About the Junk Food Guy, what this blog is, and what it isn’t.

February 9, 2015:

Well, hello there, Junk Food Nation! It’s me, Eric, your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy. I read over the “About Me” section I wrote almost four years ago, and figured I’d give it a quick update. The rest of it is still all true.

1) Ok, so I’ve reviewed a FEW foreign snacks. But for the most part, I’m still dealing primarily with US-only junk food. But how can I resist Doritos from another country? The answer: I CAN’T.

2) Daily posts have become more Monday/Wednesday/Friday. I’m sure that my readers have noticed that I’ve dropped to three days a week recently. Yes, that is a conscious decision and not just because I’m lazy. Or maybe it’s a conscious decision BECAUSE I’m lazy. Whatever – 3x a week for now, folks. Might go back to daily in the near future.

3) Still no restaurant blogging, although if you check out my Instagram account, you’ll likely see pics of all the joints I’m chowing at. Because you’re all voyeurs, deep down.

4) Still picture heavy. Like I said before – I want to walk you throw each junk food as if you’re hanging onto the package yourself.

So there you go – keep reading below to see my original “About Me” text (maybe you should’ve read that first, actually).  Hope everyone’s fingers are cheesy out there!



June 6, 2011:

Welcome welcome welcome to Junkfoodguy.com! (I think that’s one too many welcomes.)  I’m always unsure what people expect to find in these “About Me” pages. Usually its some awkward profile picture of the blog author with someone cut out of the frame even though you can still see the arm around the author’s shoulder.  That’s followed either by a long description of the author’s history/resume/CV, or by a block of text meant to be sarcastic and smug.  Like this block of text.

I’m just a normal guy from Upstate New York who happens to like junk food. I’m not big, I’m not tiny, I’m neither overweight nor ripped.  I work out, I give blood, and my BP is usually a normal 120/80.  I just happen to really really like junk food.

Look, I get it.  Junk food is not good for you by definition.  And yes, I LOVE regular food too.  I like tofu.  I like salads.  I’ll destroy some grilled tilapia.

I just also like Oreos.  And tater tots.  And spray cheese.

So let’s talk about what you will and will not see in this blog.  I’ve been around the blogosphere, and you will not see four distinct fails that other junk food blogs have had:

1) Not in the US. Some of the most consistent junk food blogs I’ve seen have originated in China or the Philippines.  Um, I’m pretty sure I can’t get a Bojangles biscuit in Mongolia.  This blog is all-American, straight from your nation’s capital.

2) Inconsistent, or lack of, posts. I write about a new junk food item every.  Single.  Day.  Yes, that’s right.  Yup.

3) Evolution into a restaurant blog. What begins as a discussion about Ben and Jerry’s turns into a posting about a new sushi restaurant.  Unless that sushi has gumdrops in it, it ain’t junk food.  Restaurant fare is reviewed sparingly here.

4) Too much text, not enough pictures. Look, no one wants to read eight paragraphs about junk food, hearing me describe what it tastes like, etc.  And I’m certainly not that interesting.  Hell, I’m surprised this “About” section has even made it this far.  Junkfoodguy.com tries to be as experiential as possible – I walk you through the food, bite by bite, photo by photo.

Finally, what is considered junk food?

Here’s the thing: I understand some companies don’t want their products dubbed “junk food.”  But understand this – I mean the term lovingly.  Candy, chips, crackers, frozen food products, desserts, sodas, sauces, etc. – all junk food.  Ramen noodles, microwave burritos, dried meat products, flavored nuts – junk food.  There are some grey areas.  Italian Wedding soup – of course, no.  Bacon cheeseburger soup? BINGO.

So there you have it.  This blog gives you a best-effort daily snapshot of all the junk food that exists in this world. Search the site for something you’ve been looking for, or read what I’ve been eating recently.  I’m just a normal guy with a big appetite.  Hope you enjoy!


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 45 Comments

  1. Kahnfucius says:

    Tell me there is a bacon cheeseburger soup somewhere out there!

  2. So would you consider writing about a granola snack if it had bacon, salt, or chocolate involved with it? 😉

  3. Yessica Miranda says:

    I noticed your site has hyperlinks that go directly to retailers. I have a way to monetize these links! Briefly, I work for a company called Viglink that Automatically affiliates the links in your content so you get paid when your readers click or make a purchase. Nothing will be changed or added on your site. You have the potential to earn additional revenue in a less invasive way then adding more banners to your site. It is very easy to get started (we use something similar to an ad tag). Would you be interested in hearing more about this opportunity?

    Please let me know if you have any questions, thanks!

  4. courtney manders says:


    I have some awesome new chips I would like for you to review! Please e-mail me at Courtney.Manders@bhgpr.com!


