Review: Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat & The Nosh Show, Episode 13! & Recommending/Evaluating Yourself

Junk Food Nation, at my job, it’s time for yearly evaluations again.  I feel like most jobs, law or otherwise, have these.  Your yearly check to see how you’re doing, what you’re doing wrong, what you’re doing right.  In some arenas, these evals have a big impact – on your job, promotions, firings, etc.  And at my job, it’s no different.

But I’ve also been asked to write a self-evaluation as part of the evaluation process.  Hooo boy.  Anyone who has had to deal with this knows exactly how nerve wracking this is.  How do I rate myself?  If I rate myself completely awesome across the board, I’m a jackass.  If I say I’m mediocre in any categories, my boss will think, “Well, apparently, I’ve been missing stuff, because I thought he was pretty good, but here he is, calling himself subpar! DEMOTION.”

Junk Food Nation, have YOU ever had to deal with this?  And if so, what did you do, or how did you deal with it?  Please tell me in the comments below.


The Nosh Show, Episode 13

The Nosh Show, Episode 13

This week, “we talk about Burger King’s Bratwurst Sandwich, bacon Pop Rocks, and a new Mountain Dew flavor. We also argue about McDonald’s Mighty Wings, share our go to products, Marvo and Dubba have an argument about Frosted Mini Wheats Chocolate Little Bites, Eric shares a deep dark secret, and Ryan drinks three cans of Mountain Dew.”

To stay on top of The Nosh Show, you can subscribe to The Nosh Show on iTunes. Or if you don’t use iTunes, you can use this link to subscribe using your podcast player of choice. You can also follow The Nosh Show on its own blogTwitter, and Facebook page.  OR just listen to it, embedded above!

Today’s junk food: Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat!

Nestle's Mint Kit Kat

Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat: The Money Shot

Doctor Sis was recently wandering World Market when she texted me a picture of some foreign Kit Kats she spotted.  I headed up to the store the following day, scouring the store for the candy.  These flavors that World Market had weren’t totally bizarre like Chicken Crimpy or Monkfish Liver, but they were ones that I hadn’t seen in the US before – Mint, Orange, etc.  I settled on trying the Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat.

I wasn’t sure I’d like these, to be honest.  I mean, crispy wafers and mint?  I dunno…for some reason, I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around it.

Nestle's Mint Kit Kat

Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat: FAIR TRADE!

So, Nestle is heavily involved in the Fair Trade Movement.  According to Wiki, “Fair trade is an organized social movement that aims to help producers in developing countries to make better trading conditions and promote sustainability. It advocates the payment of a higher price to exporters as well as higher social and environmental standards. It focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries”  Thus ends our educational lesson for the day.

Nestle's Mint Kit Kat

Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat: 107 CAL

Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat calls itself Kit Kat Finger.  There’s a joke here, I just know it.

Nestle's Mint Kit Kat

Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat: I love the picture of the iPhone with WWW

Nestle's Mint Kit Kat

Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat: 107…again

As soon as I opened the package of these Mint Kit Kats, I could see that each two-stick chocolate pairing was individually wrapped, with a strip of paper that noted “107 CALORIES.”  Hm.  I wonder why this is highlighted?  A rather odd number, no?

Nestle's Mint Kit Kat

Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat: Standard look

Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat had the standard Kit Kat look, but smelled pleasantly of mint….time to crunch.

Nestle's Mint Kit Kat

Nestle’s Mint Kit Kat

I sank my teeth into these Mint Kit Kats, and smiled.  Look, I’m not gonna go overboard with description – these taste exactly like you’d think they would taste.  It’s a mint chocolate Kit Kat!  The chocolate was smooth and decidedly minty (but not too much so).  The mint was a mix of peppermint and spearmint – nothing too sharp, but also nothing too toothpaste-y. The wafers inside were crisp and crunchy.  The combo essentially was like a crunchy Andes candy!  Light, crisp, and satisfying.

I don’t know why I didn’t think I’d like these.  These were damn good. Same crunch you’d expect, and good execution with the flavor.

PURCHASED AT: World Market

COST: 8pc for $5.99

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s do this.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 6 Comments

  1. Lindemann says:

    In my experience, the manager who asks employees to identify their own weaknesses has an existing list of weaknesses to which he will add anything the employee identifies. So it’s a really great process. I have not figured out how to work it, myself. Happy trying!

  2. EowynofRohan says:

    Note: On the Nosh Show, I always get completely lost on who is who. So maybe say each other’s name more often?

  3. Elisa says:

    I’ve been keeping a handwritten journal of major things I’ve done at work during the year. I jot down what I did and the date. Plus it’s nice to use different colored ink pens! 😀

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Elisa: I feel like I start one of those each year…and then forget to update it. Plus, no multi-colored pens in the gov’t 🙁
