Review: Limited Batch Birthday Cake Keebler Fudge Stripes, The Nosh Show Episode 79: Diet Snickers, Recovering From Travel AKA I DON’T WANNA DO ANYTHING

JFG NATION, for anyone following my Instagram, you know I’ve been traveling a lot lately. I was in Little Rock, AR, then I was in New Jersey again for the holiday weekend, and I’m finally back in DC. And I am definitely one of those people who says they need a “vacation from their vacation.”

When I get home from a trip, I put down my luggage, and then do everything I can to avoid unpacking. Netflix. Looking through mail. Surfing the web. And the whole time, my rolling suitcase is just sitting there staring at me. Finally, once I’ve looked at every single French bulldog photo on Instagram, I manage to crack open the suitcase and start throwing things into the laundry basket, back into the medicine cabinet, etc. But I’d rather peel potatoes than do it. I have no idea why I become SO SO LAZY when I get back from a trip. I can do all-day trials for my law gig, but put my shoes back into the closet? WHY IS MY LIFE SO HARD.

Of course I know I’m ridiculous. I feel like it’s because vacations are like an extended procrastination from real life, and it takes some momentum to get moving again. Vacations are like gravity or quicksand, and it takes extreme slow effort to get out of the laziness pull. Long story short, that’s why no post Monday or yesterday. Because I’m a slug.

Are you like me after a trip? Let me know in the comments below.


For you new arrivals, The Nosh Show is a podcast started by Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, featuring Ryan from GrubGrade, Dubba from On Second Scoop, and, of course, me, your friendly neighborhood JFG. And today marks the release of The Nosh Show, Episode 79: Diet Snickers!

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This week, we talk about “[t]wo new Oreo flavors (sorry, folks tired of us talking about Oreo cookies), Starburst Ice Cream Jelly Beans, Pizza Hut’s s’mores cookie, a new Snickers bar, and much more.” You can listen embedded here:

You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunesStitcherTuneIn, Google PlayRSS.

Today’s junk food: Limited Batch Birthday Cake Keebler Fudge Stripes!!!

Limited Batch Birthday Cake Keebler Fudge Stripes: The Money Shot

Limited Batch Birthday Cake Keebler Fudge Stripes: The Money Shot

June 1 marks an exciting month for me, JFG Nation, because on June 24, I will have written this blog for FIVE WHOLE YEARS. Holy smokes. It’s interesting when I go back and read some posts – my life has changed over the past five years, and so has this website. It tracks the busy times I’ve had in my life, as well as the not-so-busy times. Over the next couple weeks as we approach June 24, I’ll be reflecting back on some of my favorite posts. And, since we’re celebrating a birthday essentially, why not kick it off with these Limited Batch Birthday Cake Keebler Fudge Stripes?





Opening this package of Limited Batch Birthday Cake Keebler Fudge Stripes, I sniffed deeply – very strong birthday cake smell. Or rather, general cake frosting smell. It was sweet, had a decent vanilla aroma, and also seemed to have a hint of almond exract aroma? Interesting. These smelled spot on.


These Limited Batch Birthday Cake Keebler Fudge Stripes are dotted with the standard “birthday cake” design, which apparently means bits of blue confetti. The stripes are white instead of actual fudge, which is where I;m assuming the frosting flavor comes from. Like other Fudge Stripes I had, the frosting parts felt sort of waxy…par for the course.


I bit into one of these Limited Batch Birthday Cake Keebler Fudge Stripes and WOW. These tasted exactly like birthday cake to me. It took a second for my brain to figure out what I was tasting – like I smelled, there was a strange hint of almond extract on my tongue. But the flavor I realized I was getting was of perfect cake frosting – vanilla, with that slight almond tinge that reminded me exactly of supermarket cake frosting. Really pretty accurate. Plus, the “frosting” had a bit of sugary graininess to it that reminded me of actual cake frosting.

The cookie itself was slightly buttery which helped lend itself to tasting like cake. Combined, these tasted like a cupcake with frosting. The bits of blue were slightly hard and reminded me of sprinkles that you’d have to chew through when eating a standard supermarket cupcake.

All in all, I must say – this is one of the better birthday cake flavored items I’ve tried. I liked these a lot – nice work Keebler!

PURCHASED AT: Wegmans, Germantown, MD

COST: $2.69

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.



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Discuss - 5 Comments

  1. MP says:

    You could, you know, NOT talk about every new Oreo that comes out. Suffering from Oreo fatigue.

  2. Matt says:

    “Produced with genetic engineering”….not sure i’ve seen that disclaimer before

  3. Anne Sutton says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but I’m getting tired of the birthday cake flavor. However, I have kids so I will probably still buy this cookie. After trips I generally get a surge of energy. I feel the pressure of all this stuff that didn’t get done, and I try to do it all at once. That generally ruins the after-glow from the trip. I like your approach better.

  4. Kate says:

    Just chuck all your dirty travel clothes in the dry cleaning plastic bag that hotels usually provide. That way when you get home, you can just alley oop your aggregated laundry into the washer.

  5. Jessica says:

    The last two times I’ve actually taken a vacation (not a scuba trip which doesn’t allow for post trip laziness – gotta maintain the gear), I’ve come back sick as a dog. Of course I was lazy then.
