Review: Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix & Holy Hell, Solid Gold Doritos???

Junk Food Nation, yesterday was a trial day for me; hence why I was not very active on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook.  Always takes a while for me to catch up.  But you guys were awesome with the RTs!  So let’s get back into the winners…


Like I said yesterday, today I’d be announcing three winners from my previosu two days of Twitter contests.  Monday’s contest had 53 RTs and Tuesday’s contest had 42 RTs.  You guys LOVE to RT, and I love you back for it. Thanks to all who entered. And today’s winners are: @DolphRudager, @GenNonsense, @anbshilling. Congrats, you three! Email me your contact info to and I’ll get the free coupon in the mail to you!


Back to COMMENT CONTEST TIME.  Leave a comment below on this blog post, and I’ll select a random winner from the lot.  No Facebook or Twitter this time, and no strings attached – just a good old fashioned comment drawing.  VERY easy.

You could comment on this contest, comment on the product reviewed below, or comment on any of the topic discussed in today’s post.  Easy weezy. Do it.  And today’s topic…


So, as you guys know, I previously reviewed the Doritos JACKED Mystery Flavors recently: the 855, the 2653, and the 404.  I thought it was just a fun flavor promotion (which it is), but then my friend Jeff tipped me to the fact that there was ANOTHER contest going on all along!  Apparently, as part of this promotion, Doritos is giving out more than 3,000 gold-plated Doritos chips.  The way it works: “Tickets for the chips can be found in bags of Doritos Jacked Bold Mystery Flavor chips. If you score a winning ticket in your Doritos Jacked Bold Mystery bag, you call in and Doritos will mail you your gold chip. The chips aren’t edible, but they are worth about $31.”

Hey, I’ll take $31.  And then THOSE 3000 people have a chance to win a 2.5-oz. 24-karat solid gold Doritos chip replica worth ~$3000 (although some other news outlets are saying the gold chip would only be worth around $1250.) Still….WHAT. This is some Willy Wonka sh*t:

One of the greatest scenes in movie history.  So – has anyone out there won a gold chip yet?  I’d love to see what one looks like 🙂  And if YOU won the gold chip, would you keep it or sell it on eBay?  Tell me in the comments below.

TODAY’S JUNK FOOD: Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix!

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix: The Money Shot

My Doctor Sis tipped me to these Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix – they were spotted, where else, at my local Asian grocery store.  I’m embarrassed to say that after four years of studying Mandarin Chinese in college, I still have no idea what this bag says. I received a good four year education…And now I write a junk food blog.   So…that’s my life.

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix: HMMM

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix depicts a plate of what looks like onion rings, lemon wedge, a rack of ribs, some celery, and…ketchup? Cocktail sauce?  Right…what the HELL are these going to taste like?

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix: HIGH

Hmmm… if someone wants to provide translation, please do.  Otherwise, I am going to assume these are instructions to eat these Doritos while HIGH.

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix: Interesting ingredients

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix: Lightning Bolts!

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix chips were lightning bolt shaped!!! OK, that’s actually cool.  When I sniffed the bag, I got a weird mix of smells: at first, it sort of smelled like a beef boullion-like seasoning packet that you get with your ramen noodles, or like what you Cup O’ Noodles smells like when you peel back the lid to add hot water.  Then it sort of turned and I got a semi-seafood shrimp-y smell.  Odd.  Very odd.

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix

Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix: Single bolt chip

I munched on these Doritos Late Night Spicy Grilled Mix chips, and…well, they grew on me.  The lightning bolt shape being super fun aside, I thought these tasted interesting…and not in an unpleasant way. Ringing endorsement, I know.

The first flavor I got with these chips was definitely a beef bouillon taste…like I said, sort of tasted like the ramen seasoning packet.  There were definitely some soy umami notes too.  So, even those these were slightly salty, there was a nice savory flavor all around. The soy savory taste was definitely bolstered by the garlic powder and sugar.

On top of that, these chips had a KICK.  Not a long jalapeno burn, but just enough aftertaste spice kick that was definitely noticeable (the chili powder).  Interestingly, the kick and the beef flavor faded after a few chews, letting the underlying sweet corn of the chip emerge.  I almost thought these had a buttery sweet corn flavor added to them, but no – it was just the flavor of the tortilla chip coming through.

