Review: Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds & The Nosh Show, Ep. 31 & Headache Remedies?

Junk Food Nation, Monday is here and it’s muggy as hell outside here in DC.  Ugh – let’s talk about more pleasant things…like ice cream!


So Friday’s comment contest had 49 comments/entries! I love it, and I love how passionate some of you were regarding Mariah’s drink. And today’s random winner is…. ALEK (sim@______) Congrats, Alek – email me your contact info to and I’ll get the free coupon in the mail to you!


As for today’s way to win, we’ll keep it really simple. I always send out a tweet regarding my daily post – simply RT those tweets to enter to win!  In other words, today I’ll prob send out 2-3 tweets regarding today’s Chester’s Poppers’ snack, so RT that tweet to enter to win.  Like before, I’ll be picking the winner out of the 1, 2, 12, 46 entries, whatever it is.  EASY.  And I’ll announce it on this blog tomorrow.  Please enter – I have like 17 more of these coupons to give away; they are burning a hole in my pocket.


A quick question for all of you out there in Junk Food Nation – does anyone have any good headache remedies?  I have a tendency to have them, usually due to stress or dehydration or a combo of both.  Sometimes I think I get so stressed about thinking about getting a headache that I give myself one, or I end up not getting enough sleep because I’m so afraid of waking up dehydrated that I chug chug chug water and end up visiting the bathroom 3x that night.  Which probably gives me a headache too.  I’m sure there’s some food trigger out there as well.

ANYWAYS, what do YOU do for headaches?  What is your go-to cure? It could be for normal migraines or even for hangovers – I’m curious to know what miracle solutions you all use to ease the brain. Let me know in the comments below! Thanks.


Junk Food Nation, THE NOSH SHOW EPISODE 31, is out today (or, yesterday)!

Nosh Show Episode 31: Crazy Buns

This week, “we chew over another 2014 Oreo release, another 2014 Mountain Dew release, new products from the 2014 Sweet & Snacks Expo, and we replace the Nosh of the Week segment with something new.”  Listen embedded here:

You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunesStitcherSwell appSoundCloudTuneInRSS, or, you can also download the episode. Thanks for listening for the past year!

TODAY’S JUNK FOOD: Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds!

Chester's Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds: The Money Shot

Is it bad that every time I see Chester Cheetah I think of this Family Guy clip?

Chester's Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds: So much going on!

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds…there’s so much going on with the name of this snack.  Are these Cheetos? Are they a chip?  Cheese pizza flavored, as opposed to regular cheese flavored? And what do waffle rounds have to do with cheese pizza anyways?  So confused.

Chester's Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds: Serving size is…WHAT?

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds have a serving size of…36 pieces??? WHAT THE.

Chester's Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds: pizza seasoning?

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds contains pizza seasoning, which apparently includes a paragraph of different cheeses and oils.  Seriously, if you just boiled down the “pizza seasoning” without any parenthetical, this bag would only contain nine ingredients.  The first of which is oil.  Wow.

Chester's Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds: Smells like teen spirit.

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds smelled like super fake pizza smell.  I actually hesitate to say they smelled like pizza – it reminded me a lot of the way former Pizza Doritos used to smell…which I didn’t love.  Sort of a combo between tomato powder, a weird bright cheese aroma, and onion powder.  Hmph.  Let’s try these.

Chester's Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds

Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds: Weirdly light

These Chester’s Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds had a texture like Funyuns. Made of potato starch and wheat flour, these light waffle shapes were EXTREMELY light and crispy. They did not resembles Cheetos at all.  If you’ve had Funyuns, you know what these feel like.  Sort of like a VERY light chicharrón, or pork rind.

Flavor wise…oh where to begin.  Like the smell, this snack tasted like fake pizza flavor.  The first taste I got was of the tangy tomato powder.There was some general savoriness due to the garlic and onion powders, and the salt and MSG, but mainly the tomato powder was the forefront of the flavor.  Layered on top of that, which came through right after tasting the tomato tang, was the cheese flavor.I couldn’t put my finger on which cheese, but it was definitely a brighter cheese flavor – the sharp notes of cheddar and the bright notes of parmesan and jack cheese.

Here’s the thing – the resultant flavor wasn’t BAD per se, but it wasn’t pizza.  It was a tomato-y and cheesy flavor combo. I would like to tell all companies out there that just adding cheese and tomato powder together doesn’t make it pizza flavored.  Now, to these chips credit, what made the combo taste SLIGHTLY more pizza-like were some herb flavors – I caught some oregano, paprika, and slight bit of basil taste.  Maybe I imagined it, but I thought it was there.  So, it was SLIGHTLY more pizza-like…but just barely.

Again, these weren’t bad, but I could take it or leave it.  Not the most compelling flavor in the world, nor the most compelling chip.  So-So, is my verdict.


