Review: Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn & Let It Snow Let It Snow…Wait, NO MAKE IT STOP

Junk Food Nation, just a quick word about snow.  I didn’t grow up in Buffalo, NY, but I was in the vicinity, and that region got PUMMELED yesterday.  In one day, the area got hit with FIVE AND A HALF FEET OF SNOW, and in some places, more.  FIVE AND A HALF FEET IN ONE DAY.  Holy moly. That’s real, people. I remember storms like this when I was a kid, but I have to admit, it’s been a while and this storm was sort of scary.  Look at these photos/tweets below:

Yeah, I will never complain again about it being “cold” here in DC.  Good. Lord.  Buzzfeed has a great collection of photos of this storm. People raided and stole from a trapped Doritos truck in Buffalo – which, hey, when there’s an event like this going on, YOU GOTTA DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO. The Bills, who are scheduled to play in that wintery bowl on Sunday, actually offered people $10/hr and game tickets to help them shovel the field.

My thoughts to everyone in that region.  Wow.

Today’s junk food: Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn!

Brach's Candy Cane Candy Corn

Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn: The Money Shot

Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn! I’ve reviewed candy corn a BUNCH on this blog, and oh Brach’s, what have you done. I’m not sure whether to rejoice or gag. Let’s hope it’s the former.

Brach's Candy Cane Candy Corn

Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn: 140 cal per serving

Brach's Candy Cane Candy Corn

Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn: peppermint oil

Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn is a product of Mexico! Which is sort of cool, since the candies are the color of the Mexico flag.

Brach's Candy Cane Candy Corn

Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn: Colorful!

I opened the bag of Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn, and PEPPERMINT AROMA CAME POURING OUT. Holy hell, the smell was strong to me. Like, I kept searching for that vanilla sugary candy corn smell, but nope – Peppermint is all I got!  Super strong.  I placed one in my mouth hesitantly…

Brach's Candy Cane Candy Corn

Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn: HMMMMM

Brach’s Candy Cane Candy Corn basically tastes like the inside of a peppermint patty (I stole that description from, but it’s a perfect description.) It’s SUPER MINTY, with a strong peppermint flavor.  The candy corn texture itself was just what you’d imagine it to be – that firm, waxy chew.  But the flavor of candy cane was definitely front and center.  They were sweet, but not as balanced sweet/mint as the gummy candy canes I reviewed a few days ago. No, these were distinctly peppermint-punch-you-in-the-face.

The thing is, while this tastes like the inside of a peppermint patty, did I want it without the dark chocolate to help tame the mint? I dunno….I have mixed feelings on this. It tasted waaaay better than I expected. But now that I’m actually tasting the true mint power of these candy corn, I’m not sure I’d want to eat them by the handfuls.  Like, maybe one, once in a while.

Still, good execution, Brach’s!  Just maybe not entirely for me.

PURCHASED AT: Walgreens, Van Ness, DC

COST: $2.99

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 8 Comments

  1. Sarah says:

    Buffalonians are tough but this is getting crazy. My mom’s house is in West Seneca, buried. With two more feet coming tomorrow it starts to become out of control. I really can’t be live it. 47 degrees is predicted for the weekend. I think that is when it is really going to be horrible. Would you believe the sabres won a game??!!….and there were no fans there to see it! It will be interesting to see what happens with the bills game….stadium full of snow, parking lots full of snow, fans can’t get there….etc…

    • lisa says:

      Hi, my two brothers live off mill road, on hi-view terrace. Is your mom close?
      i am so glad i moved out of there when i was 17 yrs old!!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Sarah: Wait, the Sabres won a game???? That’s more surprising than the snow!

  2. Indigo says:

    The pics of the windows shattering into houses are frightening. What are those people doing to stay warm? The whole thing seems unreal, and the crazy part of it IMO is that it’s not even winter yet. Sooo….what’s winter gonna be like? Waiting with dread to see pics once two more feet fall.

  3. Sarah says:

    Lisa…my mom is on Villa Maria, between Angle and Reserve….so yes, very close to your family! Also glad to not be living there too! Two more feet coming and many roofs have started to collapse, now it is scary. Just hoping the power stays on!

  4. ibagoalie says:

    I love snow, but WOW, this is just too much. So even if the power stays on do the newer high efficiency furnaces work? Their vents are usually on the side of the house, not on the roof. I would think that they would would be buried and then you have the threat of CO poisoning.
