Review: Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins & Lady Gaga vs. the Washington Wizards

Junk Food Nation, tonight is a big night for me: it’s Game 5 of the Wiz/Pacers series.  My Wiz, after dominating in Game 1, have dropped three straight games and sit on the brink of elimination tonight. Sigh, I might be pouring one out for the Wiz come 10:30pm tonight.

The best side story to these playoffs for the Wiz, however, was that if the Wizards made it to a Game 6, at home in DC, then that game would conflict with the Lady Gaga concert scheduled on the same night in the same place – The Verizon Center on Thursday May 15.  I mean, no one thought the Wizards would even be IN the playoffs, so this concert was scheduled six months earlier with no thought that there would be a conflict. But as soon as the Wiz won the Bulls series, and Game 1 of the Pacers series, a full-on sweat began.  The solution? The Philly and DC Gaga dates were swapped, freeing up the Thursday for basketball.

Of course, Gaga’s followers were PISSED: they took to Twitter to express their Little-Monster-Rage:

But now, because the Wiz have been sucking, there might not even BE a conflict on Thursday.  Holy hell. The swap in concert dates apparently has effected the secondary ticket market, but really, who cares about those vultures on StubHub? ($400 per ticket for Book of Mormon?  Really, you leeches!?)

Frankly, I don’t think the Verizon Center had a choice – while Lady Gaga has a billion more fans than the Washington Wizards, the per ticket value for the playoff game was waaaay more than the concert, and there was all the additional TV revenue for the team to think about.  Still, I have to think if there’s one group you DON’T want to piss off, it’s Lady Gaga followers.  Well, those people and Breaking Bad fans.  Can’t say a single thing bad about that show or they go NUTS.

What do you think, Junk Food Nation? Tell me in the comments below.

Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins!

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins: The Money Shot

Nick from first tweeted me a photo of these Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins while I was in LA over the weekend. I knew I had to have them, immediately.  I enjoyed the Dill Triscuits from two years ago, so Dill Pickle Wheat Thins?  Yes. Yes. Yes.

Also, no selfies in this post – I know you’re disappointed.  Bought these in California – that’s why the backdrop is Actor Sis’s glass coffee table, and not my leather ottoman.

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins: PICKLE!

Some people don’t love dill, and I have to admit, when I was younger, I wasn’t a HUGE fan.  But now, my brains “gets it.”  And I will always choose dill pickles over bread-butter pickles.

But, Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins, what does “Natural flavor with other natural flavor” mean? Sketchy.

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins: 140 cal per serving

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins: MMMM  vinegar

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins contain vinegar and dill – that’s all I need to see!

When I opened the box and sniffed, I definitely got a whiff of the vinegar.  In other words, they defintiely smelled – well, nice and sour.  I’m saying this as a positive, btw.

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins

Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins: Visible dill

I munched these Limited Edition Dill Pickle Wheat Thins, and immediately liked them. I indeed thought they tasted like dill pickle.  The first taste I got was the sour vinegar and salt flavor…they were pretty brine-y. I always feel that the sweet dough flavor of Wheat Thins shines through no matter what the added flavor is. But here? The salty brine flavor masked a lot of the mild sweet taste of the cracker.

The dill flavor was present but not overwhelming either.  It wasn’t a dill bomb in my mouth – it was just a enough dill to get a good taste of it, but nothing more. The flavor profile, after all, was dill PICKLE, not just dill, so I thought the balance was really appropriate.  The dill flavor and the sour brine flavor mixed nicely and represented the same balance I perceive when eating a dill pickle. There was no cream or cheese or buttermilk in the ingredient list of this cracker, so these didn’t have a creamy dill flavor or anything.  I appreciated this lack of cream – it helped focus the flavor on the PICKLE part of the flavor.

All in all, pretty tasty for a pickle lover like me. If you don’t like pickles, you might want to stay away. But if you do, I thought these were pretty successful.

PURCHASED AT: Pavilions/Vons (West Coast) – but then I saw them at my local Giant here on the East Coast.

COST: $2.50 on sale

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 10 Comments

  1. MarcP says:

    These are very interesting – can’t wait to try. Seems to scream out for either tzatziki or guacamole.

    Good luck with the Wiz!

  2. Elisa says:

    How would the publicists/organizers for both camps supposed to have known the play offs would continue when they scheduled the concert all those months ago?

    There’s a reason why you see “schedules subject to change” in the sport world among other places…

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Elisa: Oh, no, I agree – not hating on Gaga OR the Wiz. Just musing that the whole situation was ridiculous.

      Of course, the way last night’s game went, maybe it would’ve been better if Gaga had performed 🙁

  3. alek says:

    are u going to try the peeps minis next?

  4. MP says:

    Note to self: Don’t ever date a Lady Gaga fan.
    Cripes, people need to get a grip. It’s just a stupid concert. This generation is pathetic.
    I tried the onion White Thins based on your review, Junk Food Guy & I have to say I really enjoyed them. I’ll try these if I see them.

  5. Rich says:

    Anyone know if these are still available? LOVE Dill Pickle Pringles but they have been impossible to find lately!

    I keep wondering why Cheetos hasn’t branched out into many flavors the way Wheat Thins, Doritos, etc have? Their red hot Cheetos seem to have been very successful for them, why not green guacamole Cheetos or blue ‘blue cheese’ Cheetos?! And I would just DIE for yellow ‘honey mustard’ Cheetos!!