COST: $1.98

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 26 Comments

  1. Jessica says:

    My headache remedy is binaural beats. I have at least 4 different apps on my phone that play them (my favorite is Brainwave Tuner) and both that one and one called Binaural Beats has a “headache relief” tone. Listen to it through headphones and as crazy as it sounds, it works! (There are also tones to relax, fall asleep, increase attention…it’s nuts, which is probably why I like it so much!)

  2. Tim says:

    I use Volcano Oil. It’s like liquid vix with a roll on tip. Rub that around your temples, forehead, back of the neck. It stings, but actually works. I still combine it with Excedrin migraine, but does provide some immediate relief until the meds kick in!
    Here is the link below, expensive, but worth it. Hope it helps!

  3. Mike N. says:

    Are you familiar with the ‘uncanny valley’ theory? I wonder if it could apply to snack chips; if they tasted TOO much like pizza it might be too creepy. How would you compare the taste to Pringles Pizza flavor? (I was going to ask if you’ve had Pizza Pringles, but then I realized that was probably a stupid question.)

  4. Jeni says:

    I have had headaches my whole life and I have a whole routine I go through to alleviate the pain. Hydrate, ice on my neck/head, rest if possible, ibuprofen, a little caffeine. Regular chiropractic care has pretty much eliminated my migraines.

  5. alek says:

    I just go to sleep to get the headache away. Growing up during my school times whenever I get a headache I just go through the day trying to not puke in class and trying to avoid lunch. Arrive home I just go sleep to get it gone. But if the headache is unbearable I try to pick a class that I hate the most and go to the nurse office and sleep.

    Aspirin helps too

  6. Somehow I think your palate may be too refined for the target audience of these chip/crisp/round/chemical conglomeration. Anyway…

    All I can offer is my experience, I was getting headaches almost daily and migraines several times per week, taking ibuprofen or ‘migraine relief’ pills basically daily – which generally worked. Kept telling myself I was just tired, just hadn’t eaten properly, too much computer staring at work, etc. etc. Long story short – I went for a checkup (after putting it off for too long) and got on meds for high blood pressure, which is now basically perfect. In the 3 years or so I’ve been on them, I’ve probably had 2 or 3 mild headaches and zero migraines and the ones I’ve had were very obviously tied to being very tired. Mine HAD to have been tied to high blood pressure, which my father and both brothers have, also, because they turned off like a switch. And BP has almost nothing to do with fitness, as my doctor loves to tell me (EVERY VISIT), he’s had morbidly obese people with perfect BP while athletes like Joe Montana are on like 4 meds for high BP. Worth checking if you don’t already know what your BP is at.

  7. MP says:

    My headache remedy seems to be water & salty snacks. Sometimes I get that loud, pounding pulsing in my head. The key is to avoid tea / coffee & unfortunately caffeine.
    JFG – these Cheetos poppers – are what back in the 1990s Cheetos “Checkers” (square waffles), X’s – O’s / Paws were. They were like Cheetos puffs but more dense & with a good cheddar flavor. Not as crunchy as Cheetos but more cheese savory than tart. They were denser than Baked White Cheddar Puffs – which are awesome but still not the same.
    I feel like from your description these were like Andy Capp fries.

  8. Maria says:

    I’ve had really bad headaches my whole life (I’m only 19 though haha!) As I am European, I stick with the normal remedy, hot tea! It always helps, if you like honey you can add that too but I’m not a big fan of honey I just drink plain hot black tea. Also, get plenty of rest and try to keep your sleeping and eating schedules normal. If that doesn’t work, Ibuprofen can be your last option 😛 Good luck!

  9. Ryan says:

    Headaches gone in 10 mins with either Goodys or BC headache powders!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Ryan: I have tried Goodys! Decent…hard to find a good delivery method down the throat though. How do you take it? I usually try to swallow it with juice.

  10. bc says:

    Cheetos Paws were the greatest snack ever made, and the day they were discontinued was a day that will live in infamy.

  11. e says:

    combating headaches is all about HYDRATION. I’m a 20+ year migraine sufferer, I regularly experienced at least one a week. After not listening to my family and friends about water consumption (I never drank it, it sucks, might as well just be cold spit), i decided to give it a try, anything to stop my day ruining pain. After 6 months of drinking 2 liters of water a day (over approx 10 hours) my headaches are down 90%, not kidding. Its incredible. You have to get up to pee a shit ton more but its worth it. Despite all this I still hate drinking water but manage to get it down anyway.

  12. J says:

    i could be wrong but didn’t they have pizza Cheetos in the 90’s because i remember eating something like that as a kid

  13. jiji says:

    I had gotten the cheetos recently.. I found your review attempting to see if others had my experience.. I can only eat a few of these things before I start to feel kind of nauseated.. I do not eat a lot of chip-esk snacks but on the occasion i will get some.. I like the original cheetos and funyuns .. but these make me feel ill after about 5 of them or so.. perhaps its the oil content.. I am not sure.. but.. the flavors together to me kinda reminds me of a ramen noodles with a tomato base.. that probably sounds odd.. but its true lmao.. I am going to probably pawn these off on my brothers.. perhaps they will enjoy it more…
