Review: Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans & Another Beheading in Brazil? Great Googly Moogly.

Junk Food Nation, a while back I discussed a horrifying story about a Brazilian soccer ref who STABBED A PLAYER DURING THE GAME, and then the players on the field proceeded to DISMEMBER THE REFEREE AND STAKE HIS HEAD TO A POST.  Wow, Brazil.

Well, apparently this week, a former Brazilian soccer player, a guy who really wasn’t a enemy maker or jerk (it seems), when out Monday night and didn’t come home.  The next morning, his wife opens the front door – and there’s a backpack WITH HER HUSBAND’S HEAD INSIDE THE BACKPACK. No eyes. No tongue.  MY GOD.

I mean, I know it’s Halloween week, BUT UMMMM WTF.  Brazil realizes it’s about to host both the Olympics AND the World Cup, doesn’t it??? It might wanna crack down on security. I’d like to think I could watch a game, walk to get some red meat on a stick, and ogle some beautiful Brazilian women without having MY HEAD CUT OFF.

Apparently, “late last year, the country announced it was pumping $900 million dollars into its security budget to make the competition ‘one of the most protected sports events in history.’” Um, announcing it, and actually DOING it are two separate and very different things.  What’d you do, upgrade to Windows XP? This is TWO HEADS BEING CUT RIGHT OFF in the past four months.  THAT’S NOT A GOOD RATE, BRAZIL.

I once thought it’d be awesome to go to the World Cup in Brazil!  The food!  The women!  But call me crazy – I’m going to opt to keep my head connected, thanks.

Today’s junk food: Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans!

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans: The Money Shot

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans!  I tried one of Wegmans other bars recently, AND LOVED IT.  I mean, really, when is the last time that supermarket-brand chocolate WOWED you?  Well, that bar did, and I’m eager to try this one.  Cinnamon glazed pecans??  THAT SOUNDS AMAZING.

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans: Simple ingredients

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans: Don’t see a lot of nuts poking out

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans: Only a few nuts here and there…

I bit into this Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Cinnamon Glazed Pecans, and ….I LIKED IT!  I did.  Not as much as the Wegmans Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt Toffee, and I’ll explain why.

The dark chocolate here, like the other bar, was really good.  soft, and rich, but tasted less sweet.  It could’ve been the lack of sea salt; this definitely had more of the traditional dark chocolate flavor many are used to.

There weren’t as many crunchy bits in the chocolate.  The cinnamon glazed pecans, however, when my mouth did hit one, were AWESOME.  This wasn’t some subtle cinnamon flavor; the nuts crunched nicely and were bursting with a buttery cinnamon taste that mixed with the chocolate VERY well.  This didn’t appear to be cinnamon mixed into the chocolate; this was chocolate with pockets of nutty cinnamon flavor!  Really tasty.

BUT, my gripe – I WANTED MORE CRUNCH.  If you’re gonna be a bar with this amazing nuts, PUT EM IN MORE AND EVERWHERE.  Instead, there was just a “decent” amount of nut going on.  Not enough for me.

In the end, this bar was very good though – can’t hate.  Executed well, and worth the (very little) cash.


COST: $1.99 on sale

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 4 Comments

  1. EowynofRohan says:

    JFG, REVIEW THIS. My curse is that it shall make you hungry until you review it.–abc-news-Recipes.html?vp=1

  2. Devin says:

    I will honestly be surprised if both the World Cup and the Olympics pass without any major incident of violence.
