Jif To Go Chocolate Silk & Awkward Mondays: What’s Your Favorite Junk Food?

Junk Food Nation, I live in DC.  The nation’s capital has a great foodie scene, but it is (as it is often depicted as) a city that is mostly lawyers, politicians, and lobbyists.  I mean, that’s what it is. Sure there’s exceptions, but the majority of people in DC are here for what DC has – government.

As a result, my food blogging is often met with confusion.  What do you do? “Oh, I write a blog…about junk food.” Some people just chuckle like it is silly. Which it is. And some people blow it off like it’s so easy. Which it isn’t, and I’ll punch you in the effing neck. But most of the time, the reaction I get is, “Huh.  Really? That’s what you do?”

Then I’ll tell them about my law job, and they’re like, “Oh, OK.” And they look relieved, like “Oh thank God you actually DO something.” And I take offense to that. I can’t help but feel if I lived in NYC or LA, me mentioning that I am a food blogger would not be met with derision but rather with curiosity.

Most of the time, the question I get when I tell people I’m a junk food blogger is “Oh…so…what’s your favorite junk food?” And that’s such an awkward question for me, because it’s really not that simple. I mean, its food, and there’s such a wide selection. If we are cognizant that there are many categories of food, even within junk food, why should I be expected to pick just one, without narrowing down the category?

It’d be like asking, “Oh, you’re a doctor? What’s the best medicine?” or “Oh, you’re a lawyer? What’s the best case?” or “Oh, you’re a sport fan? Who’s the best player?”

So do me a favor. If you actually want to know my, or anyone else’s opinion, narrow it down. I have a favorite ice cream. A favorite chip. A favorite candy. Lend a helping conversational hand so I’m not standing there giving some long winded explanation about the different categories of junk food which makes me look even crazier than I already am. Thanks.

Today’s junk food I spotted at Safeway: Jif’s To Go Chocolate Silk. It’s peanut butter and chocolate in a cup!

The Money Shot

I knew Jif had To Go peanut butter cups, perfect for picnics, school lunches, etc. But when I saw these Jif To Go Chocolate Silk cups, I was like, WHA WHA WHA WHAAAAA??? *Chocolate* peanut butter cups? You’re joking. They’ve been hiding this or something: it’s not on the product website.

Graham crackers? Brilliant

Jif To Go Chocolate Silk is NOT Nutella, as its not made with hazelnuts.  Instead, I’m imagining before I eat it that this tastes like spreadable Reese Peanut Butter cups.  And I’m giddy. Imagine this on a piece of toast???

Wait, PB and strawberries? No.

A search on Google revealed that this Jif To Go Chocolate Silk peanut butter must’ve been test back in the early 2000’s, because there’s many message boards talking about how “this stuff was great” and “when are they bringing it back?” Well here it is, chumps – in cup form!

That's some fatty fuel

Jif To Go Chocolate Silk, WOW. You are not a diet food.  250 calories for a cup the size of a small hockey puck? …welp, I guess its time to buy bigger pants.


Jif To Go Chocolate Silk box comes with eight tubs, and is made by the Smucker Company, of jelly fame.

You know, if this Chocolate Silk did previously exist in the 2000s, and is only NOW making a comeback, someone has to be fired. WHO thought that America WASN’T ready for peanut butter and chocolate mixed together?? Seriously? “Too soon, Bob, too soon… let’s wait a decade and see if those people can handle it.”

Tub to go

So many mixed themes on this Jif To Go Chocolate Silk tub. Speedy letters for the TO GO! The traditional Jif logo, and then purple and brown for the sexy silky chocolate side of things. This looks like a junk food ransom note.

Brown butter

Jif To Go Chocolate Silk looks smooth and cocoa-ey. Let’s taste.

Silky indeed

First, the texture of this Jif To Go Chocolate Silk WAS silky – very smooth; there was no real tension when I dragged my finger across the surface.  Loaded with fats, this spread came off very easily and was soft to the touch.

The taste was even better. Again, this was not the Nutella taste my brain expected.  Initially, the taste was very chocolatey – loaded with cocoa flavor (not a milk chocolate per se, but not a deep cocoa as say a dark chocolate). Medium sweet. This then gave way to the saltier peanut butter taste I was familiar with.  In fact, the taste ended with the familiar salty dry drag on my tongue that I typically get when i eat peanut butter.

For those of you wondering, not like a Reeses candy spread either – the peanut butter here was a little saltier. Surprisingly, the flavor was not overpowering.  No, this was just a simple chocolatey peanut butter. Really tasty, and simple.

Good work, Smuckers.  Hopefully you’ve pleased many people who have been looking for this for ten years or so.

Comments? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 23 Comments

  1. I prefer Peanut Butter & Co.’s Dark Chocolate Dream for the taste and natural ingredients, though the slight hint of saltiness makes this more suitable for dipping/sandwiches rather than dessert/finger food.

    But, overall, Smuckers has been on a roll lately. Their Orchard’s Finest cherry preserves, while to runny to replace sandwich jam, is the ultimate dessert topping. I use it for everything from bagels to ice cream.

