Review: Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies & Pretty Good Security, NFL

Junk Food Nation, to anyone who didn’t watch any of the press conferences after the Super Bowl was over, this is one thing you missed:

Yep, that’s right – a 9/11 truther managed to sneak into the to press area, grab the mic from Super Bowl MVP Malcolm Smith for a few seconds before he was escorted out and arrested. Wow. And it turns out, it wasn’t that hard for this guy to sneak in – he just said he was “late for work.” PRETTY TIGHT SECURITY, NFL.

Look, we’re not gonna have some debate over 9/11 – but I DID want to comment on how APPARENTLY EFFING EASY IT WAS for this guy to get deep into the bowels of the stadium all the way to the front to grab the mic. Seriously, NFL? My own private nightmare is to have the scene from “The Rock” re-enacted, where mercenaries for hire fire rockets of VX gas into a football game.  I’d like to THINK that scenario is easy to prevent, but when you see complete randos strolling RIGHT UP TO THE PLAYERS, it’s a wonder that the next plot of 24 isn’t occurring at EVERY football game.  I mean, good lord, NFL.  Get it together.

Ugh. Well, the next big sporting event is the Winter Olympics in Sochi – I’m sure nothing will go wrong there, either (except for Russia already announcing its plans to exterminate thousands of stray cats and dogs…oh yeah, this Olympics is going to be super-incident-and-controversy-free, I just know it.)

Today’s junk food: Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies!

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies: The Money Shot

It’s been a while since I reviewed any Chex Mix Muddy Buddies, and besides the original, I don’t remember being very impressed by the other variations.  When I spotted these Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies at a gas station I frequent, my eyebrows raised. Snickerdoodle?

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies: Is there fake?

So…Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies are designed to taste like Snickerdoodle cookies, one of the must understated cookies, flavor-wise? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Snickerdoodle, but it’s essentially a butter cookie mixed with some cinnamon and sugar, no?

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies: 120 cal per serving

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies: DELIGHTFUL

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies: Coated

When I opened this bag of Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies, all I could smell were sweet, buttery smells.  Like butter cookies…no cinnamon, yet.

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies

Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies: Sugar in every crevice

I stuffed a handful of these Chex Mix Snickerdoodle Muddy Buddies into my mouth, and chewed.  I must say — NOT BAD.  If I were to give it a rating, I’d give it a solid 80/100… I’m not really sure why they call this a Muddy Buddy since there is no peanut butter or chocolate, but that’s besides the point. The question is, did it taste like Snickerdoodle?

Answer: VERY close, but not quite.  As I chewed, the first taste I got was just powdered sugar and corn Chex, which did NOT taste like Snickerdoodle.  But as I chewed more, the taste of a buttery Snickerdoodle cookie came through more and more.  At its peak of flavor, these Chex actually did mimic the flavor of a Snickerdoodle cookie pretty well, while still never letting me forget that I was eating Chex.

Why only 80/100? Because while it did have the buttery taste of a Snickerdoodle, and it did have a nice cinnamon/sgar flavor, I wanted MORE cinnamon flavor.  Most Snickerdoodles I’ve had aren’t DOUSED with cinnamon, but they definitely have a stronger cinnamon taste than this had.  Plus, I thought the Snickerdoodle taste could’ve been more immediate, although I have no doubt that the flavor scientists behind this did their best.

All in all, again, not bad!  Solid addition to the sweet Chex line.

PURCHASED AT: Sunoco Gas Station

COST: $2.50

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 6 Comments

  1. it’s all leading up to the drama-free (off the field) world cup in beautiful, crime free Brazil!

  2. peg griffiths says:

    I don’t know what’s wrong with your taste buds but the Muddy Buddy snickerdoodle flavor is the best obviously there is not any to be found on any shelves. Seriously your opinion doesn’t matter! All the other flavors are sitting on the shelf losing expiration dates.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Peg: Lol, love the fire! To be fair, I liked these! And you’re right – my opinion doesn’t matter, as long as YOU enjoy them 🙂 Which I’m glad you do!
