and a year’s supply of Turkey Hill Ice Cream.

Turkey Hill is now accepting online applications through February 10, 2014. For more information or to apply to join Turkey Hill’s Ambassador Team, visit”



So, if YOU want to enter, go to this link and answer five questions – CONTEST ENDS ON MONDAY FEBRUARY 10!!  I haven’t decided whether I’m throwing my own hat into the ring for the DC/Metro area, but if you love ice cream, YOU SHOULD ENTER.  Just think – potentially free ice cream for a year???  Dude.  Go enter. NOW.

I’ll see you tomorrow with a fresh review, Junk Food Nation!

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 10 Comments

  1. alek says:

    I sent the application for the TH team. Hope they select me.

  2. Nick Rovo says:

    Already applied awhile back. Eric, get on that and we could organize a blogger ice cream social!

  3. alek says:

    I will be visiting D.C again for 4 days on Feb 22nd-25th. See if we can meet and talk about blogging experience.

    The reason why I’m visiting there again I’m going see some of my friends there.

    Last time when I went to D.C it was with my community college trip bus broke down waited nearly an hour for a replacement bus.

  4. Mike N. says:

    Odd thing about Turkey Hill is that they aren’t in any of the major supermarkets around here, or Target, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, CVS, etc. They’re in the smaller “mom and pop” type markets though. I wonder if this is a concious decision on their part, to seem more ‘homey’ or if they just haven’t broken into the major market (I know it’s tough to get shelf space in a major retailer).
