Limited Edition Edy’s Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream & My Thoughts on the London Olympics Opening Ceremony

Junk Food Nation, I know we all watched the London Olympic Opening Ceremony last night, a four hour feat that frankly left me mentally EXHAUSTED by the end. From the beginning camera zoom through random bits of London to the last notes yelped by Sir Paul McCartney, I’d say the entire ceremony was a mind eff like none other.  The highlights:

1- The transition from pastoral England to the Industrial Age was trippier than anything I’d seen recently.  One second it’s jolly old farm country England, the next second it’s Cirque de Soleil crossed with the future in Blade Runner crossed with a Clockwork Orange crossed with my friggin’ nightmares.  It was all topped off my the weird guys in top hats who were “ushering in the Industrial Revolution” doing their weird hand jive movements in semi-unison as faceless dirty workers carried away the grass.  CREEPY.  Anyone feel like the 1984 Apple Commercial should’ve been playing in the background?

2- Four villains of British Literature showed up, from Captain Hook, to the Queen of Hearts, to Cruella DeVil, to…a 100-foot tall inflatable Voldemort??? HELP HIS FLAPPY ARMS MAY GET ME…sort of. When the Mary Poppins started dropping from the sky, I began looking at my drink.  Did someone spike this shit?

3- The nurses in the bedtime sketch were actual nurses from Britain’s national health service as a tribute to their public health system.  Says the Junk Food Gal, “Um…if they’re all here, who’s taking care of the actual patients?” I gave her a high five.

4- At the end of the bedtime sketch emerged a gigantic baby on the field.  NBC Announcers: “Er….I can’t tell if that’s cute…or creepy.” WELL SAID, Bob Costas. I gave the TV an air-high five.

5- When the teen internet/social media segment ended (random) and the big reveal was Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the internet, I thought that was EXTREMELY underwhelming.  Even if he IS the inventor of the internet, does SEEING him make you gasp in awe?  It’s like, if I drew back a sheet AND THERE WAS THE PRESIDENTS OF PEPSI, SONY, AND MCDONALDS…you’d be like, “er….so what?”

6- Michael Phelps interview was classic:

Ryan Seacrest: “Are you where you want to be to compete?”

Phelps: “I think where I wanna be is…where I wanna be and that’s what I’m going to do.”

Junk Food Gal, turning to me: “….and that’s why he swims.”

7- The parade of nations is always good, with the most interesting part for me being the “Independent Olympic Athletes” – four athletes who were competing in the games who had no nation affiliation.  According to Wiki they are from the former Netherlands Antilles and from the newly formed state of South Sudan.  Bizarre – this is the one thing I LEARNED from last night.

8- Does anyone else besides me just watch the ceremony to see who has the hottest athletes?  Yes? No?

9- The reps leading each country wearing those crazy wire shoulder harnesses bearing the countries name…yeah, I feel sorry for you.  It’s like the Miss Universe pageant but you’re wearing headgear.  Awkward.

10- But not as awkward as the seven British Young Olympiads who were chosen to light the Olympic cauldron:

Young Olympiads

Lemme think lemme think, where have I seen this before….OH GOOD GOD!


AND MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR!!!! (So, when do these British Olympiads fight to the death? In the Closing Ceremonies?)

Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Edy’s Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream!

Limited Edition Edy’s Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream: The Money Shot

Limited Edition Edy’s Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream was found at my local grocery, and to be honest, looked a little random.  These days, Limited Editions have some kind of tie-in with another company like Girl Scout Cookies, or have some wacky flavor like Chipotle Beef-Apple.  But this?  This was a rather unassuming Limited Edition flavor.  Coconut Pineapple?  Haven’t we had this before?

Do you like Pina Coladas? Or getting caught in the rain.

I couldn’t find Limited Edition Edy’s Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream on Edy’s website, but I did find Limited Edition Edy’s Slow Churned Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream on the site.  Edy’s Slow Churned has 1/2 the fat, etc….so I guess when I found this bucket, I got the full fat version?  SCORE.

(PS: I never understood that “Do you like Pina Coladas” song.  A guy is bored with his relationship, responds to a Craigslist ad, and then finds out it was his own wife who took out the ad because she was also bored?  Then they chuckle with the rekindling of their relationship?  What the Hell – in real life, that equals divorce.)

At least it’s skim milk, right?