All in all, not a bad chip!  I mean, I definitely prefer these to some other meat flavored chips I’ve reviewed in the past.  Not bad, foreign Doritos.  Not bad.


COST: $2.49 on sale.

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 32 Comments

  1. Mike N. says:

    I wonder if these might actually be “counterfeit” Doritos… Huy Fong had/has a problem with people knocking off their products, so it wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve yet to hear of knock-off snack chips, though!

  2. Rocketgirl says:

    You lost me at “meat-flavored chips”, Jerry McQuire. ; )

  3. Steve says:

    Harry Potter Doritos?

  4. Karen says:

    Honestly, I wouldn’t know what to do with the golden chip if i do find &/or win it… Maybe use it as a paper weight (if it’s big enough)?

  5. Linny says:

    Part of me thinks it would be fun to have a gold Dorito just for the novelty of it, but a bigger part of me would want to make money off of it.

  6. Jeni says:

    Next up: Snozberry-flavored Doritos!

  7. Shorneys says:

    Didn’t you also MAJOR in East Asian Studies?

  8. Joshua says:

    It would be even better if it was a golden chocolate dorito….oh wait….nvm..haha

  9. Steve G says:

    I think I’d probably keep the smaller golden Doritos for a while, just for kicks, unless they were going for something crazy on ebay. I’d sell the bigger one straight away, though.

  10. Ryan Cullinane says:


  11. MP says:

    I’m a Turkey Hill ice cream winner @DolphRudager! Thanks, JFG! You’ll be getting my info through this email. I wonder if anyone has tried to pose as someone else who won – or do you say in the email, “tweet this to me so I know it’s you” ?

  12. Ashley S says:

    I’d love to enter! Thanks!

  13. Brent says:

    I would take the golden chip and try to use it to get into the chocolate factory.

  14. Marc P says:

    I am a tool but I think those lightning bolt shapes are tremendous. I am fascinated.

  15. Colby says:

    I haven’t seen these yet. On the lookout!

  16. Audrey says:

    I just don’t understand the focus on spicey stuff. I’m thinking they should release some kind of cinnamon-sugary Dorito… 🙂

  17. Brit says:

    Could you taste the shrimp seasoning at all?

  18. Devon says:

    These actually sound pretty good! I do like the lightning bolt design, especially.

  19. John Rhem says:

    I simply can’t keep up with Doritos and its wide variety of products. I just can’t.

  20. matt curry says:

    Hey man! Nice seeing you through the window of the metro train yesterday. Feel like I know you as well as I did in the Griff Phil & Andrew days because I read your blog all the time.. anyway let’s catch up soon..

    Hope I win the ice cream!

  21. JoAnn says:

    I like the sound of solid gold Doritos.

  22. Maria says:

    Those sound interesting haha

  23. Rikhith L says:

    Even though they say the gold Doritos aren’t edible I would imagine that people would still try to eat it.

  24. Reggie says:

    Those look cool 🙂

  25. Jimmy says:

    Since when is celery a late night kind of thing? My experiences with celery always appear to be as a lunch snack. That brings me back so many years to raisins on a log. Anyway, good work JFG.

  26. Deanna R says:

    I hadn’t planned on purchasing the new Doritos Jacked Mystery Flavors, but the prospect of humoring my inner child and finding a golden Dorito is starting to wear down my hesitation.

  27. Shelly Buchanan says:

    Comment to win? Well, I don’t grocery shop, so I can’t win a solid gold Dorito :(. Anything else I need to say? Hopefully, this isn’t too late. It’s still Wednsday here!

  28. TehBuLL says:

    Well guess I’m going to give up my plan of quickly learning Mandarin then if 4 years of work can’t get me to reading chip bags. Eh, here’s to you friendly Spanish bags!

  29. Brian T says:

    I, personally, can’t do meat flavored chips. Except bacon, because bacon.

  30. Dagrappler says:

    Shazam and the rest of the Marvel Family along with Black Adam called and wanted their logo back!

  31. kris says:

    None of those mystery flavors sounded good enough to buy.
