Review: Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos & MY FRIEND HELPED MAKE MALARIA VACCINE

It’s a wonderful Friday, Junk Food Nation, and I MUST MUST MUST share something with you.  I have a friend Adam who is a scientist.  Like, a legit scientist.  He’s also a comedian, a storyteller, an artist.  Or a scientist for TV!  And a father, a son, etc. etc.  But today, I want to talk about Adam the LEGIT SCIENTIST.

The reason I want to mention him is because he is one of the geniuses who helped develop the MALARIA VACCINE that was announced yesterday!  Yes, more testing is needed, but this HUGE HUGE BREAKTHROUGH is amazing to me.  Malaria sickens and has killed so so many.  And now, we might actually have the beginnings of a full-on CURE. 5+ years of hard work, research, testing, more testing…and then a promising human trial???  You mean, science is still giving us breakthroughs?????  It’s awesome, and an affirmation that knowledge and the desire to solve problems is still a worthwhile pursuit.

So kudos to my buddy Adam and all the other scientists who worked on this at Sanaria.  Because I remember Adam when we sat in his room freshmen year debating the pros and cons of the song, Werewolves of London.  And now he and his colleagues are helping change the world, FOR REAL.

CNN article here.

Published synopsis here.

Proud to know you, Adam.  And here I am…writing about Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos. Kinda puts everything in perspective, doesn’t it?

But hey – LEMON TWIST OREOS!  Let’s do this!

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos: The Money Shot

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos!  FINALLY!  I saw these being tweeted EVERYWHERE last Fall, and Marvo over at The Impulsive Buy reviewed them then, too.  And I FINALLY FOUND THEM near me. Finally.

Look, i am the type who, when ordering dessert at a restaurant, always heads for the Meyer Lemon offering.  I just LOVE lemon.  Lemon meringue, Meyer Lemon Tarts, lemonade – I LOVE IT ALL.  Gimme citrus citrus citrus flavor.  Num num.

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos: 75 cal per

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos: WHERE’S THE LEMON

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos contain plenty of bad stuff plus citric acid.  Does that bother me?  NOPE.

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos: Rows of gold and yellow

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos didn’t smell like much, per se…

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos: Close up

…but they sure do look pretty.  Doctor Sis said they reminded her of the Carr’s Ginger Lemon Creme cookies.

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos: SO YELLOW (cue Coldplay)

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos have a lemon-y creme inside that, when eaten by itself, had a nice brightness to it.  A sweet cream that definitely had light citrus-y tangy notes, and a nice smooth finish.  Some might find this overly sweet, but I liked the taste of it.

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos

Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos: Cracked open

When eaten in conjunction with the Golden Oreo cookie, the lemon creme in these Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreos was perfect.  Standard Oreo crunch.  Pleasant sweet Golden Oreo Cookie.  And the combo was like eating a crunchy mild Meyer Lemon tart.  Or, if you’ve ever been at a fancy cocktail party that has those little tiny cookie cups filled with lemon jelly/icing, like one of those.  REALLY tasty, REALLY satisfying if you like lemon.

Great aftertaste too – sugary cookie taste with some fading sweet/sour lemon flavor.  Satisfying is definitely the word that comes to mind with these.

Chalk up another win for Oreos with fruity creme in them!

PURCHASED AT: Giant Food Grocery

COST: $3.00 on sale

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s do this.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 9 Comments

  1. EowynofRohan says:

    That is SO COOL about your friend. I wish I had a friend that I could say something like that about.
    Also, I LOVE citrus things, to the extent that I will eat raw limes. Was it more an artificial lemon taste (like Skittles) or a more natural one?

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @E of R: I enjoy raw limes too! I’d say these were sort of a mix of both natural and artificial – I know that’s not super helpful. The problem is, basically, they tasted like lemon creme – where, even if made fresh for a pie, etc., is sort of artificial tasting since it’s blended with other ingredients.

      So artificial in that it is a lemon creme, not a natural lemon flavored filling. But natural, in that the lemon zest taste I think was genuine.

  2. Nick Rovo says:

    Sorry i couldn’t get my hands on a package of these to send. i’m happy you were able to find them and enjoy them though. now if you want those lemon almonds I could arrange a shipment for you there. You’ll just have to find me something I could use with ice cream as a bartering tool;]

  3. Sparky says:

    Yes they have these now at our regular grocery store (Bel Air, I’m in the Sacramento area), along with the peanut butter/chocolate peanut butter Pop-Tarts. My brother likes them.

  4. jake and isabella says:

    tasted like normal oreo HUGE DISAPOINTMENT GOOD FAIL @OREO

  5. huge waste of time @oreo we expected lemon but nope it tasted like a normal oreo we were so upset this was a huge disappointment
