Review: Birthday Cake Hershey Kisses, The Nosh Show Ep. 86: Team A, & Happy Labor Day!

JFG Nation, Happy Labor Day! Labor Day “honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of the country.” Take a load off, people! Drink a beer and tune your podcast ears into this: EPISODE 86 OF THE NOSH SHOW IS HERE!

For you new arrivals, The Nosh Show is a podcast started by Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, featuring Ryan from GrubGrade, Dubba from On Second Scoop, and, of course, me, your friendly neighborhood JFG. And today marks the release of The Nosh Show, Episode 86: Team A!

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This week: “Hershey’s Birthday Cake Kisses, Brach’s Brunch Favorites Candy Corn, Jack in the Box’s Brunchfast menu, and much more.” You can listen embedded here:

You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunesStitcherTuneIn, Google PlayRSS.

Why is this podcast called Team A? Because the Nosh Show has expanded and now the Core 4 have been joined by some other amazing talent, like the people from What’s Good at Trader Joe’s, and more! Definitely keep listening – the Nosh Show is getting bigger and better week by week.

Today’s junk food: Birthday Cake Hershey Kisses!!


Birthday Cake Hershey Kisses were discussed on this week’s episode of the Nosh Show. You’d think Birthday Cake flavor was played out a few years ago, but nooooope. Hershey’s Kisses have tackled the favorite.


Birthday Cake Hershey Kisses feature white “chocolate” (or maybe just a general white confection) that is birthday cake flavored and loaded with “colored cookies.” Huh? Is this going to be like the Cookies and Creme crunchy bits? Is there one big ass cookie piece inside?



So many ingredients inside these Birthday Cake Hershey Kisses! LOOK AWAY!


As soon as I opened this bag of Birthday Cake Hershey Kisses, I could smell the vanilla icing / birthday cake aroma pouring out of the hole. SUPER strong smell. Sweet aromas tickling my brain. They certainly smelled the part.


Birthday Cake Hershey Kisses are beautiful – pure off-white color, perfectly formed, with purple and pink bits embedded under the surface. I bit into one…


…and CONFIRMATION: these Birthday Cake Hershey Kisses are really really good!

The pink and purple bits were cookies crunchy bits – as I chewed through the soft Hershey’s white confection (definitely more confection than white chocolate), the bits crunched nicely like tiny pieces of cookie. Because of the color, it was almost like I was chewing on candy sprinkles, but the carb-y crunch was definitely there.

The flavor was spot-on – that overly vanilla cake icing flavor was unmistakable. Although these days with soooo many companies doing birthday cake flavor, I guess it’s not too hard to get it right (there’s so many comparators).

The flavor of the confection PLUS the cookie bits definitely resulted in a pretty perfect birthday cake flavor. I thought I’d dislike these because I was over birthday cake flavor. I was wrong. These are damn good. Go find. Buy. And enjoy your Labor Day!

Purchased at: Walmart, Frederick, MD

Cost: $3.54



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Discuss - 2 Comments

  1. Michael says:

    These are a baby shower (reveal party?…) waiting to happen.

  2. Alek says:

    Cake N Cream kisses could be relabeled
