Review: Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate, Thank You Veterans, The Nosh Show Recaps

Junk Food Nation, Happy Veterans Day!  Thank you to all who have served, are serving, and will serve.  It is because of veterans’ brave sacrifice that we can all do what we want to do, whether it be sitting around watching football, building the next great skyscraper, or running a silly junk food blog.  So thank you to the brave men and women around the world in the military serving this great nation of ours.  As a gov’t worker, I have the day off so I can listen to hours and hours of relentless leaf blowing happening outside my window.  GOOD GOD IT’S LIKE THEY ARE BLOWING THE LEAVES INTO MY HEAD.

Since I have a break from work, I wanted to use today to recap new readers/listeners on the evolution of the podcast I participate in, The Nosh Show. Started by Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, it features Ryan from GrubGrade, and Dubba from On Second Scoop, and, of course, me, your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy.  It was Marvo’s brainchild, and I have to admit, I was initially skeptical.  I mean, I listen to sports radio podcasts all the time, and I enjoy writing about junk food,but would people want to LISTEN to people discussing junk food??  Well, apparently, YOU DO!

Our audience has been awesome, so thank you to all of you; as for you non-listeners, the Nosh Show army is always looking to recruit, so I’ve put together a short sampling of episodes below that you can listen to right here in this webpage.

The first episode of the Nosh Show debuted on April 18, 2013 (holy crap we’ve been recording this show for over six months now!), back when all of us had different microphones.  It sounded like a bad four-way call, and you can hear how sort-of-nervous we all were – it featured introductions and origin stories:

Fast forward to Episode 4.  We all have the same microphones (hurray!) and we discussed a number of topics, including adventures of taking pictures of food!

Do you have certain junk food and fast food items that have been discontinued that you remember, ever so fondly?  Well, we did too.  Take a walk down memory lane with this Tenth Episode of the Nosh Show as we discussed discontinued food items:

The Nosh Show has had guests!  In Episode 14, we talked with the Queen of Candy – Cybele, from the

Episode 15 was the ultimate in podcast nerdiness, as we held a CROSSOVER EVENT with the guys from the NerdLunch podcast:

I hope you enjoy/enjoyed the episodes!  Take a listen and subscribe to The Nosh Show on iTunes. Or if you don’t use iTunes, you can use this link to subscribe using your podcast player of choice.

I know I pimp this podcast relentlessly, but it’s only because I love it, I love you, and I love junk food.  And hey – wanna help me out?  Leave a review of what you think of the podcast on the iTunes! Thanks, Nation.

Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate!

Limited Edition Wavy Lay's Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate: The Money Shot

Oh baby.  Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate. Yeah, you’re seeing this right.  Gamechanger. GAME. CHANGER. The whole chocolate dipped potato chip thing had usually been reserved for smaller boutique gift snack companies.  I’ve seen Sanders do a WONDERFUL job at these.  Plus, I’ve had lots of friends make them from scratch.

You know that these smaller have something good when a big ass company like Frito-Lay decides they want to step in and join in the competition.  And here we have the result: Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate. Just in time for the holidays.

Limited Edition Wavy Lay's Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate: SUPER LIMITED

Want to know how limited these Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate actually are? I scoured three Target stores for these before finally finding ONE BAG (this one) face down on the ground at the end of some random aisle.  I might’ve overlooked it had it not been for me almost kicking it as I strolled by. THAT’S HOW HARD THESE WERE TO FIND.  Up the distribution, Frito-Lay, C’MON.

Limited Edition Wavy Lay's Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate: That’s some math I can get behind

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate are not rocket science.  Salty chips dipped in milk chocolate.  Obviously a good concept – who out there hasn’t dipped fries into a Frosty before, huh?

(PS: Now it’s lawnmowers blaring in my ears.  THE CUTTING WILL NEVER STOP.)

Limited Edition Wavy Lay's Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate: 40 cal per chip

Limited Edition Wavy Lay's Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate: Pretty basic ingredients

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate do contain milk, which is good, because if it didn’t, I’d be seriously doubting the name of this snack.

Limited Edition Wavy Lay's Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate: partial dip

When I opened this bag of Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate, the first thing I noticed was that, like many chocolate dipped chips I’ve had in the past, these potato chips were PARTIALLY DIPPED, not covered from head to toe in chocolate.  This, I felt, was a good thing – it gives you a better chance to actually taste the underlying potato chip and, more importantly, the salt that lies beneath.  If it was just a completely covered chip, the chocolate would dominate and the potato chip would be nothing more than a crunch factor – BORING.  No, Frito-Lay did it right with the half dip.

