Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips & Random Thought Friday

Junk Food Nation, it’s Friday, I got my butt chewed in court, and I’m tired.  Hence why this post is going up close to 3:00pm…but I still have energy to talk about junk food.  Let’s head into the weekend with some random thoughts:

1) Can the Yankees please Please PLEASE just win a game???  I know I’ve made no friends on this blog over the fact that I’m a New York fan, but MAN – it’s making the game I love REALLY tough to watch.  Ugh.

2) I’m not going to get political here, but I’ve spent the past two weeks watching both RNC and DNC stuff and I am BEAT.  I may be getting older, but when speeches end past 11:00pm, I just want to cry.  Who can stay up this late?  I feel the same way about Monday Night Football and every single World Series Game since 2000.  I know exposure and ratings are important, but LET’S SPEED IT UP A BIT!

3) Can anyone ANYONE tell me why I should switch to LifeClip from Instagram?  I mean, LifeClip let’s you put funny hats on your picture, BUT I DON’T WANT TO DO THAT.  Someone convince me otherwise.

4) My buddy Joe told me after Steve Jobs death, the stock would tank.  It’s grown from almost $300 per share since then.  Just sayin’.


Today’s junk food: Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips!

Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips: The Money Shot

I haven’t eaten a lot of Herr’s products, and the reason may be very simple: I haven’t had great success with Herr’s chips in the past.  So when I saw these Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips in Walmart, I thought, “Oh here we go again.”  And then I put them in my cart anyways.

Me = weak willed.


This bag of Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips was a decent size, which is, I guess, why they said it was VALUE SIZE.  The big bag size allowed for the GIGANTIC RAGIN’ RANCH letter across the front.  Ragin’ isn’t an adjective I use often, so I expected these to be CRAAAZY (cough).

It’s ranch!  And…jalapenos?

Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips appear to be just ranch potato chips with….some peppers added.  THAT’S SO RAGIN’!!!! HOW RAGIN’ CAN YOU GET!?  AND RIPPLE CUT TOO??? NO WAAAAAY.

Decent salt

Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips had plenty of that good stuff we all need – fat, salt, and calories.  Hey, I’m not complaining.


Spice AND spice extractive? Spare no expense, Herr’s!  I like it!

It’s cool, it’s hot…it’s ….chips

Welp, that confirms it – Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips have cool ranch dressing with a kick of hot pepper.  If that’s what these really are, I am legitimately excited.

Not REALLY powdered, but…

Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips didn’t smell like much except for some onion and garlic powder.  General savory smell.

As for my review of the taste?  Well, this is probably one of the shortest and easiest reviews I can write: Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips delivered.  It was, indeed, just a spicy ranch potato chip.  Not a HEAVY ranch (it’s really wasn’t that creamy at all), but had enough of that buttermilk and savory flavor that screamed “ranch.”

As the ranch flavor settled, the green peppery flavor began to take over, and a tiny burn emerged.  It was as if you were dipping normal potato chips into ranch dressing that happened to have little bits of jalapeno.  Decent vegetable-y pepper taste, and a good heat.

Red and green speckled.

Were these Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch Potato Chips too hot? Not at all – I personally wouldn’t call these spicy, but they did give off that spicy flavor which I like with jalapenos.  UPDATE: As I ate more of these, there really was a good lasting burn…so these weren’t just some weak spicy ranch chips.   A nice, consistently spicy, feeling lingered.  Thumbs up.

The chips themselves were standard – big round chips, big ripples, normal greasiness, normal crunch.

I’d certainly buy these again.  Nothing WOW (maybe even MORE ranch flavor would’ve pushed me into a higher level), but if you want a legit spicy ranch chip – here it is.


COST: …….you know, I’m not quite sure.  I’ll update this later (UPDATE $2.48)

Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at junkfoodguy@junkfoodguy.com. Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 14 Comments

  1. Adi says:

    Nom nom nom. Tasty.

  2. Elisa says:

    I may have had a Herr’s bag before but don’t remember the flavor.

    I argee with the timing on speaker slots during the conventions. The later the prime speaker–sure folks are willing to stay up for it with work and school next day? PBS was probably the better of the network channels to watch.
    Remember the one year Pres. Obama went until nearly 11 pm for his State of the Union?

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Elisa: I just hate getting older. I guess it doesn’t help that I don’t have a TV in the bedroom…but then again I’d just fall asleep DURING the speech

  3. Will says:

    I agree on the games, there is no way I can stay up that late anymore. I know the pats are playing on sun night in a couple of weeks. It’s not as bad as Monday, but still to late. By the way u didnt make enemy’s with me about the Yankees. I respect people who route for there home state teams. I live in ct and I have more freinds wo are cowboy fans than pats fans.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Will: honest opinion: what’s your outlook on that new guy Ridley for the Pats?

    • Will says:

      I think he can be a pretty good rb. I dont think he will be a super star, but I think he can be better than Ben jarvis green Ellis. There are 2 problems with him, last year he had trouble holding on the ball and he had trouble staying healthy. He did show some nice speed and runs. That said, I am really going to miss Green Ellis. He has never fumbled in the nfl, which is amazing.

  4. Nick Rovo says:

    I need to find the oreos already. I’m not much of a fan of ranch but the spice factor seems like a good idea. Oh before I forget, have you seen the greatest espn commercial of all time yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USHZZ5bwASU so good.

  5. Will says:

    @nick, I just saw that yesterday. I Had a good laugh over it. Espn has some witty commercials.

  6. Will says:

    @jfg, candy corn Oreos September 10 and a target exclusive!

  7. Chip Review says:

    These are decent Spicy Ranch chips, we must concur. However, we don’t like them quite as much as Ruffles – Ultimate, or Dakota Style, or Popcorn, Indiana’s Chip’in’s – all Jalapeno Ranch Chips (slightly different flavor name, but same concept in our opinion).

    Those Candy Corn Oreos sound crazy!!
