User Suggested: Rold Gold Cinnamon Raisin Braided Pretzel Twists & Sunday Funday Hypotheticals: Late Friend or Early Friend?

Junk Food Nation, what would you rather have, a friend who is always late, or a friend who is always early?

Friend who is always late: She’s the girl who insists that you can show up to the movie 10 minutes after the showtime listed because, “The first 15 minutes are previews anyways!” Yeah, ok. Don’t worry, it’s ok that I missed the first 15 minutes of Inception – I’m sure the movie will be easy enough to understand without the intro.

OR He’s the guy who you go to help move, and he’s literally just starting to make the boxes…and he has no tape. “Can you help me with those? Just grab the tape.” Grab the tape, are ya kidding me??? Why are the sheets still on your bed? The moving truck is here, and you’re still washing dishes?? I have a solution – we throw everything away and you just buy new stuff.

Friend who is always early: This is the guy that always shows up 30 minutes early and offers to help set up your dinner party.  Um, ok – really? The party doesn’t start until 7, you’re here at 5:30…I mean, you wanna help vacuum or something??  This so awkward.  I’m in my sweats because I’m busy cooking, watching TV, and dusting, and you’re just chillin’ with a beer repeatedly asking, “What’s up?” Um, my foot in your ass. Get a cup of coffee and come back in a couple hours, weirdo.

OR she’s the girl who insists on getting to the movies REALLY early to “get a good seat.” Look, crazy, we don’t need to rush in JUST as the previous movie is letting out to get the ideal seat.  We can actually let the movie staff go in there and do the cleaning they need to. Much as I enjoy hanging out with you…reading those movie trivia things… for 55 minutes… this is ridiculous.  I can only play Angry Birds for so long. Can we go to a bookstore or something?

Can you think of other examples? Post in the comments below of hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy!

Today’s junk food was suggested to me by my friend Melissa: Rold Gold Cinnamon Raisin Braided Pretzel Twists!

The Money Shot

Rold Gold Cinnamon Raisin Braided Pretzel Twists have been around for a while, so it’s not necessarily the newest snack, but it’s something I’ve been meaning to try for some time now.  This whole “Baked-In” movement that Rold Gold is on has really impressed me, and I’ve already reviewed their Cheesy Garlic Pretzel Nuggets and their Everything Bagel Pretzel Rings. I gotta say, Rold Gold – nice job innovating pretzels, of all things.

I. Love. Cinnamon. Raisin. Bread.

First of all, I love cinnamon raisin bread.  No, like, I really love it. I’m one of those types who NEVER buys cinnamon raisin bread, but every once in a while, if I feel like I need some cheering up and I’m walking through the grocery store, I’ll pick up a loaf. Which is dangerous, because once I get home I will literally eat slice after slice after slice of this sweet, spicy, tasty bread until its gone and I’m licking the wrapper.

Yeah so the image of the sliced raisin bread up there? Making me drool.

Sounds nommy.

Of the three new flavors (Cheesy Garlic, Everything Bagel, and Cinnamon Raisin Bread), this is the first flavor which is sort of sweet and NOT just savory. And I don’t know if I’ve eaten a lot of sweet pretzels in the past – or ANY, for that matter.  Sure we’ve all had honey wheat pretzels before, but those are more incidentally sweet than anything else.

Baked in cinnamon

Braided Pretzel Twists! Who doesn’t love a good, thick, crunchy pretzel??? Even in this over-exposed picture, you can tell the cinnamon is buried deep in there. Let’s take a closer look…

Big ol chunks of salt

Up close, like the Cheesy Garlic Nuggets, these pretzels look astonishingly like loaves of bread. Er…ignoring the gigantic chunks of salt. But the cracked surface, the burnet edged coloring – it’s like fresh cinnamon bread that has come out of the oven.  Delicious (looking).  Time to snack!

Twist and shout

MMMMMM VERY interesting.  The crunch: obviously spot on, as Rold Gold Pretzel Twists are crispy, fresh, and hearty. The cinnamon – VERY present in every bite; that spice just comes through as you chew the pretzel. The sugar (and salt): makes a very interesting combo, because the pretzel dough is actually sweet, but then the salt brings the saliva out on your tongue as the savory kicks in.

The best way I can describe these pretzels: it’s like eating a cinnamon raisin bagel. Cinnamon raisin bagels are sweet but not TOO sweet (certainly not as sweet as raisin bread), and they have a good doughy savoriness to them as well.

These pretzels were really good – addictive, if you like cinnamon raisin bagels (I do).  Rold Gold, I believe that you are 3-for-3 with your baked in flavor line of pretzels. Golf clap.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 3 Comments

  1. Shorneys says:

    I refuse to believe that, as an Asian, you have yet to run into the weirdest of the punctuality brigade: the friend who is always on time.

    He’s the one who will drive around the block if he’s 5 minutes late, or who will park in your driveway and sit for 10 minutes until he’s right on time. Meanwhile, you’ve been wondering what he’s listening to or whose car creepy car has slowly but surely driven by your house 4 times in the last 10 minutes.

    Actually, I think this guy is more likely to be a friend of your parents. Which makes him even more creepy too.

  2. junkfoodguy says:

    @Shorneys – LOL. So true.

  3. i almost bought these the other day! i love their honey wheat ones.
