Remembering 9/11

JFG Nation, yesterday was 9/11, and like I have for the past five years, I needed to post this. I know this website has been unpredictable over the past year, with some promises being made and kept, some promises being made and broken, and many things going unsaid on my end of things. As I’ve grown as a person, this site has changed with me, and filled different needs in my life. But 9/11 will always be a day where I stop and reflect on what my life was like fifteen years ago yesterday.

Those who have read my blog for the past five years know that I was living in New York City on 9/11, fifteen years ago.  If you’re new to my blog, I’d like to share my story of that day with you.  You can read it here.

As I said five years ago, my story is “…rather long, so if you’re not interested, totally cool … But if you’d like to learn a little more about your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy, read on.”

Fifteen years is a long time ago, but that day resonates clear in my head. I was just out of college, heading to my first real job. It was a lovely day, weather-wise. And then, in an instant, our world was flipped upside down. That single day shook the lives of all Americans and altered the paths of millions around the world.

We all remember where we were that day…I was just a scared kid in New York City armed only with a clock radio:

My clock radio, that I still own to this day.

My story did not end in tragedy, and in no way do I even try to pretend that I suffered at all compared to the people who had genuine loss and grief in their lives.  No, just consider my five-years-ago post a small snapshot about how 9/11 affected me in a really random (but to me, significant) way.

I wake each year with a heavy heart thinking of all who perished that day.  I cannot stop thinking about the bravery and sacrifice of the men and women who served on that day and for many days/months/years after. We honor them by never forgetting, and always moving forward.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 2 Comments

  1. TheBackupQB says:

    I enjoy this every year. Thanks for posting it again. Gives us all perspective.

  2. French guy says:

    9/11 was funny. Americans are dumb.
