Review: Limited Edition Mississippi Mud Pie Oreo

JFG Nation, this is going to be a VERY BUSY LIFE WEEK, so let’s get right to it.

Today’s junk food: Mississippi Mud Pie Oreo!!

In perusing Mississippi Mud Pie recipes online, it appears no two are the same! They all have a chocolate crust, but some have chocolate pudding, some have a chocolate brownie layer, some have a chilled whipped cream layer, some don’t chill it, and there’s no consensus as to what you put on top. But the bottom line for all of them: chocolate-y-ness in various forms and whipped cream.


WHY OR WHY NOT? The blogosphere has stated that, when eaten all together, these taste just like a regular Oreo. I don’t disagree. While there is an additional chocolate crime, the cookie masks that flavor.

I can taste a greater distinction when I separate the cookie parts out. The creme itself, to me, does contain a hint of whipped cream fluff flavor. It’s a little more airy and mousse like in the aftertaste. I do taste it, and I taste it in the chocolate creme too. I’m not sure if it’s any more or less sweet – just more airy. I always feel like I can taste the air in whipped cream. I can taste it here.

Put it back together and it tastes like an Oreo. Is this what Mississippi Mud Pie tastes like? Uh, I guess so? Whatever – these taste good.

ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW? Yes, these are only sold at Dollar General, which is quite a boon, I think. I sought out a Dollar General to buy these. That happened.

PURCHASED AT: Dollar General, Frederick, MD

WHERE FOUND IN STORE? End cap, hiding, facing the wall at the end of the cookie aisle.

COST? $3.00



Discuss - 4 Comments

  1. Jessica says:

    So was it worth seeking out a Dollar General?

  2. Erin from Long Island says:

    I figured these would be too much like a regular Oreo to be worth hunting down. Mississippi Mud is basically the same flavors in a different shape.

    BTW, you might wanna proof read this. Typo city!

  3. Rod says:

    As a Dollar General employee I’ve had to stare at these on a shelf for two weeks wondering why no one was buying them.

    Bought some shared them with my co-workers we all agree with your review very similar to a regular Oreo unless separated and only then do you taste the creme is slightly airier.

    They are good they are just way to similar to a regular Oreo for people to seek out a Dollar General specifically for these.