Limited Edition Edy’s Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream has corn syrup, but it also has pineapple and coconut in it.  Not dehydrated pieces of pineapple, or coconut flavoring – actual fruit.  That’s a +1 in my book.

Short on words.

I flipped the bucket to read more about this Limited Edition Edy’s Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream, and this is what they gave me.  Well, alright then!

On the website, the ice cream (at least the slow churned version) is described as Float along on an exotic tide of sweet pineapples and fresh coconut flakes, harvested for maximum tropical flavor. One bite will lift your spirits to an island state-of-mind.

Hooooo boy.

Plain looking

Limited Edition Edy’s Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream wasn’t much to look at, even after I dug through several spoonfuls trying to find any kind of visual difference….nope.  But it tasted….AWESOME.

Decent chunks of pineapple.

Limited Edition Edy’s Coconut Pineapple Ice Cream was texturally very soft.  It was an ice cream (not a frozen dairy dessert), so the fluffiness and creaminess of the ice cream REALLY came through. On first bite, my mouth filled with super creamy, sweet, and wonderful coconut ice cream flavor.  It was tinged with a tiny bit of pineapple flavor.  I was eating pina colada ice cream.  PINA COLADA ICE CREAM!

As the ice cream melted and I chewed, I could feel tiny bits of coconut in it, giving it a really interesting texture.  You can’t see the coconut because its embedded in ice cream of the same color, but it’s in there – giving the ice cream a nice addition of coconutty flavor.

And then every once in a while, my teeth would hit decent sized chunks of pineapple, bursting with citrus-y pineapple flavor.  Not TOO citrus-y (i.e. not acidic), but definitely boosting the pineapple flavor.

All in all, I REALLY liked this ice cream.  Was it rocket science or a revelation of a flavor I couldn’t imagine? No. But was it exactly what I’d want an ice cream labeled Coconut Pineapple to be like? YES.

Nice work, Edy’s!

PURCHASED AT: Safeway Grocery

COST: $3.50

Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 13 Comments

  1. Leslie says:

    I had to go to wikipedia for the independent Olympians. We were confused too. Most of the time I spent commenting on their outfits. However with American Samoa came out shirtless and glistening with oil, I may have lost speech for about 30 seconds.

  2. Hannah says:

    This ice cream sounds awesome. I would love to get my hands on some of this but it’s unlikely I will be able to find this in the UK 🙁 I will look out for it when I head to the states in November because coconut and pineapple are 2 of my favourite things!

  3. This would be perfect for ice cream floats or other such ice cream-related dessert concoctions…

  4. Albany Dana says:

    “Does anyone else besides me just watch the ceremony to see who has the hottest athletes? Yes? No?”

    No, because it’s always Sweden, isn’t it? 😉

    Did you see that one huge wrestler carrying his flag in one hand? Can’t recall the country. Saw a bicyclist later trying to do it and he was only able to hold it up for a few seconds.

  5. Kahnfucius says:

    But the thing that seems it would be even more uncomfortable than wearing a wire contraption proclaiming whatever dumb nation you randomly get assigned to is wearing that dress with all the people’s faces on it. So weird.

    There’s been a lot of articles about the guy from South Sudan. Apparently, he had to get special dispensation to compete because South Sudan, after you know, being repressed by a violent autocracy and then fighting for its independence, didn’t have enough time to form an “Olympic organizing committee” to sponsor him. Talk about unnecessary bureaucratic red tape.

  6. Nick Rovo says:

    I thought the ceremony was meant for countries to show off their goods;] Though I did get a kick out of the cuntries with a population of millions of people and having under 10 athletes. As for the ice cream I still wouldn’t touch it, stupid coconut. I did find it for you on the edy’s website though You just have to go to grands and click limited edition. The other flavor is black raspberry and in my opinion and probably Dubba’s, that flavor should be a standard flavor and not something rotated in and out. Unless it’s terrible in which it shouldn’t even exist.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Nick: Yeah, for some reason I think I knew you didn’t like coconut. As for the countries with like 21 million population and 4 athletes at the Olympics, yeah that’s bizarre. I wonder what the reason for that is – either it’s a really un-athletic country or maybe the country just doesn’t place an emphasis on certain sports, or its a really poor country that doesn’t have the benefit of expensive training regimes. I’m sure each country has its own reasoning.
