Review (x2): New Salty Caramel JIF Whips, Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy, & Adult Coloring Books??

Junk Food Nation, three words: Adult Coloring Books. ADULT COLORING BOOKS. Now, I’m not about to go XXX on you here – I’m not talking about porn coloring books. I’m talking about an article I saw recently where five of the top ten best selling books on are COLORING BOOKS for ADULTS. TO COLOR IN. WHAT. THE. EFF.

According to this CNN article, Though they can be used by kids, these and other new coloring book titles are being marketed to stressed-out, work-addled adults, who want to benefit from the quiet zen that a coloring session can bring.”

So that’s what these actually are!  Coloring books for adults who are so stressed out with their lives that the only thing that can bring serenity now is putting colored pencil and marker to paper and filling in spaces.  This is the number 1 seller, here: A Secret Garden.  Note: ELEVEN BUCKS. Plus, temporarily out of stock??? Dude.

Now, here’s the thing. I USED TO LOVE TO COLOR! Who didn’t?? When you were a kid, coloring was the BEST. I’d nerd out whenever I got a new set of markers, I’d giggle sharpening my colored pencils, and whenever a blank box was filled to the edges – BLISS. So, I get it, stressed adults. While it seems a little absurd to me that these books are among the BEST SELLING ON AMAZON.COM, I get the utility (sort of). But here’s my take: these would not work for me. I’m so OCD sometimes, I couldn’t let a page go without coloring EVERYTHING. And if half the reason I’m stressed is because I don’t have ENOUGH time, then letting a flower petal stay empty while the other ones are already pink WILL DRIVE ME TO DRINK.

Not to mention the whole “staying within the lines” thing. Yeah, I’m one of those. Some people are like, “Oh whatever, color outside the lines.” These are the same people who think that “building their own back porch” will be a “great idea.” And then what do you have? A bunch of poorly laid bricks and a safety hazard for your children. NO THANK YOU.

What do YOU think, Junk Food Nation? Adult coloring books – thumbs up, thumbs down? Let me know in the comments below.

Today’s junk food: New Salty Caramel JIF Whips & New Salted Caramel Skippy!!

New Salty Caramel JIF Whips, New Salted Caramel Skippy

New Salty Caramel JIF Whips, Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy

So, with the prior trends of adding chocolate to peanut butter now having totally run its course (IMO), we’re onto the next – adding CARAMEL to peanut butter! Personally, I think this makes a lot of sense. Caramel has a salty component which matches with peanut butter, and the toffee/butterscotch-like flavor of caramel can only enhance the sweetness of peanut butter, right? I mean, this combo certainly makes more sense to me than MINT with peanut butter (I’M LOOKING AT YOU, JIF WHIPS. GROSS.)

Anyways, there are two varieties currently out that I’ve seen: New Salty Caramel JIF Whips and Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy. Let’s do some photos and see how they compare.

FIRST: New Salty Caramel JIF Whips!

New Salty Caramel JIF Whips

New Salty Caramel JIF Whips

I’ve reviewed Jif Whips before, and I’m generally ok with them. I have high hopes for this. Let’s see:

New Salty Caramel JIF Whips

New Salty Caramel JIF Whips

New Salty Caramel JIF Whips

When I opened the New Salty Caramel JIF Whips, I could smell the faint smell of toffee.  Like other Jif whips I’ve reviewed, the peanut aroma was light – there was an airiness to the smell that was unlike normal peanut butter. Texture-wise, it was the same as other Jif Whips – light, whipped, VERY spreadable. It is sort of unnerving how this looks and feels, but it’s basically the same concept as whipped cream cheese, so I’m not really complaining.

New Salty Caramel JIF Whips

I took a big fingerful (or several fingerfuls) of this New Salty Caramel JIF Whips into my mouth, and….not bad. The flavor was good – solid whipped peanut butter flavor, plenty of light air in it. The taste wasn’t really salty, per se – normal peanut butter without any flavoring is more salty – but you could definitely tell that this was a different flavor than normal peanut butter. It was richer – there was definitely a toffee flavor that was pervasive. Definitely toffee, more than caramel – there was really just an additional slight sweet toffee flavor covering everything.  The balance was decent…I would’ve like the caramel flavor punched up, but I could see where Jif was going with this. Not bad.

NEXT UP: Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy!!

Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy

Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy

Skippy, huh? Honestly, I don’t think I’ve had Skippy in ….heck, I can’t remember.  Like, a very very long time. Like…decades. Honestly. When has Skippy put out a new product? And what took them so long? Don’t let me down, Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy.

Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy

Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy

Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy

When I opened up this Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy, the aroma of the salted caramel was definitely stronger than in the Jif Whips. I could immediately smell a toffee-like/caramel aroma as soon as I peeled back the seal. Smelled good!

Taking (again), some fingerfuls into my mouth, the flavor of the caramel here was definitely more potent than in the Jif version.  The peanut butter, overall, was more salty – not sure if I am to attribute this to the flavor or to the fact that it wasn’t whipped peanut butter, but whatever the case – more salty. Which I liked.

