Review: Chocolate Pez & Friday Thoughts: Batman, Braun, and Boy Bands

Junk Food Nation, it’s Friday! And here’s what’s going on:

1)      Ben Affleck is set to be the new Batman in the upcoming Superman/Batman film. As you might’ve heard, Christian Bale turned down the offer to reprise the Caped Crusader in this movie, and Christopher Nolan (director of the Bale Batman’s) and Zack Snyder (director of the recent Superman) have intimated that this is a different “universe” than the “SWEAR TO ME!!!” Batman.  But let’s get back to it – Ben Affleck as Batman.  Good choice?  My initial thought was “NO.” But…I have to be honest, I’m more uncertain than anything.  I’ve actually liked a lot of Affleck’s recent roles – Argo, the Town, Company Men.  I think I have actually crossed over into the realm where I DO think Ben Affleck is capable of being a GOOD actor.  But I guess…is he the RIGHT actor for Batman?  When I heard Josh Brolin was being considered, I thought YES.  When I think Ben Affleck, I feel the same way as when Clooney was Batman – I like the actor, don’t love the pairing.  Sigh.

2)      Ryan Braun has finally admitted to PED use now, hopefully closing off this PED-lie-denial-suspension-acceptance-media-circlejerk we’ve all endured.  Apparently, he used a PED cream and ate a PED lozenge when rehabbing an injury.  Oh yeah? So when you said these substances never entered your body, you weren’t counting YOUR MOUTH as a point of entry?  You were a technical virgin?  Braun explained:

“After my interview with MLB in late June of this year, I came to the realization that it was time to come to grips with the truth,” he said. “I was never presented with baseball’s evidence against me, but I didn’t need to be, because I knew what I had done.”

Well, Bravo, Ryan. Come to grips with the truth, huh? You mean, the truth that you said would set you free?  Well, EFF THAT. No, I DON’T give Braun a break, saying he’s one more step closer to redemption because he admitted the truth.  This douche was a petulant child who thought he was invincible because he was a professional athlete. He’s the SAME as any athlete who gets a DUI or a domestic violence charge, promises to be good, and gets a slap on the wrist while real non-famous-people are out there getting sh*t on.  Eff him.

3)      NSYNC is set to reunite for Sunday’s VMAs.  I, for one, am excited.  Shut up. I listened to NSYNC plenty when I was younger, and proud of it.  What is everyone hoping they sing? I’m forecasting an 35-minute medley of every single song in their discography, from Dirty Pop to that random Star Spangled Banner they sang during the World Series.  Do it, Rockapella.

Today’s junk food: Chocolate Pez!

Chocolate Pez

Chocolate Pez: The Money Shot

Chocolate Pez isn’t a new thing, Candy Addict reviewed it in 2008, but I had NEVER seen it in person until I hit my Walmart recently.  I mean, I ate Pez as a child and had those crazy Pez dispensers like anyone else.  But CHOCOLATE PEZ?  Say whaaaaaa

Chocolate Pez

Chocolate Pez: No chocolate to be seen

It is a bit disconcerting that Chocolate Pez doesn’t even have cocoa as an ingredient, no?

Chocolate Pez

Chocolate Pez: The Money Shot…again

Chocolate Pez is “chocolate candy” that contains no chocolate.  I feel like I’m missing out on the joke here…or the joke’s on me.

Chocolate Pez

Chocolate Pez: Such a light brown

Chocolate Pez have a standard Pez look, with a weird vitamin quality to it.  I guess I’m used to Pez being light pastel in color, but these look astoundingly like my own multivitamin.  Can I get riboflavin from this too?

Chocolate Pez

Chocolate Pez

Chocolate Pez were standard in Pez texture – small tiny candies that can be sucked on until they dissolve or chewed on easily, coming apart like Smarties.  Once chewed or sucked on, the candy powder which constitutes the tablet is grainy and sweet.

The chocolate flavor?  meeeeeeeh….it was sort of there.  Like the Candy Addict, I felt like I was eating powdered Nestle’s Quik… or just powdered hot coca in general.  It was dry and chalky, but plenty sweet, with moderate GENERALIZED chocolate flavor.  No rich chocolate flavor, no distinguishing between milk or dark chocolate.  Just…general cocoa taste.

All in all, a solid meh.  Pass.

PURCHASED AT: Super Walmart

COST: $1.00

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s do this.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 8 Comments

  1. dubba says:

    so the “natural flavoring” it mentions would be… sugar?

  2. Devin says:

    There is no shame in being a grown man who loves NSYNC. They had the jams back in the day. There are way too many songs I want them to sing, but it’s pretty much a given that they have to end with “Bye Bye Bye”.

  3. Johnny says:

    I was squarely on the BSB faction back in the 90s.

    To be fair, fruit PEZ probably doesn’t contain any actual fruit flavor, does it? So the expectations for chocolate PEZ aren’t too high to start with…

  4. Elisa says:

    Parade magazine did an update on 3 popular boy bands from back in the day for one of their issues last month. Two I remember off hand were 98 Degrees and New Kids on the Block.
