MICRO-REVIEW: Doritos Taco Explosion Mix

JFG Nation! I’ve been adventuring in South Carolina the past few days, so if you want to see what I’ve been doing/eating, follow me on Instagram! Today is Cinco De Mayo, so I figured I’d eat SOMETHING on theme…sort of:

Today’s junk food: Doritos Taco Explosion Mix!!

Doritos Taco Explosion Mix : The Money Shot

Doritos Taco Explosion Mix : The Money Shot

Doritos Taco Explosion Mix is the second “Mix” from Doritos I had (the first being the Cheese Explosion). “Taco Explosion” is something I hope never happens in my pants. Let’s do some pics and get to the review.






Doritos Taco Explosion Mix, like the Cheese Explosion, is FINE, but it’s not something that has broken new ground on the junk food landscape for me. The “Spicy Nacho” regular shaped Doritos tasted like Taco Doritos to me (cumin, cayenne seasoning). The Taco rolled-up Doritos tasted ONLY like cumin. The Salsa triangles were heavy on the pepper powder, almost like Flamin’ Hot Fritos. And the Sour Cream twists, if you licked them, DID smack of some creaminess, but otherwise tasted more like a regular cheese Dorito than anything else.


Overall, nothing wrong with it – after I ate a handful altogether, it did taste like Taco more than anything else. But nothing special enough to make me want to rebuy these. Meh.

PURCHASED AT: Wegmans, Germantown, MD

COST: $2.50 on sale

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.



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Discuss - 2 Comments

  1. Merissa says:

    I’m sure glad I’m not the only one getting a juvenile snicker out of “taco explosion”…

  2. Sam says:

    JFG, you really need to try PopCorners. You really do. You can find them at a HyVee or order them online, they even have a website: http://www.popcorners.com/

    And before you ask, no, I am not paid to do this. I want to see your reaction to them. 🙂