Smelled great, btw – nice and chocolate-y.

Limited Edition Wavy Lay's Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate: close up 1

Limited Edition Wavy Lay's Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate: close up 2

Limited Edition Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips Dipped In Milk Chocolate were both really REALLY tasty and yet unsurprising.  I mean, it’s a chip dipped in chocolate.  When I first chewed it, I tasted the wonderfully sweet milk chocolate and it immediately mixed with the shards of salt that popped and gave a sweet/salty savoriness with each crunch of my teeth.  The flavor of the potato chip came through as I chewed, holding up nicely despite the sweetness of the chocolate and giving me a nice starchy flavor.

Where Frito-Lay really earns high marks, IMO, is execution.  The chips themselves did not show up all stuck together.  The chocolate, while sticking to my fingers, did not chip and fall off the rest of the chip while biting.  The manner of dipping provided for plenty of exposure of chip on one side while dousing the other side with PLENTY of chocolate – no shortchanging of flavor.  And the crunch was pretty good – no chip felt soggy or waterlogged.

Frito-Lay has a winner on its hands here.  If you can find these, they are definitely worth it.  Golf clap, Frito-Lay…golf clap!


COST: $3.49

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 18 Comments

  1. cococinderella says:

    Ugh those photos!? I’ll still pick these up because I trust your judgment, but I absolutely hate when I can see any chip exposed on this type of snack! Hopefully a lot of others won’t share my view. Thanks for all the info as always!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Cococinderella: LOL, you don’t like the exposed part, eh? Well, I can’t help it – but I still think you’ll like these!

  2. Just spotted these at Target, about 3 or 4 random bags on an end cap in the holiday junk food section. I couldn’t believe how heavy the little bag felt. I also couldn’t believe the little bag is supposed to be FIVE servings. I resisted, although I did grab some of that gingerbread popcorn I saw in your weekend haul picture.

    They actually had quite a few interesting things amongst the very many uninteresting things. Andes Cherry Jubilee? Hmmm. Almost got those. Liked that the box tells you that there is bunch of empty box hidden under the wrapping. Would have bought them if it wasn’t for all the empty box hidden under the wrapping.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Dana: It was a dense bag. Five servings though – lol. What’d you think of the gingerbread popcorn?

      Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the holiday selections of snacks – there’s SO MANY!

      PS: Just saw your review of the Gingerbread bagels, and am bummed it wasn’t a better experience!

    • Haven’t tried the popcorn, yet, we’ll see who gets their review up first 🙂 I was shocked by how many new things it looked like Target had since Walmart didn’t seem to have more than a few, but they may just be ramping up more slowly than Target that finished their Halloween clearance and then just totally filled their seasonal section with Christmas sugar.

      I had such high hopes for those bagels.

  3. Devin says:

    When I first saw your pictures I was disappointed as well to see that the chips were only partially dipped, but after reading your explanation of why that’s a good thing I’ve changed my mind. I was definitely on the fence about these before reading your review, but now I definitely want to try them.

    Frito-Lay should totally give you a commission from these.

  4. EowynofRohan says:

    YAY! I told you about these!

  5. Anna says:

    I’ve listened to the Nosh Show and as a subscriber, I happily await each new episode. The exchange of all of you fellow bloggers is fun to listen to and I like how different segments have emerged based on your conversations. What I appreciate most is your improvements over each week – especially your sound equipment upgrades. I’m sure the microphones/software have been an investment.

  6. Lisa says:

    I finally tried these and they are MUCH better than the Trader Joe’s version. I could not stop eating them. I’m glad the bags are relatively small… helps curb my overeating somewhat!

  7. albert says:

    these are probably gross. stick to the handmade gourmet ones like

  8. Mikey T. says:

    I know this post is about three weeks later than when this article was written, but for those who have not yet tried these “chips”, you will NOT be disappointed when you do! I saw a page elsewhere and some people griped about the price ($3.29?), but this isn’t just a regular bag o’ chips. This is an addictive delicacy! (Sadly, they aren’t available in Canada, at least not at the moment.)

    Albert, the ones on your link look great too! Have you tried them? Let me know because these Lays are supposedly available for just a limited time…and I don’t want it to be the last time that I ever have a milk chocolate-covered potato chip.

  9. Melanie says:

    I just tried them for the first time today. Very weird but satisfies two cravings in one bag. Speaking of chocolate,the Tabasco infused chocolate is AMAZING.
