Review: IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: Peeps, Camel Balls, Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears, 1-lb Gummy Bunnies

Junk Food Nation, Happy Easter!  I mean, yesterday.  And Passover, too!  I guess I’m a day late on everything.  It’s ok, BECAUSE THE WIZARDS WON GAME 1 VERSUS THE BULLS LAST NIGHT!  Still riding that high – however temporary that is.

Something we can ALL get an Easter chuckle out of is the below video from my Washington Nationals team yesterday. The key moment is the 0:25 mark:

Dude, that Easter Bunny JUMPED INTO TEDDY’S FACE. Who’s idea was this???  Whoever it was, BRILLIANT.  You can’t tell me that’s not high comedy.

Anyways, I had PLENTY of Easter candy yesterday, thanks to IT’SUGAR.  IT’SUGAR is a candy store with 50+ retail stores nationwide, and online at There’s a store here in DC that I walk by all the time – HUGE gummy bears in the window. Gigantic Rice Krispy Treat displays.  But did the wallpaper taste like Snozzberries? I never found out.

Even though Easter is over, IT’SUGAR, weird spelling and all, is still the place to get all of your insatiable sugar needs, novelty candy, and other confectionery delights.  Let’s take a look at some of the stuff they sent me:

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: The Money Group Shot

IT’SUGAR sent me two 1-lb gummy bunnies, two boxes of extremely inappropriate candy, and the largest set of Peeps I’ve ever seen.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: The Peeps Money Shot

I Mean seriously.  This is a set of sixty Peeps.  Do you know how many Peeps battles I could have with these?  Or how many games of Chubby Bunnies I could play??  AMAZING.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: I’m clearly shocked.

Retailing for $19.99, THIS IS A BIG ASS BOX. When I first opened the parcel from IT’SUGAR, this was buried in the paper, and when I lifted it out, I was like HOLY SH*T WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL THESE????

It’s NOT a party without the chicks.  At least, not without 60 of them.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: WHOA

IT’SUGAR also sent me these Camel Balls.  I have to admit, I wasn’t sure if I should put this up on this site, since this site is family friendly. Then I thought, oh who am I kidding – it’s not like parents are reading this site with their ten year olds.

So many things amusing/disgusting about this package.  Liquid filled?  Great googly moogly.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: In case you wondered how many calories Camel Balls have

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: Even the individual wrapping is offensive!

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: Oh lordy

Yep, that’s what each individual gum ball looked like.  Awesome.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: The Camel Ball cross section

Yep, these Camel Balls actually DID have a red liquid sour center.  I’m blushing as I type this.

As for how these Camel Balls tasted, pretty standard gum ball, all in all.  Standard gum ball flavor, candy shell exterior, and the red center did give it a burst of sour, but it mellowed as I chewed.  Not as sour as Tear Jerker’s gum.  $8.00 for this box.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: Less offensive

These Dingle Bearies were slightly less offensive than the Camel Balls.  $8.99 for this box of chocolate covered gummy bears.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: Dingle Bearies have 150 cal per serving

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy


These Dingle Bearies looked actually pretty good.  Even in chocolate covered form, the gummy bears maintained their bear shape, which I thought was nice.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: Cross Section

These Dingle Bearies were actually pretty good, if you’re a gummy bear fan!  Inside, the gummy bear was standard – chewy and sweet.  All of the bears I tried, however, were red – I didn’t get any other color.  Not sure if that was intentional.

The flavor of the chocolate was decent – it’s not the highest quality chocolate in the world, but that didn’t diminish the experience.  Just a nice creamy flavor of chocolate as the gummy bear was chewed, giving you a fruit/choco flavor.

SOME company out there has to try making a gourmet version of these.  I’d like to see these in dark chocolate.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy


Finally, IT’SUGAR sent me two HUGE 1-lb gummy bunnies.  Holy crap.  These were substantial in size.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy


These 1-lb gummy bunnies apparently serve EIGHT people. Or ONE Junk Food Guy.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: Other giant gummies!

The back of the gummy bunny package had examples of other huge gummies that are also sold by IT’SUGAR.  I think I personally would be horrified by a huge edible gummy snake.  I don’t know why.

As for the gummy worm to the very right…uh…I’ll pass on making any inappropriate Requiem for a Dream jokes.  Yeeeg.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: I’m so happy

Each of these 1-lb gummy bunnies runs $9.99.  I knew I had to take this gummy bunny down.  A rare Junk Food Guy photo montage!  Let’s do it:

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: ears first

I tried stuffing the whole bunny head in my mouth, but only the ears would fit.  I’d need a different tactic…

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: neck bite

I decided that if I couldn’t bite the whole head off, I might as well try to take the biggest bite out of it that I could.  In the photo above, I feel like a dog carrying a dead rabbit.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: bite!

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: BITE!

Lemme tell you, it was harder than I thought to bite through this thing!  It was like trying to sink my teeth into rubber…a mouth full of solid gummy is something I’d never really experienced before.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy


IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: Now THAT’S a BITE.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy


I managed to take a substantial chunk of of this gummy bunny.

Flavor-wise, I have to admit – it was good!!!!  Like, surprisingly good.  Sometimes when I get oversized stuff, I am suspicious that the quality will be bad.  I don’t know why.  I guess I was afraid this would be stale of have a weird ratio of gelatin to sugar, with more gelatin than sugar to make up for the shape.

