Review: Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit & Potential Hiatus on the Horizon??

Junk Food Nation, before I rant, I wanted to wish my Doctor Sis a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  The best oldest sister I know.

Back to rant: Junk Food Nation, you know I love you. And I love this blog. But you should know that I have a temper. I’m usually pretty even keeled…but when one tiny thing sets me off, I WANT TO RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE.

Case in point: this website. You should know, I basically built this thing from scratch, and I’ve probably done the equivalent of messing around with lots of pipes and electrical and insulation and then just plastering up a wall and painting over it.  Looks nice from the outside, but underneath, it’s a mess.  So, once things start to breakdown, I feel 1) helpless and 2) PISSED OFF WHY IS THIS DOING THIS WHYYYYYYYY

Website slowness, long load times, buggy posting, and now all of my reviews look weird – like this one.  I have no doubt that all of this is because of me.  NO. DOUBT.

So what is there to be done?  Well, I’m figuring it out.  People have been very kind to offer assistance, and that might happen.  Or maybe I’ll just blow the whole thing up and rebuild from scratch.  Or maybe I’ll just stop eating junk food (HAHA).

Point is, there may be a hiatus on the horizon. I’m going to try and press on until I can’t.  You might come back for a few days, and there’s nothing, nadda NOTHING.  And you’ll be like, “Where the hell is the Junk Food Guy???  Eric, WTF.”  BUT I’M HERE!  I promise.  I’m here trying to figure this stuff out.

Today’s junk food: Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit!

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

This one is for my friend Dubb over at and his partner in crime, Nick.  We discussed the Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit during our last Nosh Show, and I found it!  Who doesn’t love Choco-Tacos??? Let’s just get right to it.

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit has 6 chocolate taco shells, chocolate sauce and sprinkles.  You mean I need my own ice cream???  BOOOOO.

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

The Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit says that once the taco is prepared, it only has 260 calories.  Well, not if you stuff in 4 scoops of ice cream, like I plan to…

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Shells were weird – I broke off a piece and chewed it, and honestly, it just tasted like a REGULAR taco shell, corn flavor and everything, with just a slight hint of cocoa.  The corn flavor was JUST LIKE a regular taco shell.

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

MMMM prepackaged confection.  Those white plastic bags really get my taste buds going.

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

I had to go Turkey Hill when making these ice cream tacos.  Had to.  All Natural Vanilla Bean…I love you.

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

THE FINISHED PRODUCT!  I have to say, these DO look fun!

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taking a bite, my overall TASTE reaction is MEH. With the ice cream, the shell flavor was entirely masked…until more crunching brought forth the corn tortilla flavor, which I wasn’t exactly wanting.  More of the chocolate flavor came from the chocolate sauce itself.  In the end, YOU know what this tastes like – ice cream, chocolate sauce, some crunchy tortilla chip.  Woo.

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

BUT, from a FUN angle, this Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit was pretty awesome.  I DID enjoy eating an ice cream taco, or making, as seen above and below, Ice Cream Nachos with my broken shell pieces.

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit

All in all, for the little cost, I think this Taco Bell Chocolate Taco Dessert Kit was pretty awesome. Nothing surprising or unusual flavor wise, but a great concept.  I dig it.

PURCHASED AT: Super Walmart

COST: $3.00

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 10 Comments

  1. Nick Rovo says:

    I love how Dubba mentioned MY ideas in the Nosh episode for future choco tacos I wanted to see Klondike release. HE’S A THIEF! Eric, I need you legal assistance to sue him!
    In all seriousness, I can see why the shell was lightly flavored. If it was too strong it would take away from the other components of the treat. It’s more or less a placeholder to make ice cream time more fun. I mean who can say no to ice cream in a taco? Only people with the darkest of souls!

  2. EowynofRohan says:

    It looks normal to me now, and is running fine. I hope you get it fixed soon!

  3. Alek says:

    What about the nachos kit kind?

    I could honestly had done at home. Take some taco shells dip in chocolate let it set.

    Fill with ice cream then top off with hot fudge and sprinkles.


    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Alek: I’ve got the Cinnamon Nachos version around, will probably tackle that on Monday!

      And yes – the lack of creativity with the taco shells was a definite let down. They should’ve let kids design these – it was like they overthought it.

  4. So just to be correct these you buy at the grocery store not taco bell? This whole time I had seen someone post a image
    of the taco and thought it was an advertisement for it at Taco Bell and have been trying to find Taco Bell that had them. Now I know where to get them. Also are they on the ice cream/popsicle freezer section?

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @DeathbyIllusion: yep – bought at Walmart, actually….but I’m sure you’ll be able to find these in grocery stores soon. I found them in the “Seasonal” section, randomly, along with savory store offerings from Taco Bell. So…not sure if they will eventually stack these near the ice cream aisle, or the ….taco aisle? Dunno.

  5. Hannah says:

    I am glad you got your site sorted.
    I was listening to the Nosh Show the other day when you guys mentioned these and I ended up having a serious craving because they sound pretty epic. Good to see some photos and I’m going to attempt to buy these when I visit Orlando next week, hopefully they will survive the journey home!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Hannah: Thanks, Hannah. I hope you get to try a whole bunch of great stuff while in Orlando!!!! Are you photoblogging your adventure?