The underlying peanut butter itself tasted more sweetened by caramel flavor than the Jif Whips. The peanut butter was super smooth, so it was really easy to taste where the peanut butter flavor ended and the caramel flavor began. If the Jif Whips peanut butter to caramel flavor was 60:40, this one was definitely more 40:60. Skippy wanted to make sure that I got the caramel flavor, which I did.  Again – there was no mistaking this was peanut butter (it didn’t completely mask the flavor), but the added flavor of salted caramel was more prevalent with the Skippy.

Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy

In the end, which did I like better? I guess the Limited Edition Salted Caramel Skippy, only because of the stronger caramel/toffee flavor. Since, in my every day life, I tend to eat a grittier organic peanut butter (OH LOOK AT ME), these both FELT very processed to me. But, not a bad addition to either line. I fully endorse more salted caramel things. Do it, world.

JIF WHIPS PURCHASED AT: Target, Germantown, MD

COST: $2.99

PURCHASED AT: Walmart, Germantown, MD

COST: $2.47 

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 22 Comments

  1. Jessica says:

    A few years ago, I went out to lunch at, of all places Hooter’s, with a couple of my coworkers and an intern. As if it’s not funny enough that I was the only female in the bunch, the intern got ahold of a kids menu. He spent almost the entire time coloring it, even after one of the other’s said it was “cute” that “our intern is coloring.” Sorry but you just reminded me of that.

    As far as flavors that don’t seem to go well with peanut butter, I never thought a peanut butter latte would taste good until I tried it. And I LOVE PB and potato chip sandwiches when I get home from work about midnight. A lot of people find that weird.

  2. Anne Sutton says:

    Peanut butter and chocolate could never get old in my opinion. It’s a classic partnership. But I like this new direction as well. I think adult coloring books are kind of in line with scrapbooking, etc. I agree with you that it would add more stress to my already stressful life because I would probably become hooked. Then I’d need intervention to detox from coloring.

  3. Elisa says:

    I loved coloring books when I was a kid! I had a great Crayola crayon carrier with 72 different colors and got plenty of mileage from it.

    At Macaroni Grill, they use paper sheets as tablecloths, and the waiter writes his or her name in crayon on it. It’s fun doodling while you wait for your order.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Elisa: Yeah I had the 72 color set too. With the sharpener built into the box!

      I think I’m secretly worried I’ll like these TOO MUCH

  4. Johnny says:

    Skippy has PB with honey and one with dark chocolate too. Never buy it though. I always revert to original PB with the exception being PB & CO the heat is on

    I never really liked coloring stuff as a kid. I relieve stress with physical activity. Can’t focus on one thing for too long like that

  5. Eilish says:

    I feel like the jif whips has an almost butterscotch taste to it- but any peanut butter is good peanut butter, imho.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Eilish: Yeah I’ve eaten both more in the past couple days – both are very enjoyable. And I’m with you – all PB is good

  6. Sophia says:

    I will admit, I have about 6 of the adult coloring books, some really intricate and details, others more simplistic. I like to use them before I go to bed, something mindless before I go to sleep.

    As for the peanut butter with caramel, I would have to go with Skippy, the Jif Whips just look, well, wrong. Smear some of the Skippy on a piece of dark chocolate, and I may be in heaven.

  7. Michelle says:

    The “adult” coloring books aren’t anything new, just something recycled. These used to be really popular 15-20 years ago, too. The books were only about 30 pages or so, and the pictures were on heavy stock, since they were meant to be colored with art markers instead of crayons. The themes were usually fantasy/mythological, and were geared to older kids/teens or adults. It’s interesting that they are back now.

    As for the PB with caramel, I’d probably go with Skippy, even though I prefer regular Jif PB to Skippy. I don’t care for the “whipped” texture. I’m curious as to how different the caramel flavor is to the honey nut flavor that’s been around for awhile.

  8. ruckus says:

    lately I’ve been eating a PB&J in the morning – but I’ve discovered adding peanuts and a shot of sriracha really add’s something nice to my sammy. It reminds my palate of Thai food, and makes me happy in the morning.

    As far as peanut butter goes, I suppose my palate is dull – usually it’s the creamy version of the store brand. If somebody held me down and demanded my favorite flavor it would be Peter Pan.

  9. Sylvia says:

    There’s more sodium in regular whips than these!?!

  10. Jeni says:

    I love coloring. I actually prefer crayons over markers or colored pencils in kids’ coloring books. But for the “adult” version, with finer lines and more detail, colored pencils would be great. It’s relaxing to me.

    Not being OCD, I would totally leave the page unfinished and go back to it later. Take that, JFG! Bwahaha!

  11. Kaitlyn says:

    first off, i love coloring. i’ve been coloring for a few years of my adult life now! it relaxes me.

    secondly, i love the salty caramel jif whips, but i really want to try the skippy.. if only i had it in my area! ugh.. maybe some day. i actually had to get the jif whips version from my sister who lives in columbus because my city sucks so much, haha.

    btw – have you tried any of the maranatha almond butters? they’re delicious and they have this caramel almond “spread” that is SO addicting. i’d definitely suggest trying it if you ever see it!
