Review: Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel & FULL-ON AVIATORS…ON THE SUBWAY

Junk Food Nation, as I rode the Metro (subway) into work today, I noticed a man sitting straight up in one of the padded seats next to the sliding doors. He was wearing a nice grey suit, a thin black tie….AND FULL ON AVIATOR SUNGLASSES.  At first I looked around, trying to see if he was some bodyguard protecting a diplomat.  Nope, no important people around. Nope, no earpiece in his ear.

Here’s the thing – the Metro cars in DC are lit, but it’s not like they are THAT well lit.  Nobody goes into the subway blinded by the light, needed to shade their eyes.  So why the heck are you wearing gigantic reflective sunglasses for?

And trust me, I’m not an idiot – I know about the whole hangover/wanting to cover your bloodshot eyes thing. Or maybe you just want to snooze a few minutes and the sunglasses provide some cover.  Yeah, I know. This guy was not asleep, nor did he seem hungover, since he was perched straight up and down on the edge of the bench like a statue. The entire ride, he was unmoving. Unsmiling. Just sunglasses on, staring straight ahead. CREEPY. Maybe he was DEAD, Weekend at Bernie’s style.  But I didn’t see two comical sidekicks holding up and moving his arms with string, so THAT wasn’t it.

No, I concluded that the reason he was wearing aviators indoors was because he was a jackass.  He just liked the way they look, despite the fact that we were UNDERGROUND in a normal lit subway car.

Am I being too harsh? I just don’t understand wearing sunglasses indoors, or on the subway.  I once so a dude wearing wraparound Oakleys, STRUGGLING to read a newspaper because (um) IT WAS TOO DARK.  He kept holding the newspaper REALLY CLOSE to his face. Buddy, it’s ok. You can look NOT COOL for two seconds while you try to figure out what’s going on in Afghanistan.

What do YOU think about people who wear sunglasses indoors, and is there ever a good reason to?  (And NO, this guy I saw today was not blind. Trust me, I’m not that much of a jerk).  Tell me in the comments below!

Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel!

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel: The Money Shot

OOOOOOOOOOOOOH SNAP. Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel. As much as I gripe about Fall-flavors coming out so early, I must admit, I JUMPED when I saw a picture of these over on The Impulsive Buy.  PUMPKIN PIE TOASTER STRUDEL??? My my my, what have you done, Pillsbury? Read my mind, that’s what.  GET OUT OF MY MIND.

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel: MMM PIE

The obvious question for me when I saw this Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel was why the hell did it take this long?  I mean, Pumpkin Pie Pop-Tarts have been around for a while – the technology was there people! JUST REACH OUT AND GRAB THAT UNICORN.

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel: tear or cut

I love the instructions for these Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel. Toast for 1 to 2 cycles?  WHY SO COMPLICATED?

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel: The specs

All I needed to see was “PUMPKIN PUREE” and we’re good.

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel: How……segmented

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel basically come six to a bag, while accompanied by six tiny tear off packages of icing.  I have to admit, in this form, everything sort of looks gross.  BUT, taste is all that matters!

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel: BURNING HOT

I sent my Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel through my toaster oven 1.5 cycles, and out came this beautiful pastry. I know anyone who normally eats toaster pastries is used to the look of this. I didn’t quite expect it to be so scorching hot when I pulled it from the oven though.  Damn.

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel: Frosting on!

This Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel smelled great – when I placed my nose up to it, a barely-there, faint pumpkin smell. I won’t say this smelled like pumpkin pie right away, because it didn’t. Smelled mainly like …well, toast.

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel: OOO AAAA

Once opened, this Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel DID smell like pumpkin pie.  Placing my nose up to the dark innards, I definitely smelled pumpkin, spice, cinnamon, all the familiar hallmarks.  I needed to get this in me. NOW.

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel

Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel: The GOODS

I munched and munched on this Limited Edition Pillsbury Pumpkin Pie Toaster Strudel, and I have to say it was DAMN GOOD…with a caveat.  In totality, this tasted amazing – a nice, hot, and flaky toaster strudel, covered with still melting super-sweet icing, and the insides gave off a nice cinnamon, brown sugar, spice, slight pumpkin flavor.  It sort of tasted like a glaxed cinnamon donut.  Which is delicious. DELICIOUS!  The pastry was light yet full of flavor.

