Review: New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles & I Don’t Watch “Dancing With the Stars,” But…

Hey Junk Food Nation.  Just a quick post today, as I’ve been swamped at work.  So, I don’t watch ABC’s Dancing With the Stars, but I know the gist – it’s a dancing competition where the contestants are famous athletes, actors/actresses, politicians, etc.  And if they win, the money is for charity, or something.  And they are paired with SUPER hot female and male professional dancers.

Apparently this show is in its 18th season (WHAAAA) and the new list of contestants came out.  On the list were Drew Carey, 76-yr old Billy Dee Williams (holy moly), and recent Gold medal ice dancers Charlie White and Meryl David.  And my first thought was, “Um, isn’t that cheating? They are already dancers, no?”

Look, I DO understand that actual dancing is different than ice dancing (er…..I guess), but c’mon – THEY ARE DANCERS ALREADY.  They understand needing to keep their arms straight and legs straight and balance and spins and all that BS.  How are they NOT the favorites to win it?  Someone explain this to me.

If you’re a fan of Dancing with the Stars and/or Ice Dancing, explain how the heck its fair that Charlie and Meryl are on this show. Look, I get it, it’s all for fun and for charity, and no one REALLY cares (least of all, me) but I’m just curious.  Don’t you think Drew Carey gets a list of his fellow competitors, sees their names, and thinks, “Well, this is bullsh*t.”   Tell me in the comments below what YOU think.

Today’s junk food: New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles!

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles: The Money Shot

Another new Pringles flavor!  New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles….wait, ARE these new?  New looking…but I feel like with all the new flavors Pringles have come out with (Chile Con Queso, Chipotle Cheddar, etc.) the people at the factory are basically using the same ingredients with a half a cup more onion powder here, some more garlic powder there, and so on.  Will I even be able to tell if these are any different than another flavor?

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles: Low on creativity

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles feature a chip riding what looks to be a block of cheese with horns (made of peppers), while “wearing” a cowboy hat.  Er….I GUESS that’s zesty.

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles: 150 cal per serving

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles: powder it up!

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles: next verse, same as the first

The open can of New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles smelled…well, pretty much like any other cheesy can of Pringles I’ve smelled.  A bit of cheese. Some onion and garlic smell.  Time to munch…

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles

New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles: bristled with powder

I bit into some of these New Zesty Southwest Cheese Pringles, and the first flavor I got was definitely tangy – tasted like tomato powder, despite it not being listed on the can.  There was a nice general nacho-cheesiness to the chips.  Like the recent Chipotle Cheddar chips, these were WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY salty.

Was there a zesty-ness?  Sure – this sort of tasted like cheese mixed with a tiny bit of ranch.  Other than, I have to be honest – I couldn’t really tell the difference between these and the multitude of various other Pringles flavors I’ve tried.  This was like the Chipotle Cheddar Pringles, with no smokiness.  Or it was like the Chile Con Queso Pringles, with no vegetable flavor. There was a TINY bit of burn at the end, but honestly, the burn could’ve been mixed with the general feel of the excessive salt.

In sum, I guess these have NEW on them, but honestly, I feel a bit duped.  I might staying away from Pringles from now on until they REALLY shock me with a new flavor.


COST: $1.50 each

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 12 Comments

  1. Justin Cornwell says:

    Did you see the bacon ones while you were at Walmart? Those ones seem different enough to be intriguing. And yes, figure skaters in dancing competitions seems completely unfair. In fact, shouldn’t this be even easier for them than ice dancing? It’s like me challenging Patrick Kane to a game of floor hockey.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Justin: I’ve been looking for those! Yes, those are definitely different enough…will have to check those out.

      And agree – it should be WAY easier. I imagine actually that with ice dancing they map out a lot of those moves on land anyways….so this should be right up their alley.

  2. Elisa says:

    I remember seeing a “Dancing with the Stars” book about the show itself a few years back. Not to mention there’s a “Dancing with the Stars” workout DVD!

  3. Liz S. says:

    As a former competitive ballroom dancer (and as a current friend of someone who competed against Charlie White and Meryl Davis in skating), it’s totally unfair that those two are in the competition. DWTS has gone downhill over the past few years, it’s not even a legit competition show anymore.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Liz: Good to know! And right – to be clear, I wasn’t hating on Charlie and Meryl, it’s BECAUSE they were so good on ice that I think they are just going to dominate on land!

  4. Mike N. says:

    I was trying to figure out why there’s a spring on the can, but I think it’s supposed to be a mechanical bull (made of cheese!)

  5. Anna says:

    You’re right, it ain’t fair. It will, however, bring in big ratings. The network couldn’t resist the draw of Olympic gold medal winners.

  6. Chizuko says:

    This one, my friend sent me from USA.
    Is this hot chips?
    I can not see this in Japan.
    Is this delicious?