  5. Mitch says:

    Hey man, love the blog, definitely got some inspiration from it for my own! I’m also from upstate ny btw! what area if you don’t mind me asking?

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Mitch: thanks man, I started checking out your site too 🙂 I’m from the Finger Lakes region – just south of Rochester area

  6. Will says:

    I was wondering if you could review white chocolate macadamia nut by blue bunny. I want to try this flavor, but can’t get it any where near me. I went on their website and they have it in DC. If you don’t like that flavor I undstand if you don’t want to review it. Those are one of my favorite cookies, I think it would be pretty damn good in ice cream. Plus blue bunny makes a good ice cream!

  7. Tiffany says:

    I reviewed the candy section of your site and I noticed something missing. TWIZZLERS! Oh the many, many twizzlers. The classic twizzler, the peel n pull twizzler, the rainbow twizzlers. I love the different flavor combinations you can make by mixing yellow with green or blue with orange. And last but CERTAINLY not least, my favorite, the sweet and sour filled twists twizzlers. (Which are also good paired side by side with a plain old classic twizzler.)

  8. Jim jab Dubois says:

    Love the blog! Keep it up but be healthy on your off time please! Want to see this continue!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Jim – lol – no worries! I make the best effort to stay on the healthy side of things when this blog isn’t being written

  9. Jimjab Dubois says:

    Good! So two questions on your review process–because 1 review a day is awesome for us readers, but must require quite a lot of discipline. So…
    1.) Do you finish the entire snack? If not, what do you do with it?
    2.) Do you buy a bunch of snacks in one trip and then space them out? Or do you go in every day to look for new things? Same with reviews–one snack at a time or many at the same time?

    Ok, and a bonus question–do you share these snacks with many others (it looks like you do in some reviews) to get a better representation?

    You should do a post on this! (And if you have already, sorry!)

  10. John Davis says:

    We would like to send you some samples of our Remington Trail Steaks and Snack Sticks for a review on your blog. Our steak snacks are crafted from the finest cuts of US produced Choice and Top Select beef, making them the most tender and flavorful you can buy. We are a licensee of the Remington Arms company. Our snack line can be found in c-stores, hardware stores, and outdoor retailers in both the US and Canada. Check out our website at http://www.TrailSteaks.com
    Like us on Facebook!
    Let me know if I can send you some Remington Trail Steaks to try!
    John Davis – Marketing- Remington Trail Steaks

  11. donna says:

    Hi! Donna in Florida. I just stumbled onto your blog when I did a basic Google search on the Jif Choc. Hazelnut stuff. I’m also a junk-food-junkie, but I’m in reform. I’m almost afraid to start following you because…well, I might fall off the wagon. No, I’m sure I’ll fall off. I just ate a whole spoonful or three of the Jif stuff. Keep it up, I’ll be lurking…

  12. Malika says:

    Hello Junk Food Guy, I saw that you really like Oreo cookies and that you also like free samples. I work at a company called GOOD FORTUNES and would love to send you some free samples of our yummy white chocolate covered Oreo cookies. Please get in touch (^_~)b

  13. Hi,
    Had a couple questions, please get email us when you get a chance

  14. Angela says:

    Can you please review the new Apple Cinnamon rolls from Philsbury? Very curious about them. P.S. Love your site very informative!

  15. Christopher Tracy says:

    Have been reading through your reviews going oldest to newest (really enjoying them by the way) and got to the plea for the Sesame Chicken Doritos. I don’t have an in myself, but I found a website (http://www.napajapan.com/Default.asp) that appears to let your purchase various Japan-only snack foods. Sadly it doesn’t look like they have the Sesame Chicken flavor, but they do have several other interesting Doritos flavors at the moment.

  16. Kim says:


    We would love to give you a taste of Hawaiian Host’s fantastic selection of macadamia nuts by providing you with our new Christmas Macadamia Medley and AlohaMacs for you to try for yourself!

    If you’re interested in featuring this nutty selection in an upcoming blog on your site, please feel free to email me. For more information on Hawaiian Host and our holiday selection please visit: http://www.hawaiianhost.com.

    Please let us know if you have any questions or are interested in additional information. Trust us – they’re all its cracked up to be! 🙂

  17. David Mullane says:

    Hi there,
    My name is David Mullane and I am the marketing manager of a company called Rangeland Foods Ltd. I was browsing your blog posts and thought that you may be perhaps interested in publishing the infographic on your website about “The Burger Boom” as I think your readers would find it quite interesting. Infographic includes fun facts such as the top five main courses on menus, dinner loyalty statistics, burger restaurant growth and the world’s most expensive burgers, to name but a few.

