MICRO-REVIEW: Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Mint & Pretzel Goldfish Mix

Today’s junk food: Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Mint & Pretzel Goldfish Mix!!

Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Mint & Pretzel Goldfish Mix: The Money Shot

Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Mint & Pretzel Goldfish Mix: The Money Shot




Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Mint & Pretzel Goldfish Mix is another new snack mix released at the same time as the honey mustard mix I reviewed last week. This one was not as successful for me. The chocolate mint cookie pieces tasted sort of like the inside of a Thin Mint – nice and light and crunchy, and the chocolate mint flavor was bold but not overly sweet. I liked the subtlety and restraint.

But the salty pretzel added in was a little weird. The pretzels itself were good, but salty mint? I feel like I MUST have tried that in other places, but I couldn’t pinpoint where. It’s not that it’s a bad combo, and I noshed a good number of handfuls, but it’s not the most natural pairing. I give PF credit for the effort, but I wouldn’t buy these again.

Regular chocolate cookie with pretzel? I can dig it. The mint threw everything off for me.

PURCHASED AT: Wegmans, Germantown, MD

COST: $1.99 on sale

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 4 Comments

  1. Carla says:

    I tried these weeks ago with really high hopes and I had the same thoughts about the Thin Mint flavor and consistency and also about the weird-ness of the pretzel. In fact, I literally ended up tossing most of the pretzel pieces and just ate the chocolate ones.

  2. Kaitlyn says:

    this flavor combo makes no sense to me.

  3. Carla says:

    In theory, it could actually be good. After all, you seem chocolate mint covered pretzels and peppermint covered pretzels at Christmas time, right?

  4. Bring back Chocolate Chip Goldfish, Pepperidge Farms! says:

    Strangest goldfish combo ever. Your description on the mint chocolate goldfish tasting like the inside of a Thin Mint was spot on.
    Actually, I would buy these if they sold mint chocolate goldfish grahams. No need for the pretzel goldfish. I can buy those separately.
