Junk Food Nation, WHAT THE HELL is the brain trust of college football doing?  After years and years of people being sick of how college football bowl games were decided, being sick of rankings and no playoff structure, being sick of the greed and the backdoor handshakes, and being sick of the sham BCS, especially – they finally decided to institute a four-game playoff structure.  Which wasn’t great but was a start.

So yesterday, they revealed the name of this college football playoff structure…and it’s called: COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYOFF.  That’s not a joke, folks.  The college football playoffs are called the COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYOFF.  Not January Madness, etc.  It’s named…what it is.  And you can vote for what ridiculous logo to use here.

I know, “But Junk Food Guy, it’s not like any other postseasons have names. March Madness is really the NCAA Division I Basketball Tournament, the pros call it the NBA playoffs, the NHL playoffs, etc.”  My response: UM, but we do have the World Series and the Champions League and the Stanley Cup and the Super Bowl….  couldn’t we come up with SOMETHING?

My suggestion: THE BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES.  Wait, no.  THE CHAMPIONS BOWL.  Yes, that’s better.

Let’s take a look at what is in stores now:

In Stores Now

@ Harris Teeter

Lifesavers Gummies are a favorite of mine.  And now in drink flavors??  Call me when they have a pack that includes Vodka Tonic, Ginger Ale, Brown Ale…because I drink those WAY more than raspberry iced tea.

In Stores Now

@ Fresh n Green

First of all, didn’t know Hershey’s made packaged ice cream.  Second, much less made SO MUCH packaged ice cream as to have limited editions!  Still, Banana Pudding and Brownie Batter? These sound legit.

In Stores Now

@ Safeway

Continuing on from a previous In Stores Now segment, more pudding flavors!  Not sure how I feel about this German Chocolate Cake flavor… seems like a bunch of coconut mixed into chocolate pudding.  Boo.

In Stores Now

@ Safeway

What is Turtle Sundae?  Apparently, it is: “The popular combination of vanilla ice creamhot fudge and hot caramel sauces, and toasted pecans is known as a turtle sundae. The name derives from the turtle candy, which consists of pecans covered with caramel and then dipped in chocolate.”  Hoooo…kay.  So, I guess it’s not hard to re-create this as pudding.  You just replace the ice cream WITH vanilla pudding. Done.

In Stores Now

@ Safeway

I like banana, but I must say, I have NEVER heard of banana caramel pie.  Banana cream pie? Yes.  Banana pudding?  Sure.  Banana caramel?  Sounds tasty, but is this a popular combo?  Someone tell me.

In Stores Now

@ Walmart

Speaking of pudding, it was only a matter of time after Go-Gurt came out that we could buy pudding that we just squeeze into our gaping faceholes.  I know that it seems like it is for kids, but honestly, who are we kidding?  I’m waiting for even more forms of food to come in squeeze bags.  Gimme me that bagged squeezable creamed chipped beef…yummy.

In Stores Now

@ Safeway

Would I still be fit if I ate the entire bag in one sitting?  Because that’s what is going to happen.

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 16 Comments

  1. Nick Rovo says:

    Hershey’s ice cream does not equal Hershey’s chocolate. Two completely different companies, just very similar names.

  2. It is stupid, but I can see why they chose such a generic name. The B1G Ten’s president was involved in that naming process and after he got BASHED for the Leaders & Legends divisions when they added Nebraska a couple seasons ago, they probably just decided to go with something vanilla to avoid that “controversy” and ridicule again (you probably didn’t hear much of it out east, but it was big news for quite a while here in good, ol’ B1G Ten country).

    I’ve had two of those three JELL-O Mix-Ins flavors and they are goodies, especially German Chocolate Cake. As for the banana pudding one, that’s not on my to-do list due to my dislike of that disgusting fruit.

    Anyway, check out my reviews for more info.

    German Chocolate Cake:

    Turtle Sundae:

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @IE: Thanks for the review links! You truly are the yogurt/pudding expert. And I agree – they were trying to avoid controversy…still, so bland

  3. Kaitlin says:

    Hershey’s has the best vanilla bean ice cream ever!!! I didn’t know they sold it in stores though, as I have only ever been able to get it at diners.

  4. Elisa says:

    Count me in on the popcorn! I’d be getting my own bag of course.

    The gummy Life Savers in the 1st photo is fine for kids. Now, Life Savers that tasted like bar drinks–that would be awesome. A little “drink” at your desk as you work! Just keep outta sight…

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Elisa: I mean, in Europe I’ve had some gummies that tasted supposedly like vine…but not really. I want to see a company ACCURATELY represent these flavors!

  5. Nick Rovo says:

    Oh just noticed how popcorn indiana is marking their popcorn as 40 calories per cup. Too bad the actual serving size is 3 1/4 cup (28 grams) making it 130 calories per serving. Its not much better than your average chip type snack but you got to love marketing departments attempt to make you think so.

  6. DiamondNDarkness says:

    You have never experienced the Hershey’s Cookie in a Cup?! They have been knocking off Good Humor flavors for years, like Chocolate Eclair and Strawberry Shortcake. Overall, I find they are meh in my opinion, but if you ever need a late night, junk food fix, the Cookie in a Cup is great! I have only seen them at gas stations and convenience stores.

  7. Kahnfucius says:

    I believe “March Madness” as a name developed organically, so hopefully something more interesting will go viral. January Jack’d Up? January Jones?

    Or they could sarcastically take the only thing they still have with any good will attached to it and call the playoff “The Grandaddy of Them All” just to make everyone yell for awhile.

  8. Rachel says:

    I have had the Hershey’s banana pudding ice cream and it was pretty tasty! Kind of hard to find though 🙁