But honestly, this was pretty tasty – if you’re into gummy things.  We I chewed my mouthful of fruit-punch-flavored gummy bunny, it tasted just like your standard gummy bear – sweet and chewy.  There was no downgrade of taste, flavor, or texture.  SURPRISINGLY GOOD, let me say.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy

IT’SUGAR Easter Candy: The Aftermath

The overall gummy bunny smelled very strongly of sugar – the Junk Food Gal said she could smell it from a few feet away, even.  I didn’t want to waste this, but I couldn’t just sit on the couch gnawing on this thing.  First, my hand would get all sticky.  Second, this was a LOT of gummy bunny.

Solution? My mom’s suggestion: CUT IT DOWN TO SIZE.

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy


And there you have it!  The remaining gummy bunny cut into small edible pieces, ready for consumption.  Problem: These pieces were all sticking together.  Junk Food Guy solution? POWDERED SUGAR (from my recent Oreo Snack Hack):

IT'SUGAR Easter Candy


There you go – perfectly dusted individual pieces of gummy bunny.  Boom.

So there you have it – the parade of candy that I ate on Easter.  Thanks again to IT’SUGAR for making sure I was loaded up with plenty of candy. Happy Monday, all!

PURCHASED AT: In store or online at IT’

COST: varied – I tried to put as many prices above in the descriptions of each item.

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 22 Comments

  1. Jessica says:

    That gummy worm seems as offensive as the Camel Balls to me. But to me, you can never have enough Peeps. I’ll be hitting clearance this afternoon and filling my freezer. They don’t go stale as fast as regular marshmallows.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Jessica: I KNOW, RIGHT? (re gummy worm). Lol.

      Have you ever made Peeps Smores?

    • Jessica says:

      @Junkfoodguy…I only own a toaster oven for the purposes of making s’mores. Marshmallows are one of my favorite treats and I have made Peeps s’mores, Peeps Fluffernutters, Peeps ambrosia yogurt…yes I know I’m crazy.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Jessica: PEEPS FLUFFERNUTTER!? Mind. Blown.

  2. alek says:

    $9 for a box of chocolate covered gummy bears?! Really?! 6 oz of the product itself?! I can do it for very cheap homemade type I can go to any 99 cents store get a bag of gummy bears and then get big ass Hershey chocolate bar melt down and dip those. Voila you got a treat that is cheap and I think taste almost the same as the expensive ones.

    I feel itsugar is a very expensive shop you can get the same type of candies at the drug store and get whole lots of stuff for less than $10.

    For the giant gummy worm it looks like very offensive thing. They could had done it like a sour gummy worm type ridges are not needed.

    I can’t wait to raid the stores today to get some clearance peeps hope they got the flavored ones I wanna give those a shot.

  3. Sarah says:

    1. Love the t-shirt, go bills!
    2. Wish you didn’t skip the Requiem jokes, they are probably hysterical!
    3. Your gummy bunny snack hack looks amazing….makes me want to find my own over sized yummies and hack them!
    4. I am beyond jealous of anyone eating peeps! I’ll be back in the states in may….do they make Memorial day peeps???

  4. alek says:

    The gummy rabbit is like the gummy bear story that aired on “Sex sent me to the ER”. The couple wanted a romantic encounter so the guy melted a $45 giant gummy bear then poured on the lady cleavage. Went to the ER for burn treatment.

  5. Marc P says:

    That clip of the bunny taking down the presidents is nothing short of video gold. When I saw it half asleep on SportsCenter I could notstop giggling like a child replaying it in my head and it kept my wife and I awake. Absolute and utter genius.

    Please don’t question how you can be disturbed by that gummy worm. The real question is how you would NOT.

    Good stuff as usual JFG.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @MarcP: Thanks, man! You must’ve been stoked by Brooklyn’s win, right? Down the stretch, despite not having an awesome game, Paul Pierce was just CLUTCH in the last two minutes. You can’t leave him open like that, Raptors!

  6. Mike N. says:

    That giant Peeps assortment looks just like the fireworks assortments they sell around July 4th…

    But mostly I wanna say, HOW ‘BOUT THEM BLUES!?!

  7. Marc P says:

    The “TRUTH” was indeed clutch.
    Loved how Deron came out aggressive, nice to see.

  8. Anna says:

    The face you’re making at the Peeps box is hilarious!

  9. Elisa says:

    I’ve been to the It’Sugar in Chinatown (if that’s the one you’ve mentioned) a few times. So far I’ve only bought their chocolate bars. Their non-candy novelty stuff is hilarious!
    People are quite willing to drop money (including those Peeps) in that place…

    By the way, Dunkin’ Donuts has a special feature frosted doughnut with a Peep nestled on it.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Elisa: Yeah that place is ALWAYS packed. Mostly with grade school tourist kid groups – who are more than willing to drop a 20 on a big ass Rice Krispy treat to show their friends on the bus.

  10. Unchi-chan says:

    The Camel Balls look hilarious!!

  11. Anonymous says:

    $20 for that big box of peeps? I could get each of the 6 colors separately for $1 each, making it $6.
    And adding a box of white peeps, that would be 7 boxes, or $7. 70 chicks for $7 sounds like a good deal…
