MICRO-REVIEW (x2): Bulk Candy Store’s Jolly Rancher Popcorn, Toasted Marshmallow Popcorn

Today’s junk food: Bulk Candy Store’s Jolly Rancher Popcorn, Toasted Marshmallow Popcorn!!

BulkCandyStore.com reached out to me to try two of their newest candy coated popcorns: Jolly Rancher Popcorn and Toasted Marshmallow Popcorn. I like candy covered corn like caramel corn a lot, so I jumped at the opportunity.

Let’s start with the Jolly Rancher Popcorn.


WHY OR WHY NOT? Per my co-worker Ethan: “I get the flavor of caramel corn at the start and then I get the flavor of Jolly Rancher at the end. I give them credit – it tastes a lot like Jolly Rancher. Not sure I like the pairing.”

Me: That’s exactly how I feel. The quality of the popcorn is very good. The first flavor I get is of a caramel corn, with good buttery and slightly salty notes and then a sharp Jolly Rancher flavor sort of comes out of nowhere to overtake the original flavor. The resulting flavor, once it gets to the Jolly Rancher, is good – but the transition between the two flavors is a little muddled. It would be like eating caramel corn while sucking on a Jolly Rancher – two great flavors that, combined, become a little disjointed. I think many will love this flavor, but it was only ok for me.

Next up: Toasted Marshmallow Popcorn!


WHY OR WHY NOT? This stuff is HEAVENLY. The flavor of the popcorn is spot on toasted marshmallow, with all of those great toffee notes that a campfire marshmallow releases. Added to the popcorn, this is an amazing flavor that I couldn’t stop eating. The first bite almost tasted like cereal marshmallows – that distinct marshmallow flavor was unmistakeable and paired PERFECTLY with the caramel corn underneath.

Just damn damn good. Excellent flavor, BCS. This is one of the best candies popcorns I’ve ever had.

ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW? Between the two, obviously I preferred the Toasted Marshmallow variety. BCS had lots of other flavors too, including Black Cherry and Pina Colada.

PURCHASED AT: Sent to me by Bulk Candy Store, but you can buy the Jolly Rancher popcorn here and the Toasted Marshmallow popcorn here!

WHERE FOUND IN STORE? Online at Bulk Candy Store.

COST? $8.99 for a huge 1 lb. bag.



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