Review: Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread & SAVE THE TV! SAVE THE TV! (Other News…)

Junk Food Nation, it’s Friday Friday Friday!  Time to celebrate with some looks around the news:

1. In one of the funniest (well, funny now only because the couple is ok) stories I’ve heard, a couple in Minnesota was found by firefighters trying to save their flatscreen TV while their apartment was engulfed in flames.  The report notes that “Firefighters saw the man ‘disconnecting the wires to his flat-screen while the room was filling with smoke…’” HEY MAN, I GET IT.  What’s a little lung damage when your 80-incher is on the line?? AMIRIGHT? I MEAN IT’S HD, PEOPLE. I CARE ABOUT VIZIO MORE THAN I CARE ABOUT MY SKIN.  Luckily the couple was ok, but apparently they had to be forced to the door. You mean, they put up a fight?  “GO BACK FOR THE HDMI CABLES!  GO BACK FOR THE HDMI CABLES!”

Meanwhile, the fire’s source was found to be “careless smoking.” WELL DUH.  YOU GOTS TO SMOKE CARELESSLY WHEN YOU’RE WATCHING HOUSE OF CARDS IN HD. Oh Francis Underwood, you lil dickens. You make me forget all about using an ashtray.

2. DC has made the move towards decriminalizing marijuana possession for amounts under 1 oz.  At the same time, Chipotle announced earlier concerns about the climate causing a avocado shortage that could lead to them halting guacamole production.  While these reports ended up just being reports, and not ACTUAL decisions (yet) by Chipotle to stop selling guacamole, what interestingly poor timing.  Didn’t you hear me, Chipotle? DC JUST DECRIMINIALIZED CERTAIN AMOUNTS OF POT.  You be trying to build as many Chipotle’s in DC as soon as possible.

3. Finally, have you heard about this story about a teen suing her parents in New Jersey? I’m not going to explain it; you can read about it more here.  But some thoughts: First of all, New Jersey. Second, what an awful story, no matter what happens – this relationship is just shattered.  Third, I’m sure both sides have some truths.  The girl is probably a huge pain in the ass, is the poster child for entitlement, and thinks the world revolves around her.  And the parents, in reaction to this, probably were screeching and laying down the law like crazed lunatics, not listening to the kid at all.  What a nightmare.

But what strikes me the most is this – WHO THE HELL are these lawyer parents of the friend that she’s staying with that thought it was a good idea to FILE A LAWSUIT??  As a lawyer, I can see how this was a HORRIBLE IDEA. Are you EFFING KIDDING ME?  File this under parents who sue Little League coaches for lack of playing time. I may be still naive in believing that, as a lawyer, my job is to make situations/problems better than when I found them. And maybe the interpretation of “better” is subjective. But DAMN – this lawsuit is the opposite of better. The WAAAY opposite of better.  This will only end horribly, I guarantee it.

And on that happy note – today’s junk food: Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread!

Hershey's Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread

Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread: Wait, what?

Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread was given to me by my Doctor Sis, but it’s everywhere now.  I saw these on the shelf at my local Giant Food Grocery recently.  Of course, I was intrigued by the hazelnut version because, HELLO, who doesn’t LOVE Nutella?

Hershey's Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread

Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread: The Money Shot

Funny thing is, until I got to college and met some friends from the Netherlands, I never even KNEW stuff like Nutella existed.  I grew up in rural Upstate New York.  I only knew about peanut butter and that was IT.  Then I get to college and these girls were spreading chocolate on their toast, spreading what looked like vanilla frosting on their toast, covering it all with candy sprinkles….ALL FOR BREAKFAST!  My mind was blown.

And now, in 2014, something like Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread can hit the shelves and no one blinks.  In fact, most wonder – why didn’t they do this sooner?

Hershey's Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread

Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread: FATTY FAT FAT

Hershey's Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread

Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread: NICE AND BROWN

Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread smelled like Nutella as soon as I opened the jar, and had the same look – a deep brown, a smooth surface, and nice texture.  I thought it was interesting that vanilla was listed in the ingredients.  Does Nutella have vanilla? Survey says: YES.

Hershey's Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread

Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread: Smooooth

Many of you have liked my more brief reviews, so I’ll do one here – this Hershey’s Chocolate with Hazelnut Spread basically tastes like Nutella, but is a bit more chocolaty. And that makes sense when you look at the ingredients – milk is included in this spread in greater quantity than in Nutella, and the creamy chocolate flavor hit my tongue first before the hazelnut. When I have Nutella, the deep taste I get is definitely the hazelnut; here, the chocolate was definitely more of the star.

So there you go – just like Nutella but more chocolaty.  I love Nutella, so I guess I love this too.  Would there be any reason for me to buy this over Nutella?  Hm……it’s one of those things where depending on what;s on sale, I’d buy the cheaper.  The differences between the two are really small, and this’ll satisfy that itch just fine.


COST: $3.99

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 2 Comments

  1. MP says:

    JunkFoodGuy, Rachel Canning is just another spoiled entitled brat from a rich family. I fully support the parents, whom were actually doing their job parenting. If she doesn’t like living with her parents, then she can get a job & support herself like the rest of us. She is not special, she is a pain in the ass.
    As for the other topics, I don’t like avocado, never tried Nutella or marijuana & I watch TV on a 21″ tube so it can burn in a fire 😛
