User Suggested: Lotte Milkis & What is the FIRST THING You Do When You Win Powerball?

Junk Food Nation, tonight’s Powerball jackpot is $320 million, one of the biggest ever in history.  And we can spend all day dreaming about what to do with the money: pay off student loans, buy a house for parents, buy people to have a life size human chess game with.  But what is the FIRST THING you’d do if you won the lottery?

I think we can all agree that you have to call an attorney to make sure everything is legit, and you never come out as the winner right away for fear of having unwanted publicity before having sorted things out.  You’d probably go right to a bank, rent out a safety deposit box, and place the ticket inside.  All those things are good answers…but what is the first FUN thing you’d do if you won?  Because even with the sensible approach just described, technically that money isn’t getting into your pocket or bank account until a month or two later.

But you can go out and binge spend NOW, right? You’ll pay off those credit cards later!  The WRONG thing to do is go out on a liquid bender – sure you’ll have the greatest party night of your life, but you might wake up having broken back into your safe deposit box to show your “friends” the ticket and then the ticket is GONE.  So nooooo….binge drinking is the wrong first fun thing to do.

What would I do? Honestly? I think as I left the bank where I deposited the winning ticket, I’d do two things: 1) I’d first grab the Junk Food Gal and go order/eat the most expensive sushi I could find. Sushi is always one of those things where I have my go-to rolls, and then I’m always looking at the menu remarking, “I don’t care how much tuna you stuff into it – who’s buying a $30 dollar roll??  That’s crazy.” I’d order three of those.

And then 2) I’d go upgrade my tech. Seriously, you’d be surprised to see what I blog from…I’m surprised I’m even able to edit the photos I upload to this site.  It’s a dinosaur. Before my current iPhone 4, I was using an iPhone 1 as my primary.  It had rust on it, for crying out loud.

And then after that?  I’d buy a big vault, fill it full of Doritos, and swim around in it like Scrooge McDuck.

Today’s junk food: Lotte Milkis!

Lotte Milkis: The Money Shot

Anyone remember me talking about Lotte Milkis? I did so during this post.  At the time, I was joning on it because it seemed like such a random to drink; another blog-worthy gem from my local asian grocery.

I can’t read….Korean? Is that what this is?

But as I discussed Milkis with reader Ashley and read more reviews about it, turns out there were more positive things people had to say about it than not!  I knew then and there, I needed to try this drink.

Thin cans like Red Bull

I mean, I had good reason to be nervous before, right?  Milkis is a drink made by the Lotte company, and is a creamy carbonated beverage.  Still think that sounds odd. Keep an open mind is my mantra right now.

Mary Poppins endorsed!

This Milkis is a popular Korean drink, and comes in various flavors.  This can doesn’t really say what flavor this is, so I’m left to my own imagination.


It is confusing what the imagery of this Lotte Milkis is supposed to represent, since in no place has this ever been pushed as a sleep time beverage.  I mean, as far as I know, it’s soda, plain and simple.  Not sure what this Mary-Poppins-Jumps-Over-The-Moon picture is supposed to be.

Skimmed Milk Powder….MMMMMM

Lotte Milkis contains milk powder, citric acid, and yogurt powder.  Hmmm…I’m actually starting to put together a picture of what this tastes like. Sort of. Lots of sugar too – I have a feeling this may be annoyingly sweet.  It has a little more sugar (31 grams) than what is in an average can of Coke (26 grams).


And there it is!  Milkis, poured in my special shot glass.  It is a milky looking liquid that has been carbonated.   It’s not opaque like actual milk – if anything, it just sort of looks like a cloudier version of Fresca or something like that.  Let’s take a closer look.

Milky bubbles

Lotte Milkis smelled slightly sweet, but rather odorless otherwise.  This wasn’t giving off a shower of bubbles like you normally see when you squint at a glass of freshly poured Coke or Pepsi.  Time to sip.

Tiny bubbles

As soon as I took a sip of the Milkis, I knew exactly what it tasted like…because I had tasted this before.  See, the phrase “carbonated milk beverage” was throwing me off.  This didn’t taste like a milk beverage, it tasted like a yogurt beverage.  And basically, it tasted like this:

Lotte Milkis

For those of you unfamiliar with the photo above, that is a yogurt drink that I grew up with.  If you’ve ever had, for example, a mango lassi at an Indian restaurant, or just some general Greek frozen yogurt, you’ll understand the flavor of this soda.  It’s a carbonate yogurt drink. It was a cream soda-like carbonated beverage that had the sweetness and tartness of a Greek yogurt, basically.  It started out with that nice sweet, almost slightly citrus-y flavor that yogurt has, maintained that creamy taste like a cream soda, then at the end, finished with a clean sour/tart flavor.  And for those who I chatted with who have drunk Lotte Milkis before and said it was good, you were right – I liked it.

Add to that sweet/tangy flavor the refreshing carbonation, and this was a drink I could have any day.  It was a LITTLE too sweet, given the presence of corn syrup, but it wasn’t bad.  As far as an actual flavor, I’d say this had a very slight lemony-fruity tinge to it to go along with the sweet yogurt flavor.

It’s a hard drink to describe, so you’ll have to try it to find out if you’re a fan, but I give it a thumbs up!  Thanks, Korea.

PURCHASED AT: Asian Grocery Store (Lotte)

COST: $2.29 for the six-pack, on sale

Thoughts? Share this post by using the buttons below!  Or comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 13 Comments

  1. So did it have a fantastic feel??? 🙂

    First thing I would do after winning Powerball is throw all my Goodwill/garage sale/clothing swap clothes & shoes into a charity bin and go to the mall! It’s been forever since I’ve bought clothes brand new from a store. A whole new wardrobe for a whole new me!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Teresapalooza: nice! Although when I really think about, the first thing I’d do would be to go home and change into sweat pants. Because life changing money decisions require sweatpants.

  2. Elisa says:

    I remember about 2-3 years ago, a local lottery winner sent his lawyer to pick up the check and remained anonymous.

  3. Goose says:

    Good luck tonight and don’t forget the actual first (boring) thing to do: SIGN THE TICKET!

  4. Ashley says:

    Yay, a shout out! And I agree, it tastes really similar to those tiny yogurt drinks. Delicious^^ and on a fairly random note, have you seen any Malaysian junk food? I’m vacationing in Borneo and was looking for something to sack on after a snorkeling trip when I can across cheese flavored teddy grahams. I don’t know if I can wrap my head around that one.

  5. Hannah says:

    I was waiting for this review! It actually doesn’t look too bad, more like Alka-Seltzer than fizzy milk. Maybe it too could work as a hangover cure?!

  6. berry says:

    You tasted the “Milk and Yogurt” flavor, which is why it had a distinct yogurt beverage taste. The strawberry flavor, which is probably my favorite, tastes exactly like a hi-chew. Melon is probably my least favorite of the one’s I’ve tasted. But the yogurt flavor is good, and has a tangy yogurt taste. I like them.

  7. Virginia says:

    I just discovered Milkis Melon on the clearance rack at my Kroger store (4-pack for $.99 cents). I bought it out of curiosity, now I’m hooked; so delicious! Amazon wants $16.99-$18.99 for a 6-pack: outrageous! Am trying to persuade Kroger to sell again and am also scouting all the Asian markets in search of Milkis Melon cause I’m obsessed with that flavor now, and unfortunately think it’s permanent!
