Review: Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn & Arian Foster Stock Worth Less Than Zynga

Junk Food Nation, a while back a company called Fantex Brokerage Services was offering something unique – a chance to buy stock in a professional athlete.  One professional athlete in particular – running back Arian Foster.  Fantex was offering Arian Foster $10 million for a 20 percent stake in Foster’s future income.  To the non-fan, this might seem pretty cool, I guess – after all, Arian Foster had been a premier back for the past three-four years, running with incredible elusiveness, a real powerhouse.

Of course, the actual fan, people knew that Arian Foster’s knee ligaments were like tissue paper and his back was as stable as a balsa wood bridge.  Yeah I made those too in high school.  Strangely, no one cares years later that my bridge held a respectable 22 lbs.

But I remember when the stock offering article broke, I thought “buying stock in athletes? I GUESS that sounds interesting, but you’re really gambling on future contracts. In a sport like the NFL which has the most risk of player injury.  So basically Arian Foster is just trying to figure out a way to get paid.  Hmm – this sounds like a horrible investment.”  Then I promptly forgot about Fantex.

Well lookee lookee.  Fantex has postponed the stock offering in running back Arian Foster because *SURPRISE TO NO ONE* he is having SEASON ENDING BACK SURGERY. Just surgery on, you know, the thing that keeps you upright.

Smartly, Fantex postponed the IPO, worried that Arian Foster stock might suffer the same fate as Groupon.  Anyways, let this be a warning to anyone thinking of investing with Fantex.  RUN, RUN AWAY.  Unless you’re Arian Foster, in which case walk very very very very very very very slowly away… to the doctor ….and get well soon 😉

Today’s junk food: Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn!

Angie's Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn: The Money Shot

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn!  GINGERBREAD POPCORN IN THE HOUSE!!!!  Angie’s, I must applaud you – this. Looks. AWESOME.

Angie's Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn: YOU GO GINGERBREAD MAN

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn is apparently covered in Holidrizzle.  HOLIDRIZZLE, PEOPLE!  THAT is officially a new word in my vocabulary.  SOMEONE CONTACT OXFORD DICTIONARY!

Angie's Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn: GET IN MY MOUTH

Hey, JFN, I know that this review of Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn so far has just been me gushing and shouting, but what can I say? Ever since I was a bit let down with Angie’s Candy Corn Popcorn, I’ve been excited to try something else…and here it is.

Angie's Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn: 140 cal per serving

Angie's Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn: CONTAINS GINGER!

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn even contains ginger.  <slow clap. clap. clap. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP.> Man, I love you, Angie’s.

Angie's Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn: SMELLOMG

This bag of Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn was opened up and it SMELLED LIKE GINGERBREAD. I immediately ran over to where the Junk Food Gal was clearly trying to do something productive and stuck it under her nose.  She agreed – GINGERBREAD SMELL, SPOT ON.  Excellent work!  Now for the taste.

Angie's Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn

Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn: HOLIDRIZZLE!

Ok, let me contain myself here a bit and give an honest review.  Angie’s Iced Gingerbread Kettle Corn was pretty good!  It smelled a 9 out of 10, and I’d give the taste a solid 7.5 out of 10.

Like I said before, this bag smelled spot on with the gingerbread aroma.  Sweet, spicy, inviting.  The popcorn itself was classic Angie’s – light, airy, and with a good crunch.

The flavor was good – as soon as my teeth sunk into a kernel, I could taste cinnamon and spice!  Perfect combo.  As I chewed, the sweetness of the drizzle mixed with the spices and I was able to draw out some nice molasses flavor.  So this popcorn had that too.

Was there ginger flavor?  YES, but it was mild.  Make no mistake, I COULD TASTE GINGER, but it was definitely masked a bit by the cinnamon and spice.  Which some people might prefer!  I dunno.  I like my gingerbread a BIT more ginger-y, but I can’t complain too much – these tasted WAAAY closer to Gingerbread than, say, the Gingerbread M&Ms (ick).  Plus, the kettle corn flavor fit it perfectly – just a tiny bit of underlying sweet and salt to remind me that I was eating kettle corn, but it didn’t distract.  So I give this popcorn high marks for balance of flavor.

Ok, as I’ve written, I think I’d up my flavor rating to an 8 out of 10.  Really, for me, a BIT more ginger spice and these would be perfect.  As is, it’s a damn good snack.


COST: $2.99

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 7 Comments

  1. Kahnfucius says:

    You have a comment contest one day and get all sorts of comments and then the next one has none? Free stuff sells.

    Also, the lesson here is not to name your son (or daughter, I guess) “Arian.” Just don’t.

  2. Finally opened this bag – this stuff is REALLY good! It sounds odd, but I love that the flavors AREN’T evenly distributed, you get a kernel with a lot of salt, then one with a lot of cinnamon, one with a nice mix, etc. Keeps it interesting. And the, pardon my french, holidrizzle, really amps up the tastiness of this. Probably going to buy more if I see it. So far not getting much ginger, though, mostly just cinnamon.

  3. Ebonie Holden says:

    gota try the white chocolate peppermint(peppermint bark) and dark chocolate with sea salt ones

  4. Patricia schouppe says:

    The best pizza I ever had !
