MICRO-REVIEW: Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Chocolate Milano Cookies & Cracker Jack Goes Digital??

JFG Nation, a quick story – reader Alek tipped me off to this story:


After more than 100 years and 23 billion tiny toys, Cracker Jack is no longer adding those traditional surprises to its packages of caramel-coated popcorn.

Plano-based Frito Lay, which owns the iconic brand, is replacing little plastic toys, temporary tattoos and the like, with a QR code on a sticker that links to mobile games customers can play.

“The Cracker Jack Prize Inside has been as much a part of the nostalgia and love for the brand as the unforgettable combination of caramel-coated popcorn and peanuts,” said Haston Lewis, senior director of marketing, Frito-Lay in a news release on Monday. “The new Prize Inside allows families to enjoy their favorite baseball moments through a new one-of-a-kind mobile experience, leveraging digital technology to bring the iconic Prize Inside to life.”

WHAT. THE. EFF. You have GOT to be kidding me. Cracker Jack is not going to put sh*tty prizes inside their bags of popcorn anymore? But where will I get my temporary tattoos from now on? Where will I get….uh….even MORE temporary tattoos?

Look, I get it, Cracker Jack. You used to give out plastic rings and figurines but then stopped when (a) kids started to choke on them, and (b) you realized paper was even cheaper than plastic. And quite frankly, I haven’t bought Cracker Jack because of the “prize” since I was a little kid. But still – virtual prizes? And I have to download an app too??? Something called Blippar????? No. Just no. Just get rid of the prizes and be done with it.

What do you think, JFG Nation? Let me know in the comments below.

Today’s junk food: Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Chocolate Milano Cookies!!

Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Chocolate Milano Cookies: The Money Shot

Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Chocolate Milano Cookies: The Money Shot





Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Chocolate Milano Cookies! After seeing the whole Oreo trend, Milanos have been every flavor under the sun…and now they are Key Lime flavored.  Back in 2014, when Pepperidge Farm introduced their Lemon Chocolate Milano cookies, I reviewed and thoroughly enjoyed that combo. And now Lemon and Chocolate is a common combo seen in restaurant desserts and pastries alike. But Key Lime and Chocolate? Uh….

Opening the bag, there was a decently strong, bright, Key Lime aroma. It had that clean meringue-y smell to it. Biting into one of the cookies, I chewed – the cookie was light and buttery, and the light lime flavor was definitely there…but it didn’t have that TART that I want from a good Key Lime. The lime flavor plus the crumbly Milano cookie actually reminded me of Trix – that sort of artificially fruity sweet carb flavor. The more I chewed, the more I got the essence of Trix. Which, as I’m sure you can gather, was not what I expected.

Adding the chocolate was fine, so the flavor went back and forth between Trix and chocolate Milano. This pairing was weird. It wasn’t BAD (I could crush the bag mindlessly) but there was nothing about this flavor that felt groundbreaking and nothing about the flavor combo that seemed to elevate the overall taste. I didn’t really buy the combo of lime and chocolate, and these cookies did nothing to change my mind about that.

So yeah…not great, but not bad, but not a re-buy for me. Sorry, PF.

PURCHASED AT: Giant, Van Ness, DC

COST: $2.00 on sale

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.



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Discuss - 5 Comments

  1. Merissa says:

    This was brave of you – we know how you feel about artificial lime flavor!

  2. MP says:

    I’m tired of all this modifying of things to technology. Some of us still use cash, use paper, pens, snail mail & read actual books.
    We shouldn’t have to stare a screen 24 hours a day to do everything. Just…leave it alone.

  3. Alek says:

    NO! It a stupid idea. What about those without phones???

  4. Amy says:

    Disappointed after reading the review. These could have been awesome. Regarding lime and chocolate, Godiva has a key lime truffle with dark chocolate. Very tasty. Probably my favorite.

  5. Michael says:

    Cracker Jack needs to team up with a company with some form of collectible. Regardless of all things forcing people to buy CJ products for x% chance of rare collectible in an app would sell.
