Irish Candy: Cadbury Flake, Cadbury Time Out, & End of the 2012 Summer Olympics

Junk Food Nation, today is the last day of the Olympics.  Will anyone be watching the Closing Ceremony? Maybe just for the torch passing, but the real answer to that question is clearly No.  And why? Because we’re all burned out.  I know I am…and I’ve been watching for two weeks straight.  I do love the Olympics for the same reason I love the World Cup – anytime countries get together to compete and show some national pride, I’m down.  I can actually think of my life based on where I was during each Olympics, Winter or Summer.  But for now? Like, every business trip or trip to Vegas…I’m ready for it to end.

And the crazy thing is there are still EVENTS going on today!  Are you going to watch ANY of these?? Just a sampling:

MODERN PENTATHLON: This is happening all day and its final leg is actually the last scheduled event of the day.  Wow.  Watching a woman run and shoot might sound dreamy, but I’d rather nap.

WRESTLING: I actually think Wrestling is pretty cool…but for some reason, the entire Wrestling tournament is today!  And I’m sorry, on a pretty Sunday, I will not be watching SEVEN HOURS OF WRESTLING.

MARATHON: What, have these runners been going since the Opening Ceremony? What gives here?  Why isn’t UltraMarathon part of the Olympics? I’d like to see which country emerges as #1 when you have to run 100 miles.

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS: Yeah…you can make your own comments here.

GOLD MEDAL BASKETBALL: Sort of interesting, but be honest – if you’re watching US vs. Spain, you don’t care about the US winning, you care about them NOT LOSING.  Because with those stars we shouldn’t lose.  So the whole time you’ll be saying, “don’t lose don’t lose don’t lose.” Boring.

Anyways, the next Olympics are in 2014, with the Winter Games in Russia!  Da svidanya!!

Today’s Junk Food: Cadbury Flake & Cadbury Time Out!

Irish Candy: Cadbury Flake, Cadbury Time Out: The Money Shots

Cadbury Flake and Cadbury Time Out were given to my friend Rob from a colleague who had a friend living in Ireland.  Talk about six degrees of Junk Food Nation.  Anyways, these candy bars were passed onto Rob, and he asked if I wanted to review them.  Why not?  I’m in an international mood, and I couldn’t remember trying these when I WAS in Ireland.

Cadbury might be sort of small in the US it’s the top dog, apparently.  So let’s dig into two of their offerings, shall we?

Cadbury Flake: The Money Shot.  So yellow.

Cadbury Flake:  Apparently this bar was made in 1920. Didn’t realize it’d been around so long.

Cadbury Flake: Easy ingredients, and it seems like the milk and cocoa contents are high (?)

Cadbury Flake: Open it up, and it flakes all over the place!

Cadbury Flake: Made up of thin rolls of chocolate

Cadbury Flake: Since it’s so soft, it crumbles easily to the touch.

Cadbury Flake: The wavy folds of thin chocolate stack onto each other like cloth.

Cadbury Flake is a really interesting “candy bar” if you can call it that.  It’s clear that it’s called Flake because the whole thing is a mash of chocolate flakes.  The milk chocolate taste is standard, swert, milky – nothing special.  The thing that makes this candy special is the texture.  The flakiness of the chocolate folds makes the whole thing very soft and sort of dusty – the Flake bar falls apart so quickly.  Because it’s so soft, it melts in your mouth immediately.  Indeed, this is just like those chocolate shavings you get on the top of cake sometimes.

Rob thought it tasted just like the outside of a Cadbury Creme egg, which is a credit to Cadbury having a distinct chocolate taste, I guess.  He agreed – it’s not the most transportable snack in the world to eat; indeed, he said he was told most people eat it at home and some break it up immediately upon opening.  He noted it was strange that these were served in single serving packets given its poor ability to travel.

Still we both agreed – great candy!  We could see why people enjoyed it.  Next: Cadbury Time Out!

Cadbury Time Out: The Money Shot

Cadbury Time Out: And this is the candy bar to EAT during that Time Out? Clever marketing, Cadbury.

Cadbury Time Out: WHOA.  This bar had a LOT going on with the wrapper.  English AND Arabic.  Trippy.

Cadbury Time Out: Looks like a long Kit Kat

Cadbury Time Out: Hey, is that FLAKE peeking out from inside??

Cadbury Time Out felt IMMEDIATELY like i was eating a Kit Kat Bar.  Actually, though, this snack MOST reminded me of an old candy bar Actor Sis used to love called Coffee Crisp.  Basically, it’s a light wafer candy bar, that was coated in chocolate and contained hints of coffee flavor.  In fact, eating this candy bar reminded me of tiramisu – but a crunchy version.  Not bad.

Rob noted the “flake”-like chocolate in the middle layer – while most Kit Kats had four layers of wafers, these had two with the flake chocolate in the middle.  He much preferred this over the Flake bar, but thought that the coating was a little too sweet.

All in all, both candy bars were pretty good, but IMO, the Time Out was pretty standard while the Flake was only slightly more interesting given the texture.  Thanks, Rob’s friend!


COST: zippy

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Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 2 Comments

  1. Will says:

    I’m watching the us basketball right now, and I couldn’t agree with you more. Just don’t lose. It’s pretty close right now though.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Will: Yeah they clearly played poorly. Eh, I was pretty bored – my friend said he figured they’d turn it on in the 4th Q, and that’s just what they did.

      It’s time to get back to baseball/football.
