Review: New Cape Cod Chef’s Recipe Feta & Rosemary Kettle Cooked Potato Chips & YOU Tell ME What Happened to This Mailbox

So Junk Food Nation, I found this outside my apartment building earlier this week:


A full mailbox, uprooted from the BOLTS that once held it in place on the ground, bent and battered. What the heck happened? It WAS the day after the election, so my first thought was maybe a person angry with the result took it out on this mailbox … except bending metal is kinda hard.  Car crash? Driver tried to shortcut using the sidewalk? What do YOU guys think?

Today’s junk food: New Cape Cod Chef’s Recipe Feta & Rosemary Kettle Cooked Potato Chips!

New Cape Cod Chef’s Recipe Feta & Rosemary Kettle Cooked Potato Chips: The Money Shot

New Cape Cod Chef’s Recipe Feta & Rosemary Kettle Cooked Potato Chips were found at my local Giant Food, and I was intrigued by this idea of gourmet chips. Weldon Fizell is the owner / chef at the Regatta restaurant on Cape Cod.  Pairing his flavors with Cape Cod Chips makes sense – though I am curious how this all goes down.  Who approaches who? Does the chip company look around for a local chef, or does he reach out?


Cape Cod Chips recently celebrated its 30th anniversary.  The last time I visited Cape Cod, Maine, or rather any coastline, people kept telling me that I HAD to see/visit their lighthouse.  Go see the lighthouse!  You have to check out the lighthouse!  Newsflash: a lighthouse is…exactly what you think it is.  Once you go in one and climb to the top, the view is definitely nice.  But….once you’ve seen one…yeah.  Can we do something else?

Feta, huh?

Chef Fizell is behind this flavor of Chef’s Recipe Feta & Rosemary Kettle Cooked Potato Chips. Is it really a chef’s recipe when it’s basically two ingredients?

Sounds delish!

New Cape Cod Chef’s Recipe Feta & Rosemary Kettle Cooked Potato Chips has to be the longest name for a chip I’ve seen yet.  Doesn’t really just roll off the tongue, either.  I do like crostini, however, and feta and rosemary sounds like a winning combo…

140 cal per serving

Cheddar cheese???

It is a LITTLE concerning to me that these New Cape Cod Chef’s Recipe Feta & Rosemary Kettle Cooked Potato Chips have feta as the second to last ingredient and cheddar listed before the feta.

Nice  and crispy

Still, these New Cape Cod Chef’s Recipe Feta & Rosemary Kettle Cooked Potato Chips looked great – light, crispy, and smelled savory.  Unlike Kettle Brand Chips, these seemed to be cut a LITTLE thinner – they were actually pretty delicate.

Rosemary flecks?

I munched on a few of these New Cape Cod Chef’s Recipe Feta & Rosemary Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, and I have to say – not bad.  Nothing mind blowing, but flavor wise, it did the job.  As I expected, the crunch was good – despite the thin cut, the crinkling and folding of the potato slices produced enough layers where the crunch was still satisfying.

Flavor-wise, there was good potato taste.  Rosemary taste REALLY stood out – there was no mistaking the presence of that herb.  And I LOVE rosemary, so that was a plus.  The feta flavor? It was there….but REALLY subtle.  VERY light…I think the cheddar was added just to pump the taste of cheese up, generally.  I could taste a generally creaminess with the chip, but only if I REALLY thought about it (literally closer my eyes and licking the chip) could I imagine that feta taste was there.  There were moments, but it wasn’t like I ate the chip and it screamed FETAAAAAA!

All in all, how was it? It was fine. Just fine.  Would I eat it again? Sure, why not? Was it memorable.  Gotta say no.  Just a good well constructed chip – nothing more, nothing less.


COST: $3.50 on sale (ouch)

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 19 Comments

  1. Albany Dana says:

    I wasn’t impressed, I don’t think I was able to isolate any feta flavor, and it’s not like feta is a flavorless cheese. Go for the roasted garlic and red pepper, way better. I reviewed them back in May (those “New!” tags on the label are stretching things a bit) and am still buying them regularly when they’re on sale.

    (If you haven’t picked up any limited time gingerbread oreos from Walmart yet and like gingerbread even a tiny bit you need to go get them, they will make you forget those weak candy corn ones as soon as you peel open the bag and take a whiff. The FatGuys nailed their review, they’re awesome.)

  2. Gingerbread Oreos??? They’re trying to kill us with calories! Aaaagghh!!!

    As for the mailbox, I have two words – Segway accident. 😉

  3. Erin says:

    Considering where the damage is on the mailbox, it doesn’t really look like a car crashed into it. I vote (no pun intended!) that someone loves mail SO much they couldn’t resist bear hugging the mailbox and accidentally ripped it out of the ground.

    I love rosemary flavored chips – Archer Farms made a garlic rosemary baked chip, and when I was still with Target, it became some sort of lunch time addiction, so these entice me. I’m not a huge huge fan of feta cheese, so hearing that they don’t really taste much like feta, I might have to give them a go (if I can find them here on the ole West Coast).

    I second checking out the gingerbread Oreos. I reviewed them a few days ago on my blog – DELISH.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Erin: Haha, I DO LOVE GETTING MAIL 🙂

    • Erin says:

      If you can’t find the lemon Oreos or

    • Erin says:

      Ugh stupid phone – if you can’t find the lemon Oreos or gingerbread I’d be more than happy to drop to packages in the post for you – so that you can bear hug a mailbox. Lemme know!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Erin – Awh, thanks 🙂 I appreciate it, but no need – if I can’t find it, I can’t find it, and I don’t want you spending any money to satisfy my caloric intake 😉 Thank you though, seriously.

  4. Will says:

    Ya those gingerbread Oreos are damn good. I liked the lemon twist ones too.

  5. Eilish says:

    Get the gingerbread Oreos. So much better than the candy corn.I can send you some if you want. And I think it was a car accident….or a bus or something.

  6. Nick Rovo says:

    I’m pretty sure it went something among the lines of “Hulk no understand how postal service work. HULK SMASH!”
