Review: Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn & I’m Not OCD, But This Is My Daily Pain

Junk Food Nation, Happy Columbus Day!  Because of this holiday, I’m not at work.  Of course, I guess a LOT of people out there have been out of work because of the shutdown anyways.  So this is…ah…just Monday.  Right.

Anyways, because I’m not at work, I am still in glasses and sweatpants.  I spent a good hour just reading my Fantasy Football stat lines from yesterday, gleefully squealing when I saw the day that Colin Kaepernick and Vernon Davis had, since I own both players.  Nothing like sitting on the couch in the wee hours in the morning, full on bed head, crusty eyed with glasses, laptop in hand FIST PUMPING because your make believe team beat another dude’s make believe team.  MURICA.

I went to the bathroom, washed my hands, and turned to wipe them – when THIS is what I saw:

Brach's Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn


Junk Food Gal, you’re the greatest, BUT WHAT THE HELL.  Every morning after you’re done, I take my turn in the bathroom only to find the towel looking like this.  AND IT DRIVES. ME. CRAZY.

Two things to note from this photo: 1) Man, I need to wash this towel, and 2) This is clearly what happens when one dries their hands on the way out the door to the left. You end up dragging the towel askew and LEAVING IT THERE.  LIKE A BARBARIAN.

EVERY MORNING.  EVERY SINGLE MORNING.  Straighten that sh*t out, PLEASE!!!

Tell me, Junk Food Nation, in the comments below – am I OCD? Am I crazy? Would this not bother you? And what DOES a spouse do on a daily basis that DOES bother you (leaves cap off toothpaste, e.g.)?  I would like to know.  I need a chuckle on this Columbus Day.

Today’s junk food: Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn!

Brach's Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn

Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn: The Money Shot

You know, I don’t know why I am eating so much candy corn when I really don’t love it.  Perhaps the revelation for me on this Columbus Day is that I *DO* like Candy Corn! Is that possible?? Maybe I don’t have an aversion to it, per se, it’s just that I don’t readily seek it out during the Fall.

Anyways, I was asked by some people to try the pumpkin spice variety, so here we go – QUICK REVIEW!

Brach's Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn

Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn: 140 cal per serving

Brach's Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn

Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn: Sesame Oil? Interesting

Brach's Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn

Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn: So very Orange

Brach's Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn

Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn: An even closer up shot because…well, why not?

When I opened this bag of Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn, I could smell that traditional Candy Corn smell with a HINT of pumpkin spice…I think.  I could’ve been tricking myself.  *sniff sniff*….no I smell something that reminds me of when I stick my nose to a Pumpkin Spice Latte.  There’s something there.

I popped some Brach’s Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn in my mouth and chewed.  First taste – traditional Candy Corn flavor.  Sweet, caramel-y, vanilla-y, waxy.  I chewed a bit more, and slowly the Pumpkin Spice flavor began to emerge.  Then when I reached that point when the chewed up candy corn piece shifted from in-between my teeth over to my tongue, mixed with my saliva, and then my tongue sort of mashed it against the roof of my mouth? BOOM!  STRONG PUMPKIN SPICE FLAVOR.  It was like someone had poured sugary pumpkin spice syrup into my mouth.  VERY STRONG.

An interesting experience – had to chew to release the spice, and then the spice was ALL UP IN THERE.  My taste buds and my nostrils.

Did I like it?  Sure, why not.  I still don’t crave candy corn, and this pumpkin spice variety hasn’t changed that, but if you are wondering if these are worth it, I’d say, for a little over a buck, why not?

PURCHASED AT: Walgreens 

COST: $1.25 on sale!

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 10 Comments

  1. Will says:

    I think that might make u OCD, but what do I know. Does the jfg know u wrote about this, and if so how does she feel about it.


  2. PinkCupcake says:

    Well I do have OCD so perhaps I’m not the best one to offer my thoughts, but that would drive me nuts too! If a pillow on the bed isn’t straight, or my husband hangs up his towel with it hanging too low in the front, or the picture frames on my nightstand aren’t lined up… yep, gotta fix it (at this point I do it without even realizing it, lol). As for the candy corn – so glad you reviewed this! I love candy corn, and I love pumpkin spice stuff, so I imagine these will be perfect for me. Sounds like they’re more of a success in terms of flavor than the Pumpkin Spice M&Ms (glad I didn’t waste my money on those!).

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @PinkCupcake: Thanks for sharing! Yeah, not trying to make light of people any level of OCD, so I appreciate that you didn’t take offense 🙂 More often than not, this is the scenario: I go into the bathroom, see the towel, and yell out CMON NOW. Then the Junk Food Gal comes rushing to see what’s up, hears my complaint, and rolls her eyes at me for being silly 😛

      Yes, you’ll like these candy corn

  3. Linny says:

    The towel thing would drive me nuts, but I’m a bit OCD anyway. I’m bugged every time one of my roommates leaves a drawer open by just a couple of inches. How hard is it to close a drawer?

  4. Carrie says:

    So my husband and I each have our own tube of toothpaste because he SQUEEZES from the middle! Makes me CRAZY!
    I have a bunch of other things, but that one makes me laugh.
