Summer Fancy Food Show 2016: Post Show Exhaustion & The Nosh Show Ep.80: Wimpy Lays

Good morning JFG Nation. Or is it evening? I have no idea. I am completely delirious from the past two days. Before I go, let’s get right to it – EPISODE 80 OF THE NOSH SHOW IS HERE!

For you new arrivals, The Nosh Show is a podcast started by Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, featuring Ryan from GrubGrade, Dubba from On Second Scoop, and, of course, me, your friendly neighborhood JFG. And today marks the release of The Nosh Show, Episode 80: Wimpy Lay’s!

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This week, we talk about “Burger King Mac n’ Cheetos, Cinnamon Donut Chips Ahoy Cookies, Lay’s Beer ‘n Brats Potato Chips, our reviews of the new Oreo flavors, and much more.” You can listen embedded here:

You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunesStitcherTuneIn, Google PlayRSS.

Back to my weekend: If you were following any of my social media accounts, you knew I was at the Summer Fancy Food Show in NYC on Sunday and Monday. After traveling traveling to NYC on Saturday and eating ten slices of pizza (11, if you count the leftover slice I had Sunday morning before the show), I arrived at the 2016 Summer Fancy Food Show at the Javits Center:


I forget each year how geeked I get for this show. Day 1 was a blur, as I traveled with my JFG crew and power-walked the hell out of a good 60% of the 2500+ vendor booths that were set up and over 180,000+ new products. What started as a lively sprint through meats and cheeses became an old man march through rows and rows of chocolates. According to my highly inaccurate iPhone step counter, I walked 17,500 steps. My knees have never ached so much. By the end of the day, I managed to pilfer the following:


Not bad, Danny Ocean. A modest haul.


Day 2 of the Summer Fancy Food Show was another sunny day where my friend Jen and I crashed through the rest of the show, walking 20,000+ steps, and basically spent the later half of the afternoon scamming all the free alcohol we could. By 5pm, the show was a wasteland, even though the floor technically didn’t “close” until 6pm.

At the end of #sffs16 …even the pigeons are tired

A video posted by @junkfoodguy on

Who let the pigeons in? Were they picking over the dead carcasses of Iberico Jamon and food bloggers who didn’t make it?

At the end of Day 2, I was DONE. As my friend Jen indicated three years ago, we were more food than human at that point. Trudging back to DC was my least favorite part of the weekend. I basically collapsed into my apartment and passed out. When I awoke, these were my Day 2 spoils:


This was my overall loot:


I’m not sure if pride is what I’m feeling right now. It’s not quite food shame either. Exhaustion? Definitely. It always takes a while to recover from the Summer Fancy Food Show. I’ll put up some walk throughs this week, but for now, I need to find some kale or something.



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Discuss - 3 Comments

  1. Game says:

    It’s probably exhaustion.
    You over-indulged your happy junk food part of you and it screams at you enough after the fancy food show.

    I found some of the Lorissas Kitchen Jerky in my Walmart here a couple weeks ago. I though it was pretty good. Of course, I hate to say I haven’t had a piece of jerky I couldn’t find a way to gnaw through.

  2. Alek says:

    That looks tasty with so many samples. I noticed on the sign there was a rule enforcing that samples cannot be hauled out of the show floor. Wonder why?

  3. Amanda says:

    17,500 steps, and power-walking at that? I think you negated much of the foods/drinks you guzzled.. I should have tracked my steps, I came and conquered yesterday, literally almost fell off the train I was so tired. They should think about stomach-pumps or at least, free digestive enzyme-stations, at next years North Hall instead of simply oxygen masks and massages 😉