  2. I like how the ingredients continually bold-type the word Peanuts, as if to say, “Hey idiots! I know it looks like chocolate, but there’s peanuts in here! If you’re allergic and you eat it, that’s on you! Idiots!”

    When I did educational theater in Boston we’d always come out for a Q&A with the kids after the show. My favorite question – word for word – “Is this all you guys do or do you have real jobs?” Straight to the heart…ouch…

  3. Jess says:

    Justin’s peanut chocolate butter is unequivocally the best I’ve had. Super grainy, but damn, that stuff looks like delicious pudding.

  4. ArndtYouErin says:

    This is the first time I have ever read your blog. I found it by Googling “Jif Chocolate Silk.” Which is something I’ve been doing roughly once a week for over a month now. Both my husband and I were instantly addicted to this stuff after I found it at my Safeway here in Burke. I was happy to find the calories and fat are virtually the same as any other peanut butter. I was hoping you might have some news regarding the status of this product. I hope it’s here to stay this time, and although I wish they sold it in jars, it’s probably better for my waistline if they don’t!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Erin – glad you found my blog! I hope you enjoy it – I post about new things every day. Re: the silk, yeah, the stuff’s pretty amazing. Those little pocket containers are deceiving too – they’re empty before you know if just by dipping one apple’s worth of slices into it. and BAM 250+ cals! lol.

  5. Leslie says:

    I have a friend that is a chocolate peanut butter finatic. To the point of annoyance. She can’t order anything off a menu straight. She will always substitute peanut butter and chocolate flavors when she can. I may send her some of this.

  6. Leslie says:

    @junkfood guy Yeah she does. We went to Steak N Shake and she confused the hell out of the poor waitress. Completely combining two milkshakes, taking parts out, and adding parts of other milkshakes. We just looked at her in horror.

  7. chii says:

    they had this stuff around when i was little.. [tho it feels like eons ago, its honestly only 10 yrs] it came in a tiny jar and was super popular, since most people had never seen something like it [nutella] before. then jif just dropped it from their line like it harbored a plague.. but thankfully theyve brought it back! ive found a flickr with a picture of the original flavors..


    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Chii: WOW! That’s a great phot – thanks for historical insight. So weird that they made fruit based versions too! I’d like to see THOSE again!

  8. LISMom says:

    We were first introduced to the Jif Chocolate Silk peanut butter at Camden Yards in Baltimore in the summer of 1999 when there was a Major League Baseball roadshow featuring the peanut butter: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0BDW/is_1_41/ai_58586539/

    My youngest (who was an incredibly pick eater) immediately fell in love with the chocolate silk and literally had it for lunch every day from 1999 until we finally couldn’t find it any more. It became hard to find on the shelves around 2004 & I ordered it by the case directly from Smuckers for about a year before they were out.

    I almost fell over today when I saw the snack sized cups in Kroger. And my daughter (who is now 17) was stunned, speechless & very happy when I showed them to her. I googled the product hoping I could find full sized jars, but found your blog instead.

    I thought you might like some more background.

  9. Sarah S. says:

    LOL I found this blog googling “JIF Chocolate Silk” as I dip apples in it at my desk… I’m only allowing myself to eat this (seriously, I could be having a candy bar instead of this!) because I’m knocked up… and the fetus wants it.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Sarah: Welcome! Keep clicking around this blog and you’ll find tons of tasty things to read about. 🙂 I hope you enjoy! And feel free to leave more comments – I always reply 🙂

  10. Laurie Bell says:

    I seriously became addicted to this while pregnant and blame it for the extra 10 lbs I am struggling to be rid of. Still, I have been begging via their facebook page and email, for them to put this in a bigger jar. Why? Because it’s so good, and I’m a glutton for punishment. I know I will eat it with a spoon straight from the jar if they ever grant my shameless request. Your review is pretty much exactly what I would have said.

  11. Katie Farmer says:

    If you it on a ritz cracker, it tastes just like a little debbie nutty bar. Amazing.

  12. lmrozela says:

    For anyone looking for this, I came across them completely by accident. I went to my local dollar store and found packs of the cups. (I moved from CT to PA 3 months ago.) Dollar General has these on their shelves. BIG Y did too, though I don’t have access to BIG Y where I live now. I stock up and make sure to keep going back when I run out. If you don’t have Dollar General, try your dollar store.

    Sharing the wealth…:-)

  13. Doug says:

    We found this about 10 yrs ago down in Mexico. I bought several jars, but could never find it back home in the states. I did see it on E-bay a few times for a stupid amount of money. But, it was that good. We even spent a couple of hours on several later trips to Mexico searching super marts for the stuff, but it was all gone. I really don’t like Nutella…too grainy for me. And, none of the others have ever stacked up to this stuff…..Maybe now the smaller containers will keep me from eating the whole box at once…..maybe not. LOL

  14. Doug says:

    I have, and it tastes just as good as I remember. Rarely is something as good as we remember it to be. But, this stuff is just that. Still some of the best stuff around. Maybe I should dip some frozen Reeses Peanut Butter Cups in it, and see how that tastes. 🙂
