Cadbury Crunchie & Holy Crap Halloween Candy Already!?

Junk Food Nation, I was walking through my local Walgreens store this past Thursday when I saw THIS HORRIFYING SIGHT!

Bats…moons…orange boxes…wait a minute…

HALLOWEEN CANDY!  ALREADY!  IN AUGUST!  August 18, 2012, in fact.  The damn “holiday” is over two months away and we have it being sold now already??? As someone commented, you could maybe understand Halloween decorations, etc. being sold now…but who’s buying the CANDY now?

It’s August!  CANDY CORN!?

I mean, I know that Candy Corn is like fruit cake and cockroaches and can withstand a nuclear war, but seriously? Who is feeling the need to stockpile bags of single serving M&Ms and bite-size Snickers over two months in advance of the holiday???  Our culture is ridiculous sometimes.  And fat.

In the spirit of that, more candy.chocolate reviewed today!  Cadbury’s Crunchie!

The Money Shot

Cadbury Crunchie was found at a small convenience store nearby my work.  It’s the sort of place where people buy lottery tickets from; indeed, that’s where I picked up my BS losing Powerball ticket from.  Boo. Anyways, when I saw this candy bar in this store, I was surprised – such a random place to find this candy bar! I’ve never seen this at Walmart or any grocery, but it’s here in this place that smells of burnt coffee and overdone AC?  Yikes.

Honeycombed Centre…or Center?

Cadbury Crunchie apparently is a very old candy, one of Cadbury’s oldest lines of candy bars, having been first made back in 1929. Around the world, varieties of Crunchies are made, ranging from lemonade flavored to champagne flavored.  Who knew this was such a popular line of candy? Not me.

Hard to see ingredients

Cadbury Crunchie came in a gold foil wrapper, which unfortunately made the photography sort of difficult.  I couldn’t really get a good picture of the ingredient listing; sorry folks.


When I COULD get a decent shot of some of the words on the wrapper of the Cadbury Crunchie, it was in a different language.  Sigh.

Love the criss cross

The back of the Cadbury Crunchie had a lovely criss cross pattern on it. When I placed my nose right up the bar and sniffed….ahhhhh.  Very strong milk chocolate smell.

Looks like a Kit Kat

Cadbury Crunchie had a standard look on the outside…


….and a very interesting look on the inside!  Described as sugary honeycomb center, I could see what Cadbury meant – the insides indeed looked very honeycomb-ish, porous and glistening with gold honey. Time for a bite…

Cadbury Crunchie

WOW.  This was a VERY interesting candy bar, and I could see why it is so popular.  First, Cadbury Crunchie IS INDEED CRUNCHY.  As I bit into it, the inside snapped off and the first thing I tasted was a sort of honey “air” that filled my mouth.  The insides, despite looking shiny and maybe chewy, are indeed very stiff and crunchy – like I was crunching a light marshmallow crisp solid.  The best comparison I can make texturally is the 3 Musketeers Truffle Crisp. It was crispy and crunchy and had both a sweet natural honey flavor at first before the flavor of a creamy nougat came through.

Add that crunchy center to the satisfying taste of the outer milk chocolate, and this was one SWEET candy bar with a very interesting crunchy texture.  I am really shocked at how powerful in flavor, yet light in texture, this was.  Kudos, Cadbury!

PURCHASED AT: The random 7-11-like shop I bought my lottery ticket at.  Seriously – one of those places where you can buy coffee, cigarettes, playing cards, generic T-shirts with DC monuments on them, and Cup O’ Noodles.

COST: $2 friggin dollars!

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Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 15 Comments

  1. Nick Rovo says:

    The early candy means the closer I am to getting a chance to try the white chocolate candy corn m&m’s this year=]

    I’ve actually seen these bars at my local dollar tree with a bunch of other uk candies. I always just ignore them seeing as I’m not really much of a candy fan but you’ve got me intrigued once again.

  2. I *LOVE* Crunchie bars! I first saw these at a fancy candy store among candy bars from other countries. Roommate brings them back from Australia all the time. A friend from New Zealand once brought me a sack of Halloween fun-sized Crunchies. My favorite foreign candy bar next to Coffee Crisps from Canada!

  3. Will says:

    That is unbelievable that they are selling Halloween candy already. I still have a few pieces left from last year. I’m going to Walmart today, I will have to see if they have halloween candy. Those crunchie bars look damn good. I’m probably not going to be able to find it.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Will – yeah, If Walmart is in on the act, then YOU KNOW Halloween is back. Also, I posted this as a reply in another post – I know you said you liked the Monthly Dropdown menu – I put the months posts in a list in the bottom of each screen…I hope that is just as useful!

  4. Will says:

    Ya it’s just as good! Ty

  5. Will says:

    Ya there was Halloween candy at Walmart, it’s official Halloween season is here!

  6. Hannah says:

    Crunchie is one of my favourite bars. Of course being in the UK, I can get hold of these anytime but I spend most of my time trying to get hold of US chocolate bars! Slowly we are getting more and more over here though.
    Have you ever tried Crunchie Nuggets? Not sure if you get them over there, they are just little bits of Crunchie rather than in a bar, love them!

  7. Nikki says:

    Cadburys is HUGE over here in the UK. You can buy Crunchies anywhere! I would recommend you try Cadbury Boost bar; that is amazing! Revels by Mars is also a popular bag of chocolates, they are my favourite! You must try these. Here are the products Cadburys sell in the UK:

  8. Kimbo Froggins says:

    AWWW wish we had great Halloween candy like the USA!!

    Ok we have Crunchies, Flakes and Turkish Delight BUT I want Halloween M&Ms or candy corn in my local store 🙁
