Orville Redenbacher’s Spicy Nacho Microwave Popcorn & Awkward Fridays: Airplane Mother/Daughter Embarrassment

Junk Food Nation, since you’ve been kind enough to endure my baseball related posts, I figured I’d drop a random awkward story on you. A couple weeks ago when I was flying back from Vegas, I had just woken from a nap and needed to use the bathroom.  The closest plane bathrooms were, of course, behind me.  Before I got up, I saw a little 6-7 year old girl pass, shuffling along, with her mom following close behind her back towards the bathrooms.

I got up, and headed to the back where the plane bathrooms were.  For those familiar with these plane stalls, the doors face each other across the aisle, and they open inward, accordion style. When I got to the back, I saw the mom from earlier standing in front of the left stall door.  I figured the little girl was in there.  The stall on the right had a red light on (occupied).

The red stall opens and some big dude comes out.  Ok, I thought, mom’s watching the little girl, so I’ll just hop into this bathroom.  “Whoa,” the mom says, “I’m in line.”  Confused by the situation, I mutter, “Oh sorry,” and step back out.  I thought the mom was guarding the little girl’s stall.  Whatever, I thought, as the mom walks into that right side bathroom and shuts the door, locking it.

So I’m standing there dazed, and I look up, and the left side stall has a green light on (vacant).  I’m even more confused.  Maybe the little girl was never in that stall at all?  So I start to push the door in to enter, when all of a sudden a little hand appears and then I hear multiple scuffles trying to hold the door closed!!!  Mortified, I just ran back to my seat until they both passed back up the row.

But what the hell?  While I was embarrassed about almost walking in on a little girl in a bathroom and getting locked into a federal prison for 50 years, the OTHER thought was: this mom just ABANDONED HER KID and went into the bathroom herself without making sure her daughter locked the door!  What if I WAS an abductor? Granted I’m on a plane and couldn’t get far…but what if I grabbed the kid, opened the emergency door and jumped out.  WHAT THEN, MOM?


Anyways, today’s junk food: Orville Redenbacher’s Spicy Nacho Microwave Popcorn!

The Money Shot

I’ve reviewed Orville’s popping corn before, and really liked the Salt and Vinegar variety.  When I saw this Orville Redenbacher’s Spicy Nacho Microwave Popcorn, I was intrigued.  Spicy Nacho? You don’t say…


Orville Redenbacher’s Spicy Nacho Microwave Popcorn clearly expresses spicy nacho with cartoon jalapenos and a block of cheddar cheese, and wacky font.  I’d like to see a sombrero on here somewhere, just to complete the image.

But I like those butter flavorings

Orville Redenbacher’s Spicy Nacho Microwave Popcorn is pretty simple: Notice: no real mention of Nacho Cheese.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


I have no idea what this chart id doing on Orville Redenbacher’s Spicy Nacho Microwave Popcorn. Maybe I’m just tired, but I cannot figure out how this works or how popcorn fits in.


That’s how you know when your microwave popcorn is good.  When there’s orange grease running from it.  Nice work, Orville Redenbacher’s Spicy Nacho Microwave Popcorn.

Orange and fluffy

My first bite of this Orville Redenbacher’s Spicy Nacho Microwave Popcorn revealed: not much Nacho Flavor.  I’m so used to eating stuff like Smart Food or Pop Chips that I was OVERWHELMING cheese flavor…and this didn’t have it.  I got a little bit of cheesiness in the oil, but this popcorn is a FAR CRY from cheesy popcorn.

Greasy with...flavor?

Orville Redenbacher’s Spicy Nacho Microwave Popcorn DID taste a lot like jalapeno, garlic, and paprika.  Not that it was spicy at all (to me), but I definitely got a more vegetable-y pepper flavor when I ate this popcorn.  Mixed with the slight SLIGHT cheese flavor, it was SORT of spicy nacho, but more like spict popcorn with a hint of cheese.

The popcorn was good – standard microwave popcorn.  But flavorwise?  Overall, not Orville Redenbacher’s best effort.

Thoughts? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page. Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 4 Comments

  1. Shorneys says:

    Maybe that’s considered spicy enough for Indiana, Mr. Redenbacher’s home state. I mean, let’s not go overboard or anything. I remember someone from graduate school being so concerned (this is England after all) about spice in our takeout Chinese food that he ordered his beef with broccoli “no spice.” I couldn’t taste a thing. Gross.

    As for cheese oil, remember that big camping trip at the start of freshman year? Somehow I got tasked with carrying the giant block of cheddar cheese (in the August heat, unrefrigerated? How did we not die?) in my backpack, and the molten cheese oil sweated through the wax casing and into the weave of my backpack fabric. And now my hiking backpack smells like rancid cheddar. THANKS, OUTDOOR ACTION!

  2. Kahnfucius says:

    Obviously, that mother never saw “Flightplan” aka “Panic Room 2: Panic Plane”
