Review: Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreo & HELP! EVERYONE IS SICK!

Junk Food Nation, it is December…and that means cold/flu season.  Help me, Dr. Zaius!  Everyone in my office is sick…but me (for now).  I’m hiding in my office, trying to ward off the bad germs.  Avoiding them…well, like the plague.  But what can you do?

I’m one of those people who doesn’t REALLY think about germs.  Yes, when it comes to double dipping and the like, I’m a complete germaphobe, I admit it.  But some people won’t touch grocery cart handles, or bathroom door handles, unless they have a handi-wipe or some kind of paper towel.

So my defense to germs in my office? Keeping my office door shut.  Somehow I think that keeping my office door shut will keep out everything bad in my office.  Germs, new cases, whatever.  Chalk this logic up to hiding under the covers to avoid murderers and scary clown demons.

I dunno – I’m doing the whole Airborne thing, eating plenty of fruit, drinking water, etc. etc….what other fool proof ways of avoiding sickness do all of YOU employ?  ‘Cause I’m open to suggestions.

Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreo!

Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreo: The Money Shot

Guys, I’ve reviewed plenty of Oreos this year.  And there were so many.  As  some of you have commented, it’s like Oreo and Pringles wanted to compete and see who could come out with the most absurd number of new flavors in one year.  Or maybe I just never noticed it before.

When I saw these Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreos, I had some deja vu.  I thought I already reviewed these?  Didn’t I review the Limited Edition Dairy Queen Blizzard Oreos?  I did.  But…these are different somehow?

I can’t remember the last time I had plain old Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream

Twitter friend King Rhino once tweeted me that Cookies and Creme Oreos were coming…I thought he meant the DQ ones.  I was corrected by other bloggers…and that these these.Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreos WERE out there, SOMEWHERE!  Well, I finally found them.  FINALLY….as the year is about to run out.

70 cal per cookie


Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreo aren’t good for you. Newsflash.

Dirty creme

I felt the same thing when I opened these Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreo as I did when I opened the DQ version – this is Cookies n’ Creme inside an Oreo? The redundancy makes my head twirl.  Of course, the DQ ones I wasn’t a huge fan of – tasted like the vanilla-ish frosting creme inside of those Birthday Cake Oreos, and the little specks inside the creme didn’t add much.  Would these be different? I wasn’t sure – they certainly smelled the same…

Trying to fool me

Why do I feel like the only reason we have these Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreo is because some Oreos fell into the Creme machine and muddied the waters?  “Crap, now we have cookies in our creme….time for a new Limited Edition flavor!”

Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreo

I munched on these Limited Edition Cookies n’ Creme Ice Cream Oreos…and just had to chuckle.  THEY JUST TASTED LIKE REGULAR OREOS!  I mean, no joke…as you’d expect… you can’t really distinguish cookies n’ creme flavor from the creme itself WHEN IT IS INSIDE AN OREO COOKIE.

To be fair, however, i did like these WAY BETTER than the DQ Blizzard Oreos.  Why? Because while the DQ Oreos took that vanilla-ish creme and mixed cookie bits into it – producing that overly sweet vanilla flavor I wasn’t crazy about, these took the standard Oreo creme formula and mixed cookie bits into it. Thus, these just tasted like regular Oreos.

So I GUESS I liked them, in that I like regular Oreos.  And when I tried tasting the creme by itself…I got a MILD cookies n’ creme taste, insofar as the creme had tiny cookie crumbles in it.

But yeah, this was clearly just a marketing scheme to get me to buy a REGULAR PACKAGE OF OREOS.  Wow.  Dupe city.


COST: $3.00

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s do this.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 9 Comments

  1. Austin says:

    Wait are oreos cookies and creme lol wtf as you said Deja vu….

  2. Shorneys says:

    What you need is further scalability. Like crushing up the cookies ‘n’ creme Oreos and blending them into vanilla ice cream. Haha! Cookies ‘n’ cream ‘n’ cream ice cream!

    Then make a cookie ice cream sandwich out of that ice cream! A cookies ‘n’ cream ‘n’ cream ‘n’ cookies sandwich. The possibilities are endless.

    And by endless, I mean stupid.

  3. Nick Rovo says:

    I still will never understand these…if the bits in the creme added more texture that would be different but oreos literally are “cookies” and “creme”.

  4. Alan says:

    I loved these oreos cookies and creme. Where the hell did they go? can’t get them now. UGH!
