Review: Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips & Favorite Robin Williams Moments

Junk Food Nation, I was just getting out of the subway after work when my phone buzzed with news of the death of Robin Williams. Immediately, my shoulders slumped. And as I read more news about the circumstances surrounding his death, they slumped further. Just sad. RIP.

But I don’t want to discuss the details or talk about depression etc. – there’s a lot of news articles already getting into that written by people WAY more qualified than me. Instead, I want to celebrate his memory and career. I grew up watching re-runs of Mork and Mindy. I watched Good Morning, Vietnam, even though I was too young to understand what the movie was about.  My favorite R.W. movies: Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, Hook, Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, Birdcage, I even have a soft spot in my heart for Popeye. Here are my favorite R.W. moments:

The banquet scene in Hook:

The “It’s Not Your Fault” scene, Good Will Hunting:

The “What Will Your Verse Be?” scene from Dead Poets Society:

That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. Good words, Walt Whitman. Thank you for your verse, R.W.

What’re YOUR favorite Robin Williams moments? Tell me in the comments below.

Today’s junk food: Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips!

Lay's Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips

Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips: The Money Shot

Since the snack world is currently abuzz with Lay’s Do Us a Flavor feedback (catch my reviews here and here), I decided to pull out another foreign potato chip bag I’d been saving: Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips. No, these aren’t a test flavor in some Asian market – this is a NORMAL flavor. Well, a MAX flavor…whatever that means.

Lay's Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips

Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips: That’s some platter

Foreign chips always have flavors we might not recognize, and Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips certainly qualify. Although, to be fair, who DOESN’T love a good seafood platter.  I mean, seriously? Shrimp and crawfish boils are some of my favorite things.  This joint in DC does huge bags of crawfish/shrimp boils with sausages, potatoes, corn, and $1 Miller Lites.  You can’t beat it. And mussels with white wine and garlic? Forget it – I could eat buckets.

Lay's Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips

Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips: The Maltose Fine

Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips contain some interesting ingredients, like “crab powder” and “the maltose fine.” The maltose fine?  There’s something lost in translation, I’m sure.  Maybe that was supposed to be finely ground maltose?  And more importantly, what does it mean that two of the next four ingredients after potatoes are sugar?

Lay's Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips

Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips: Ridged

Opening this bag of Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips and sniffing, I definitely smelled a shrimp-y aroma. Sort of like a bag of seafood boil – like a bunch of shrimp shells being boiled to make seafood stock. Time to taste…

Lay's Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips

Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips: Nondescript powder

I munched on these Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips and was slightly confused.  Basically, these tasted sooo familiar, and then I realized – they tasted EXACTLY like these Lay’s (Thailand) Hot Chili Squid Potato Chips I reviewed last fall! Like, almost to a T, without the spice. Reading over my description last fall, the same words could be used to describe these chips!  In fact, let’s try it, replacing the name of the chip:

Describing [Lay’s Max Seafood Platter Potato Chips] flavor requires a story.  Growing up, as an Asian kid, there was lots of Asian versions of jerky lying around the house.  Beef jerky, prok jerky…and my parents would sometimes have squid jerky!  I know, sounds gross.  I loved it.  Essentially, it was a seafood-y chewy bit of calamari that was dried and seasoned with sugar and salt.

Anyways, for any Asian kids out there who know what I’m talking about, these chips taste EXACTLY like that squid jerky.  It was shrimp-calamari tasting…that general seafood flavor… with a bit of sweetness to it, almost like a mild sweet barbeque smokiness…

Yeah, I know this isn’t the best description, but the point is, I LIKED THESE.  A lot.  But if you’re someone who didn’t like when Lay’s did the Chicken n Waffles flavored chips recently, then you’ll probably find these off-putting.

Yep, description still works. These tasted like sweet cuttlefish jerky, like the red sauce at the bottom of a seafood boil plus a bit of sugar. I know it sounds weird. I’m sorry I can’t describe it any better. But I enjoyed these. Let me know if you’ve tried them – would love to hear other opinions.


COST: $0.99

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 15 Comments

  1. Tim says:

    He did a great job in Death To Smoochy, I guess you can call him the villain. Very underrated.

  2. alek says:

    Mrs. Doubtfire when he was making dinner then leaned on the stove causing “her” boobs to catch fire. And who cant forget “OH HELLO!!!” face full of icing

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Alek: haha, of course! “It was a run-by fruiting”

    • alek says:

      How could I forget that part!! Throwing the lime at Antonio. Then blaming it on other people. Also that perverted bus driver looking at his legs. So many favorites. The restaurant part was hilarious with him switching too much.

    • alek says:

      Also Patch Addams one of the most inspiring movies ever. So cute and especially the graduation scene where he flashed his bare behind. The position of legs spread out was hilarious when I first saw when I was a kid I did not get the humor at all but then when I saw it again later on I got the humor. Also the balloon scene was funny.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Alek: You know, I never saw Patch Adams. I’ll have to do that

  3. Sarah says:

    I would have to pick What Dreams May Come for my favorite of his.
    I love all seafood, even the crazy stuff down in Chile. I want that squid jerky!

  4. Elisa says:

    I’ve seen 5 of the movies you mentioned above. Who can forget his role as the Genie in “Aladdin”?
    While I was in grad school, one of my classmates and I watched (on DVD) a stand up show he did.

  5. Sascha says:

    I HATED What Dreams May Come, and even watched it twice to make sure. But the rest of his stuff is brilliance, especially his moments with Billy Crystal on Comic Reliefs. Did a great job in One hour Photo also. Haven’t seen RV yet, but will soon.

    Those chips sound awesome. Of course, I said the same about the terrible Mango Salsa chips, but still, I would love to try these.

  6. There’s also a Spicy Hotpot MAX flavour from Taiwan. They aren’t the best chips in the world. A couple years ago I had Bamboo Salt flavour and they were GREAT!