The caveat? NEEDED MORE PUMPKIN FLAVOR.  As you see when I described the inside flavor, I definitely noted the pumpkin as “slight.” Don’t get me wrong, I could taste it; it was there…but barely.  I could taste it because I was seeking it out, but it quickly got covered by the cinnamon and sugar and spice flavors, as well as the bold sweetness of the icing on the outside. When I tasted the inside goo by itself, the flavor was more prominent, but I still wanted MORE!  If this is truly going to be pumpkin pie-ish, I’m gonna need you to punch up the pumpkin and reduce all the other noise.  I DEFINTIELY recognized the overall flavor to be pumpkin, but I wonder if that’s because I’ve consumed way too many pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks.

BUT, all in all, VERY VERY good.  While I want more pumpkin, there was enough to make me want to buy these again. FINALLY, Pillsbury. Finally.


COST: $2.00 on sale

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 21 Comments

  1. T says:

    I love your reviews! I am a huge pumpkin fan but I think the other flavors of the Toaster Strudel are disgusting. I probably won’t try this since it doesn’t have a big pumpkin flavor. Can’t wait to try those Milano pumpkin cookies though…

  2. Marc P says:

    Unless there is a medical reason, there is never ever a reason to wear sunglasses indoors. The only other diagnosis could be that you are a tool.

    Apologies to be off topic but this review reminded me of Quest Protein bars. I cycle in the summer and these things have been a Godsend.

    Have a great weekend all.

  3. MP says:

    Last week I had a really bad migraine & I had to wear sunglasses indoors for a few days.

  4. TroutPoutt says:

    Since when are wraparound Oakleys cool? Maybe statue-guy was a) leaving an Ophthalmologist appointment or b) a robot out on a test run? Hey, it’s DC right, you never know.

    This review is very painful for me to read as Toaster Strudel is one of my favourite things and it doesn’t exist over here. Pumpkin pie too. Maybe I will make a version of this with pastry and pumpkin pie filling… Is that going too far? At least I will be responsible for the amount of pumpkin flavouring!

  5. Dr. Stanley Goodspeed says:

    These were reflective glasses? Easy, he was checking out people of the sex he is interested without them knowing that he was checking them out. Case closed.

    Or Google Glass now makes sunglasses.

  6. Heather says:

    From the picture, these remind me of my beloved and now discontinued brown sugar cinnamon Toaster Strudels. The filling in those used to be a delicious, glorious runny goo rather than the set texture of the cinnamon roll ones. I like pumpkin, but only if it’s faint. I like more of the cinnamon and nutmeg notes. I bet these will be perfect for me!

  7. M says:

    I wear sunglasses on the subway here in L.A. all the time. Reason being is that there are some weirdos on the subway that like to stare and the sunglasses prevent me from making direct eye contact with anyone. Sunglasses on + headphones in = leave me the f*** alone.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @M: Yeah, I get that – but this guy was sitting so much at attention it was bizarre. Like, he wasn’t trying to hide in the corner.

  8. Shandi says:

    I wear my wanna be aviators all the time. For this reason (hold on, this might get deep):
    I avoid direct eye contact with people in public places. Im a dedicated, commited to my life, kind of woman. Just because i may make eye contact, doesnt mean im into someone or want to carry on conversation with everyone. Eyes are a quick reference to someones space. In sitiations where respect is due, of course, dont wear your aviators lol…restaurants, church, or other situations you may need to directly converse. I think he was just there to commute, and didnt want anyone in his business…and there you were picking up on all this and he hid from you behind the paper? Lol! 🙂 🙂

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @shandi: But he wasn’t hiding behind a paper. He was sitting upright, hands on legs, chest puffed out on the edge of his seat! WEIRD

  9. M. Susan Guerrero Light says:

    Hmmm I like toaster streudel but didn’t like the pumpkin, nor do i like the strawberry for some reason. i guess it just comes down to personal taste… as does the wearing dark sunglasses inside. if you grew up with the Blues Brothers on SNL while in jr high, or were heavy into the punk and post punk scene, then you just tend to get it. i went as far as to have my prescription lenses put in a pair of wayfarers so the teacher couldn’t ask me to remove them, I must admit i took perverse delight in this small act of personal anarchy, and I continued through college. Even now as someone who has worked in education and in the court systems, I still delight in small acts of anarchy, or as I now call them, personal freedom of expression 🙂

  10. llama says:

    Maybe he was people watching. Much easier to watch whatever or whoever, when they can’t see your eyes. U obviously aren’t an observant people watcher, if that idea never came to mind.

  11. gollygeebeaver says:

    I love these. I can’t stop eating them. I need some help.