    If you do decide to publish it, all I request is that you provide a link to my site (preferably this page on my site: http://www.rangelandfoods.com/) in the post in which you publish it. If you have any queries at all about the graphic, let me know as I would be delighted to explain.

    Best regards,
    David Mullane

  18. Louise says:

    would love to hear your opinion on Celsius energy drink (dietary supplement)!! Very interested on the benefits and risks and if it actually is all it’s cracked up to be

  19. Nicky says:

    Maybe some linking between our sites? I’m a Swede reviewing mostly Swedish products but also from abroad (in English off course).

    Check it out at reviewstand.blogspot.com

    // Nicky 🙂

  20. Salina Sanchez says:

    You are seriously a blessing. I have long awaited a website solely devoted junk food.

  21. Hi Eric,
    We have launched a brand of gourmet tortilla chips – chipz Happen. Any chance you would consider a product review? We offer four flavor profiles – Parmesan Garlic, Spice-z Parmesan, Cinnful Sweet Heat and Himalayan Pink Salt. These are Non-GMO, Gluten Free, No Trans Fat and made with Rice Bran OIl; a healthier oil. Very light and crispy, you can’t just eat one!

    Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

  22. Alise says:

    Couldn’t help but notice your Zapp’s reviews are missing the Voodoo flavor. You may have to search high and low to find it, but spotting the black and white bag is like a blessing to many. Imagine all your favorite potato chip flavored rolled into one. In the event you decide to test drive this flavor, please let me know. It would be awesome to meet yet another fan.

  23. Hey

    We love your content! We’re a couple of NY advertising creatives on a mission. Our project is http://www.mcfriedicecreampie.com. It’s the ultimate fast food dessert that doesn’t exist and we want to change that. We’d love for you to check it out.

    Our website has the full story, but we’ve included our print campaign (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4d3e9om7v0ardso/AADeJvYe3i3fxBHITT-4NEHXa?dl=0) and teaser video (http://vimeo.com/107189783) here, too.

    Happy to answer any questions.


  24. Stephanie J says:


    Do you ever review things you have to cook- like popcorn that isn’t premade?

  25. Chuck Watson says:

    Hi Junk Food Guy,

    Is rattle snake a junk food? I’ve got a jerky business in Denver and make awesome jerky specializing in exotic meats. Would you like some free samples to review?

    Call anytime.

    Chuck Watson
    CJO: Chief Jerky Officer

  26. Hydi says:

    Hi Eric, I am off to my annual trip to Hong Kong next month and I am stumped as to what to bring to my Hong Kong and Chinese friends that live there. In the past, I have brought candy, such as Hershey bars, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Big Red chewing gum. But, the world keeps getting smaller and American candies are everywhere (although Big Red is a purely American product, cinnamon not being particularly big flavor in Asia), and even Oreo’s and Baby Ruth bars are pretty commonplace. So, I wanted to ask your opinion…What junk food would you share with the world that is shelf-stable and can be brought on a plane? Thanks for your time.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Hydi: HMMMM shelf-stable, able to be brought on plane, but not common abroad? A few thoughts:

      1. candy corn and the various flavors. I’m not sure if anyone abroad ever eats candy corn, much less candy corn that tastes like red velvet or gingerbread, or cappuccino.

      2. Russel Stover Big Bites – same goes for these. They are all over the place in a Walgreens with lots of different varieties, but I don’t think RS has a huge international distribution

      3. Can’t go wrong tracking down the Red Velvet Oreos

      4. Peeps, Sweet Combos – I just keep on thinking of stuff that I know I haven’t seen abroad. Go for that stuff!

  27. Hydi says:

    Thanks, these are all great suggestions! Last night, I was thinking that I might bring some TastyKake pies, the individual ones. Nothing says USA more than pie. Please let me know if I can bring you back anything.

  28. Deb says:

    Could you compare different companies’ versions of the same product? For example, different brands of mint chocolate chip ice cream, different brands of waffles, etc.

  29. Jason says:

    Haven’t listened to the Nosh show in a while…why’d you leave? Best part of that show man.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Jason: Thanks, man. Nothing to do with the guys or the show – they’re great people. I have a lot going on in my life (incl. 1st kid coming soon!) so I wanted to back off until I figured it all out. Maybe I’ll rejoin at some point in the future if they’ll have me back!

  30. Jon Electric Fields says:

    Guess your financial plan is to get the big $$$ life insurance policy and eat this stuff. Then your widow and kids will get the payoff? Just hope you don’t linger and suffer a long debilitating demise. That might put a crimp in your style (and boost junk food companies’ profits) before you can begin doing any actual exercise (like pushing up the daisies).

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