Review (x2): Lays Beer n’ Brats Potato Chips, Southwestern Queso Potato Chips & BK POPEYE’S MERGER!!!

JFG Nation, yesterday horrible-lettuce-user Burger King bought fried chicken giant Popeye’s for $1.8 billion dollars, making it one of the largest mergers I can remember. If you’ve listened to the Nosh Show, you know that we aren’t huge fans of BK, although I do have a childhood nostalgia for their basic Chicken Sandwich.

What I’m hoping for with this merger: please develop a legitimate rival combo fast food installation to contend with the almighty Kentacohuts (KFC-Taco Bell-Pizza Hut). You know what I’m talking about – those mammoth fast food buildings that combine all the Yum brands. Kentacohut is trademarked by my friend Lucy, BTW. In some areas, a Long John Silvers is in the mix too: KentacoHut Silvers. It’s genius.

With this merger, I want to see POPEYE KING! I want Whopper patties on those delicious New Orleans biscuits. I want some of that amazing Bayou Buffalo sauce on my BK Chicken Sandwich. I need some of that Wicked Chicken strip action IN MY CROSSAINWICH. DO IT BK DO IT.

Are you excited like me? What BK and Popeye’s combos would YOU like to see? Let me know in the comments below – I’m curious what you think.

Today’s junk food: Lays Beer n’ Brats Potato Chips, Southwestern Queso Potato Chips!!

Despite advertising the annual “Do Us A Flavor” contest that Frito Lay has, these two flavors are NOT DUAF flavors. Still, they’re new, they are both the classic thin Lays variety, so I’m game. Let’s chomp.

DO THESE TASTE GOOD? Beer n’ Brats: YES. Southwestern Queso: Even more YES.

WHY OR WHY NOT? Diving into the Beer n’ Brats bag, I smelled no beer; instead I got a general meaty savoriness aroma. Eating a couple chips, I definitely got a slight hoppy flavor right at the very beginning that was quickly overtaken by a meaty and slightly mustardy taste. Tiny sauerkraut aftertaste. Overall flavor was slightly creamy. Weird. Did it taste like Beer n’ Brats? Sort of if I really concentrated on it. Did it taste good? The flavor was definitely tasty – generally a light creamy meat flavor with mustard notes.

The Southwestern Queso bag smelled like black beans and taco seasoning. The chips are a little heavier than the B n B ones – very bold in flavor and seasoning. The chips tasted cheesy, with the sharp cheddar and bell pepper flavor really coming through. Although not listed, the flavor had a definite bean-y taste to them that those familiar with Southwestern flavors will recognize. Overall a very easy chip to eat – cheesy and seasoned, these were damn tasty.

ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW? The employee at Walgreens told me he was scared to try the Beer chips because it might affect his sobriety. I chuckled and said “I don’t think there’s any actual beer in this chips” ….until I look at the bag and there WAS. Huh.

PURCHASED AT: Walgreens, Cleveland Park, DC


COST? $1.69 each



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Discuss - 11 Comments

  1. Sarah says:

    Isn’t tim hortons in on the deal? Everything at T-Ho’s ( as buffalonians call it) is so good!

  2. Kahnye Best says:

    There is nothing at Popeyes that can be improved, so a Popeyes King would conceivably be a Popeyes with King Cake available during Mardi Gras.

    Although perhaps the idea of combining Popeyes sides with BK menu items is not so bad. I’d order a Whopper with Popeyes mashed potatoes on it.

  3. Marc P says:

    150 x 3 = 420…. hmmmmm

  4. Lori says:

    I loved the Beer and Brat chips. I bought them as a joke for my husband (we are Wisconsin beer and brat fans since we were born and raised in Milwaukee, and now live in Florida). Was really surprised to taste them, didn’t taste beer or brats, but rather a pleasant mild onion and garlic chip taste. Would buy them every week if they had them available. So far I have found the small individual bag at Walgreens, and the larger bag at Publix, but not both of the Publix’s I go to had hem.

  5. EP says:

    I can understand the concern for sobriety with the beer and brats chips. It’s not about it having alcohol in it, clearly Lays isn’t gonna sell alcoholic chips. It’s about the taste. Let’s say they *actually* tasted like beer, it could get someone craving a beer to wash it down. Slippery slope.
    Sounds silly, I know, but so is alcoholism. I LOVE trying new chip flavors, but I’ve also been sober 2.5 years… I’m super torn on if I want to try that flavor or not.

  6. Jack says:

    Beer and brats is best chips I’ve ever eaten. Can’t find them anywhere.

  7. Edie murphy says:

    I would like for you to put the beer brats Walmart on Tara Boulevard Lovejoy Georgia I found them once and now there’s never and stock

  8. Renee Whittington says:

    Where can I buy the chips BEER AND BRATS ?
    OMG, They are delicious. I bought em at Walgreens and they stopped selling em.

  9. Krystle Johnson says:

    I need them South West Queso… Where can I find them?
