Review: New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips & Nothing Will Wake You Faster Than Thinking You Have a Bug On Your Face

Junk Food Nation, let me tell you – I was in a deep sleep this morning, when suddenly I felt a tickle on my face.  I thought nothing of it, when all of sudden, the tickle moved.  MY EYES SNAPPED OPEN AND I LEAPT OUT OF BED, FURIOUSLY SWIPING AT MY FACE.  WAS IT A BUG WAS IT A BUG???

No, it wasn’t a bug.  After looking underneath my bed, and searching the pillowcases and covers, etc…I determined it was a small knot of hair that had tickled my face. How do I know? Because when I laid back in bed, I felt the same tickle on my cheek and jumped out to check the mirror …. and saw that a few strands of hair leftover from the Junk Food Gal were tangled with mine and were tickling the side of my face.  Good lord.

Because I thought a beast bug moving across my face, my brain went from REM sleep to IMMEDIATELY AWAKE in 0.05 seconds.  Holy moly.  There is nothing that wakes you up faster.  Someone make a novelty alarm clock that does this.  I think I had a minor heart attack this morning.

Has anything similar happened to you? Let me know in the comments below.

Today’s junk food: New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips!

New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips: The Money Shot

New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips were purchased at my local Fresh n’ Green grocery store. I bought them the same time I got the Cheddar Sun Dried Tomato Baguette Chips….and if you’ll remember, I didn’t love those.  The flavor in the other bag seemed inconsistent, with the seasoning just splotched all over the place.  I’m hoping for better results with these. There better be more positive results, at over $3.00 a bag!

New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips: Which herb is this…parsley?

New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips: 50% less fat, but that also equal 50% less good?

What exactly am I seeing on the back of the bag of these New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips? Are these the baguette chips being dipped into some sort of butter or something?  Mashed potatoes? French vanilla ice cream?

New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips: I do like only 5g fat

New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips: Dried cheddar and dried romano cheese rule the day

New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips: Not a lot of visible flavor powder

Like their sun dried tomato brothers, these New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips had a good look and a decent smell.  Like little bagel chips, these chips gave off a pleasant cheesy herby smell along with the smell of some enriched flour.  I could smell savoriness, and it smelled good.

New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips: speckled with parsley and other herbs, some visible salt and cheese sprinkles?

I crunched on these New Pillsbury Italian Cheese & Herb Baguette Chips and came to the conclusion: They were definitively better than the Cheddar Sun Dried Tomato version.  The crunch of these chips was still sort of rigid.  They weren’t flaky and they didn’t have that nice dried-out crunch of a bagel chip.  Definitely a more dense crunch.

They tasted of romano immediately, ending with a sharper taste of cheddar.  The cheesy flavor was baked into the chip – this wasn’t so much one of those chips that left cheese powder on your fingers.  Regardless of that fact, there was plenty of cheese flavor.  Almost as strong as a Cheez-It in terms of cheese flavor.

The herb taste was also plenty strong – good notes of garlic, onion, and parsley.  Taken with the cheese flavor, there was a really good savory flavor all around.

The problem? These basically tasted like cheese and garlic croutons!  Now, as someone who loves eating croutons, I don’t REALLY have a problem with this…but if I wanted to eat something that tasted like this, I’d eat croutons.  Who knows…maybe I’ll crush these up and sprinkle them on my salad.

So, in conclusion, Pillsbury….this was better.

PURCHASED AT: Fresh n Greens

COST: $3.68 (oof)

Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 6 Comments

  1. Chip Review says:

    Up until you finally said it, we were thinking croutons in our mind during your entire review!! And, we must concur, what is that chip being dipped into on the back of the bag???

    We continue to pass these up on our local grocery store shelves, and based on everything you’ve told us, we continue to do so indefinitely. Thanks for the review.

  2. Maybe it’s being dipped into herb cheese? Like Alouette? Hmm…

    Your story reminds me of two stories from This American Life. First is the story about New Yorkers fighting bed bugs and the woman who said that getting bitten during the night doesn’t mean waking up in the night scratching, it’s waking up in FULL BATTLE MODE, alert and ready to fight.

    The other story is Mike Birbiglia’s Sleepwalk With Me – “ABBY! THERE’S A JACKAL IN THE ROOM!”

  3. david says:

    These should not be not called chips, I almost chipped a tooth, trying to eat one of these stone plates…

    @teresapalooza Mike Birbiglia is hilarious and so is Jim Gaffigan; funniest G-rated comic ever.
