Review: New Caramel M&M’s & More T-shirt Advice, Please!

JFG Nation, yesterday I posed the question of what to do with the pile of T-shirts I own.  All of you had great suggestions, but I need more! Mainly, I want to hear more stories of people like me who are T-shirt hoarders and HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH IT. Keep telling me in the comments below.

Today’s junk food: New Caramel M&M’s!!

Yeah, sorry that last picture is a little gross. I basically sucked off all of the outside shell and chocolate to reveal the nub of caramel that is at the center of all of the M&M’s. It’s basically the center of a Milk Dud!


WHY OR WHY NOT? These are really simple to enjoy – great M&M’s candy shell, with the same chocolate coating around a chewy center of caramel. The caramel is not so soft that you can bite and pulllllllll and stretch the caramel with your teeth. But it’s not super hard to chew either – it resists the tooth yet gives when pressed. Like a Milk Dud!  These are candy coated Milk Duds….with better chocolate (not just cocoa and vegetable oil).

I have to imagine these were fairly easy to execute for Hershey’s, since they are the company that ALSO makes Milk Duds. A comment from an Instagram commenter: “They are like Rolos covered in a crunchy shell.” Flavor-wise, yet – it does have a nice milk caramel flavor. Rolo caramel is much more stretchy – these were not.

All in all, great concept, great flavor, I didn’t feel like all of my fillings were going to come out when eating. Thumbs up!

ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW? Nah – this isn’t rocket science, it’s just chocolate and caramel.

PURCHASED AT: Target, Germantown, MD.

WHERE FOUND IN STORE? End cap of the registers.

COST? $2.69.



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Discuss - 13 Comments

  1. Jessica says:

    I will say as of late I quit trying to acquire t-shirts. No reason to. I don’t have as many opportunities to now that I can’t donate blood (most of my PJ shirts are from donating blood), but I’m not subscribing to things to get a free t-shirt.

    Having said that, I’ve turned a lot of mine into rags.

  2. Alek says:

    I hope they do different fillings next. Marshmallow fluff M&Ms

  3. Anne Sutton says:

    OK if you’ve decided that you’re a T-shirt hoarder, and you’re looking for how to control the chaos, then perhaps you need a visit to a container store. Now I do use a lot of my old tees as animal blankets because I have been active in animal rescue for some time. However, I still own way too many tees. I do have a method for my madness however. I use the white, flat storage bins to organize my tees. I have my tees grouped by ones I could get away with at work (under a nice cardigan or jacket just to be stylish), work-out tees (ones that maybe are more fitted or don’t just get sweat soaked), lounging, PJ-type tees and then tees for doing yardwork/housework. Then I can go straight for one bin when I’m looking to grab a tee. Still, it’s pain in the butt to sort after doing laundry. You have to kind of be an innately organized person to pull this off. I think these M&M’s sound disappointing. I was hoping for more Caramello in M&M form.

  4. Gabe says:

    Ask junkfoodgal to get in there and purge the house of your tees. I speak from experience, I am married to guy who hoards clothes he literally never wears, and I donated 90% of them during a spring cleaning session and he still hasn’t noticed. The point being, they do not add anything to your life, they don’t bring you joy, they just take up space – you’re just not strong enough to let them go, so ask her to do it for you. There are needy people who would truly appreciate those shirts that you’re not using. Keep 5, that’s more than you need for yardwork/exercise.

    • Anne Sutton says:

      Five? Yikes! Are you the T-shirt nazi??? Junk food guy would be doing laundry ALL the time. I can’t imagine getting below 14….that’s just one a day for a two-week supply.

  5. ruckus says:

    I keep my t-shirts in 3 categories. First tier are the nice ones I wear in public. Once those wear out they go to the bed time tier. And the final tier is the one in the bottom of the closet – the worst of those are used for dusting and the best go to charity.

  6. Monica says:

    Mars makes M&M’s, not Hershey. It took several years for the company to develop the technology to make filled M&M’s candies.

  7. Jeni says:

    I didn’t go back and look at the other thread that discusses t-shirts, but what about finding someone to make a t-shirt blanket for you? Especially for those that you don’t really wear anymore but have some kind of nostalgia attached. It would make a handy throw to have around during your next Netflix binge. Also, t-shirts can be cut into strips and made into a soft, fun rug for the future little JFBaby’s nursery. 😉

  8. J says:

    Ops you would

  9. Michelle says:

    I was actually disappointed by these, I was hoping for that soft liquidy kind of caramel, I don’t really like this harder rolo-type caramel. Bummer.

    Second the fluff filled suggestion!!!

  10. Spiritedmuse says:

    Just tried some tonight. And although to a degree I liked the caramel’s consistency. I don’t think it really combined all that well with the shell and the chocolate. Not saying it was hard to eat or anything. Just that I got a weird after taste, which I think was a mix of the caramel combining with the coloring off the shell and the chocolate. And it just didn’t taste good to me. So I think I’ll stick with my classic peanut flavor or the coffee nut.
