JFG Nation, let me pull back the curtain a little bit: I have no effing clue what I’m doing with this site sometimes.

When I was in college, I used to build websites for cash. Yeah I did it line by line, html code all the way. Sure it would take me days to create one stupid page, BUT I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING. Now, WordPress is in my life, and it is so easy to build gorgeous colorful websites without much effort.

Until something goes wrong.

I upgraded my WordPress platform over the weekend, and ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. I couldn’t add images. I couldn’t edit posts. I COULDN’T DO ANYTHING. WHAT THE HELL, WORDPRESS. STOP DOING…WRONG THINGS, AND DO…RIGHT THINGS! NOW! I pounded my keyboard like a caveman.

You know why? Because I have no clue how WordPress works! I add pics and type things and then I press publish, and the magic WordPress wizards create a website for me. WHY DID YOU FORSAKE ME, WORDPRESS WIZARDS????

After hours, no, DAYS or reading articles, I did ONE thing to fix this mess – I deactivated a plug-in. That’s IT. And now my site is back to normal.

I was going to post something new today, but I’m still REELING from the past three days. Instead, I’ll just post a picture of a sandwich I had over the weekend:

Now THAT’S a sandwich: the Smith Point from @jettiesdc #iifym #sandwich #roastbeef #avocado

A photo posted by @junkfoodguy on


I need a drink.

-The JFG

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Discuss - 6 Comments

  1. Technosquid says:


  2. Ryan says:

    Assuming you do daily backups, just view your history of changes and go back to the formal before changes were applied.

  3. Beeb says:

    love your website…….sending juju to you’re back up and running

  4. Junk Banter says:

    This sandwich post might be my favorite one yet. Straight and to the point. Everyone loves sandwiches.

    Happy to see you back up and running, JFG. Was worried!

  5. MP says:

    WordPress has definitely made candyasses out of all of us!
    I tried learning HTML back in the day. Nope. Couldn’t do it. Too much effing work!

  6. Advocate for Stop Onion Breath says:

    That is a S*** ton of onions on there. I hope you didn’t have anything to do the rest of the day after eating that bomb.
